
Hired for Secrets

Journalist Sofie has to seduce a handsome escort for an exclusive Tell-All article without getting lost in temptations that could put both of their lives, and hearts, at risk. “Sometimes you need to find the secrets in yourself to understand the ones around you.” Sofie, an investigative journalist pursues the truth relentlessly. Making it all the more infuriating when the aloof and charming Philip grinds her current investigation to a halt. Close to finally unmasking the corrupt female politician that stops at nothing to get the top job, Sofie knows that Philip holds the key to her downfall. But he seems immune to all her tactics. There is more to the infamous and high-priced male escort than meets the eye. Intrigued by Sofie, he skilfully traps her in a dangerous game of pretence, desire and denial that holds the incriminating information firmly out of her hands yet keeps her tantalizingly close. But when the politician’s violent death thoroughly rattles his golden cage he realizes that this is not a game. Forced to work together they peel away layers to the truth and expose a desire for each other that neither of them can control. As Sofie connects Philip’s secrets, she realizes how deep he is involved in the corruption. Will Sofie expose the crimes and risk Philip’s life or will she protect him and become part of the swamp?

genesined · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

I have no control with you

The hidden cameras were securely placed. Technically she was done here today if it wasn't for Philip's dare. She only ever meant the vibrator as a diversion. To get him out of the room. But now it had become her weapon in a fight over who of them would be the first to cave in from desire. Sofie knew the odds were stacked against him. Unless, of course, he was not playing fair.

"How do I know you've put it on and not just left it in the bathroom?"

"Press the button and find out."

It was a taunt, an invitation, a command. Their interaction had been theoretical for far too long and he was ready to finally unleash his skills.

With a tentative smile, Sofie pressed the button and the little machine purred to life. He leaned back looking utterly relaxed as if nothing was amiss. While the mere thought of what the vibration did to him sent an arrow straight to her core. She realized that the odds against him were not quite as high as she thought. But blind optimism spurted her on; there were still four more vibration strengths. This was his game to lose, for sure.

"Now that I showed what a good sport I am, how about you put some skin in the game too?"

"That was not the deal."

"Come on, you are making this too easy for me. I can already see that this is affecting you way more than me. At least, give me a challenge here."

His observational skills were as sharp as ever and totally unaffected by the machine between his legs.

"What do you have in mind?" she hatched.

"Unbutton your blouse for me."

"Ok. But for every one of your requests I'll increase the vibration strength."


One by one she opened the buttons of her silk blouse. When she was done she slid her fingers down the middle and moved the fabric to the side to reveal herself to him. Her full breasts were tightly caged in the black lace bra that Philip wanted to see at her last visit. She knew how visible her nipples were in the sheer material and felt them hardening. To curb the ache that was already building up, she gave them a light squeeze and watched a soundless sigh escape from Philip's parted lips. She was turning him on.

"I take it I've levelled the playing field?"

"That you have indeed, Miss Carter." he said, dragging his eyes from her exposed cleavage back to her face.

"So is this how it usually goes? With your clients, I mean."

"No. No one has ever dared me to finish before them. It's not what they pay money for. They probably have enough of that at home."

"Of course…," she said almost absent minded, because her eyes were drawn to the large bed, taunting her with imaginary images of his other clients melting into lava under his touch.

To refocus she put on her journalist lens.

"I take it, you see yourself as an elite athlete? Having built up stamina and will-power to master this high-endurance sport. So, when was the last time you played just for fun?"

"A while. Probably years." His answer was slow and his focus drifted elsewhere. For a journalist this was a tell-tale sign, like the drop of blood in the water for a shark. It told her where to circle and that there was a juicy story to sink their teeth into.

"You are surrounded by women everyday and you tell me that you have not been tempted for years?"

"It is not as surprising as you think."

"Why is that?"

"I am not attracted to any of my clients."

Out of nowhere Sofie felt disappointment grip her. She was his current client. If he wasn't attracted to her, why was she even playing along. She suddenly felt like trying to best a master in a game she didn't even know the rules for.

"With you it is different, though," he said as if he could sense her doubts. "I am not quite sure where to place you… yet. And that's why I want you to take off your pants."

"Is that so?" Relief and excitement formed an intoxicating cocktail that she drank too quickly. "Are you ready then for the next vibration level, Philip?"

He nodded with a confidence that set every competitive fibre in her body ablaze.

Sofie stood up. Her hands were slowly sliding down the zipper of her pants. She unfastened the button and with one elegant shimmy the dress pants slid off her bottom and pooled at her feet.

Philip licked his lower lip and sucked it lightly between his teeth. He wasn't aware of what he was doing and the hot flush this small gesture brought to Sofie's cheeks. He was occupied with devouring her muscular thighs and flitting over her black laced panties.

She sat back down only to find his eyes cooled off and back on her face. He had regained his control already. But Sofie was not done yet. With a sinful smile she lightly spread her thighs, exposing the translucently clothed vee between her legs. And that's when she hit the button to increase the vibration strength.

His cheek muscles tighten and his breathing increases. Yes, he was definitely turned on by her.

"Miss Carter," he rasped, "I give it to you, you certainly know how to play."

It took him much less time than Sofie would have expected to regain his equilibrium again. And with a dark grin he issued his next request.

"I want you to touch yourself."

"Next level? So soon?"

"No." His reply was a little too quick. Was this finally a sign of weakness? "You'll give me that one for free because you want it more than me."

While infuriating, it probably was a true statement. The ache between her legs had become painful and throbbing. She was dying to stroke the overheating flesh to ease the sensation. But this was a game she did not intend to lose.

"Rarely anything in life is free, Philip. You of all people should know this. If you want me to find relief, you need to pay. Let's see how altruistic your request really was."

He closed his eyes and let a hand run through his light brown hair. When he opened them again the heat on his skin had recited. Whatever dark voodoo he conjured it worked. He looked as calm and relaxed as at the beginning.

"Ready." he said with a mischievous grin that said 'let the show begin'.

Sofie slipped her hand between the elastic of her panties and let it slide down to where the storm raged. It felt good to let her fingers stroke between the folds.

"Keep going." His voice was dark and suggestive, tempting her to climb higher. She dipped her fingers into the warm wetness and a moan wrangled free from her lips. But this was war, and his erection her weapon. She would not be the one caving in from desire.

She pulled her hand back. With dark calculation in her eyes she darted out her tongue and licked the arousal from her glittering fingers. The effect on Philip was immediate and devastating. She almost felt sorry for pressing the remote control button at this very moment.

He grabbed the armrest of his chair and let his fingers sink into the soft leather. A low rumble came from his throat. Was it pleasure or agony? Hard to tell. But it was clear that he was about to lose the control he had cultivated for years. With a tortured look on his face he hurled himself forward to grab the remote to switch off the device.

"Enough," he breathed, "I rarely let myself come with a client. Certainly not like this." With a small shake of his head he added, "I'm still fully clothed. This is not what I want."

"Then what do you want?"

Sofie could not help but feel for the man who puts his partners before him. Who stopped the game before it got out of hand.

But as the silence to her question stretched, doubts festered in her mind. Is this what he wanted all along? Get under her skin? Make her care for him?

She suddenly had the urge to check whether this had all been a rouse. Whether this game was rigged. Whether he was really wearing the device or was merely a terrific actor.

She closed the distance between them. Leaning over him she anchored herself with one hand on the back of his chair, while letting the other move up his thigh.

He closed his eyes and inhaled sharply, savouring her touch, her nearness. Before his face suddenly hardened.

"You don't trust me," he said, opening his eyes. He focused on her face which was only inches away. "Go ahead, then, find out what you wanted to check."

Holding his stare, her fingers moved up to find the hard shell of the machine. He had been wearing it. It was not just an act.

She should have pulled back then. After all, she had the confirmation she wanted. But something tempted her on. Something in his black unmoving glare dared her to not part just yet.

She let her hand explore further. It was impossible to tell where the machine ended and he began. Everything she touched was hard and unmoving. But she must have found his flesh, because his breathing had become rapid and erratic.

"Stop," the sharpness in his voice made her jump. Leaning forward to breath her in, he added softly "Stop, I have no control with you."

The weight of his confession felt like a hot dagger to her centre. The bittersweet pain made her tumble backwards onto the couch. Gone was his darkness. She now looked at a wicked smile in Philip's face.

"You had your hands on me. What do you say, Miss Carter? Are you granting me the same privileges? Fair is fair."

Sofie realized that she had won the fight, but lost the war. She now wanted him more than the YubiKey.

"Yes." she breathed with anticipation.