

In the enigmatic city of Himari, the ruthless and powerful Crime Lord, Kaede Nishihara, holds dominion over her foes with an iron fist. When the Vixen, crosses paths with Kaede, she finds herself entangled in a web of power, control, and brutal consequences. Amidst the shadows of the criminal underworld, Kaede employs her cunning and unyielding nature to enforce her reign. As she pitted her enemies against each other, she proves to be a formidable force, whose grasp extends beyond the reaches of justice. The Vixen, is a vigilante, a woman of strength and defiance. Her resilience in the face of unimaginable torment captures the attention of Kaede, as she becomes a pawn in a deadly game of power and survival.

HaikuAmane · Urban
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26 Chs

C22: Fall of the Crime Lord (Part 3)

Kaede sat in her chair, a cigarette dangling from her lips. She was deep in thought, plotting her next move. Her mind wandered to the recent events, the thrill of the hunt and the pleasure of domination. A soft knock interrupted her reverie.

"Come in," she called out, her voice lazy and inviting.

The door creaked open, revealing Park Jae Yung. He stood in the doorway, his eyes locked on her. "Hello, Madam Nishihara."

She raised an eyebrow, pushing herself up from the chair. "To what do I owe this unexpected visit, Mr. Park?"

He wasted no time, closing the distance between them. His hands reached out, pulling her close. "I've been wanting to try something new," he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear.

She pulled back, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh? And what might that be?"

He didn't answer, instead, his lips crushed against hers. She resisted at first, but the passion in his kiss was too intense to ignore. She moaned softly, her body responding to his touch.

As they broke apart, she gasped for air. "That's… something new, Mr. Park. But why bring it up now?"

His hands traced down her back, pulling her closer. "Because I wanted to share it with you, Madam. With your expertise, we could make it even better."

She arched an eyebrow, her eyes locked on his. "And who will be our guinea pig for this 'new game'? Your wife, perhaps?"

His eyes flashed with annoyance. "You don't understand, Madam Nishihara. This isn't about anyone else. It's just you and me."

His words sent a shiver down her spine. She knew better than anyone that games could be dangerous, and she was always looking for a challenge. She smirked, her eyes locked on his. "Alright, Mr. Park. Let's play your naughty little game, explain it to me."

Jae Yung explained the rules of the game with a wicked grin. "It's simple, really. We'll take turns pinching various parts of each other's body. If the other person moans, you get five minutes to do whatever you want. If they scream, you get fifteen minutes."

Kaede's eyes narrowed, her lips twitching into a smirk. "You're a sly one, aren't you? In this game, the woman is at quite a disadvantage."

He nodded, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Of course, but that's part of the fun, isn't it? A bit of risk, a bit of excitement, oh, and, you can only pinch a body part once."

She paused, considering his proposition. The game was daring, exhilarating, and potentially dangerous. But she lived for this kind of rush.

"Very well, Mr. Park. Let's see how good you are at this... game."

As they prepared for the game, Kaede slowly undressed, her eyes locked on Jae Yung's. She reveled in his gaze, enjoying the effect her body had on him. When she removed her last piece of clothing, she caught him staring, his eyes wide. She couldn't help but tease him. "Now that I think about it, this is the first time you're seeing me like this, naked." She added with a smirk, "The last time we fucked, we didn't take off each other's clothes."

Jae Yung's eyes flickered up to meet hers, his cheeks flushed. He swallowed hard, "That we didn't."

Once they were both completely naked, they climbed onto the bed, lying down facing each other. Jae Yung hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Ladies first."

Kaede's smirk grew, her eyes sparkling with mischief. She leaned forward, her fingers teasing his sensitive nipples. "Ah-ah-ah," she crooned, pinching them hard enough to make him wince but not quite enough to elicit a moan.

He gritted his teeth, his eyes squeezed shut. "I can take more than that, Madam Nishihara."

She released his nipple, sitting back. "Impressive," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "But remember, just a moan and you get five minutes. A scream, and it's fifteen."

Jae Yung's eyes narrowed, his resolve firm. "You're telling me the rules of my own game! Wow! Understood, Madam."

The game began in earnest, each of them taking turns to touch, tease, and torment. Their bodies were on display, their skin flushing with heat and arousal. The air was thick with desire, the tension between them almost palpable.

As the game progressed, they both pushed their boundaries, testing their limits. Each touch, each pinch, brought them closer to the edge, their bodies begging for release, yet, no one gave in.

It was Jae Yung's turn again, his eyes gleaming with malice. He leaned forward, his fingers wrapping around her nipple. He squeezed and pinched, the pain making her wince. But when he stretched it further, she let out a soft moan, her body arching involuntarily.

"That's right, Madam," he said, his voice low and sultry. "You're all mine for the next five minutes."

Her eyes flared, her lips parting in a sultry smile. "What will you do?" she purred, her voice thick with lust.

He smirked, not giving her a straight answer. "Five minutes are too less to fuck you properly."

Without waiting for her response, Jae Yung began his sensual assault. His lips brushed against her skin, his tongue tracing patterns around her nipple. He took it between his teeth, gently nibbling, sending shivers down her spine.

Kaede's moans grew louder, her body trembling under his touch. Her hands gripped the sheets, her nails digging into the fabric. She tried to resist, but the pleasure was too intense. Waves of desire crashed over her, her body craving more.

Jae Yung continued his teasing, moving lower. His fingers traced patterns on her stomach, his lips kissing a trail down her abdomen. He paused, his eyes locked on her wet pussy, his fingers gently stroking.

"Shall I continue, Madam?" he asked, his voice thick with lust.

"Yes," she whimpered, her body writhing beneath him. "Please."

He obliged, his fingers delving into her folds. The warmth of her wetness enveloped him, his fingers sliding inside her effortlessly. He thrust gently, his fingers mimicking the motion of his cock. She moaned louder, her hips bucking against his hand. His thumb found her clit, circling it gently. She cried out, her climax imminent.

Yet, he didn't stop. His lips found her nipple once more, his teeth grazing it delicately. Her body convulsed, her orgasm ripping through her like a wildfire.

Her screams echoed through the room, her body trembling from the intensity of her orgasm. After a few moments, she panted heavily, her eyes wide with surprise. "You really are something, Mr. Park," she gasped, her voice hoarse from screaming.

Jae Yung smiled, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "I told you, Madam Nishihara. Five minutes are too less to fuck you properly."

She shook her head, a smirk playing on her lips. "I've never been with a man who could make me cum this quickly, and without even using his cock."

He chuckled, his eyes locked on her swollen pussy. "Well, I always say practice makes perfect."

Kaede's eyes sparkled with amusement, her body still tingling from her previous climax. "Ohh shut up, it's embarrassing for me."

It was Kaede's turn again, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. She leaned forward, her fingers wrapping around Jae Yung's cock. She squeezed gently, her grip tightening as she moved up and down. He groaned, his body trembling with pleasure.

As she reached the head of his cock, she made her move. With a wicked smirk, she dug her nails into the sensitive skin. A sharp cry escaped his lips, turning into a scream as she increased the pressure.

She released him, her eyes locked on his face. "Well, that was one way to make you scream, wasn't it, Mr. Park?"

His breathing was ragged, his eyes wide with a mix of pain and pleasure. "You... You are cruel, Madam Nishihara."

She laughed, her voice low and sultry. "Oh, I haven't even started yet."

With that, she lowered her head, her lips wrapping around his cock. Her mouth moved in perfect synchronization with her hand, her tongue swirling around the sensitive head. His moans grew louder, his body shaking.

As she continued her oral assault, she reached for his balls, gently rolling them in her hand. His screams of pleasure filled the room, his body writhing beneath her.

She didn't stop, her determination unwavering. She wanted to push him to his limits, to prove that she was the dominant one in this game. Her mouth and hand moved in perfect harmony, driving him closer to the edge.

Finally, his body convulsed, his cock throbbing in her mouth. She felt the warm jets of cum hitting her tongue, his release marking the end of the game.

As he lay panting, she pulled back, her lips glistening with his cum. "Well, Mr. Park, don't think I'm done with you just yet," she said, her voice low and sultry.

He didn't argue, his body still recovering from the intense climax. "Of course, Madam Nishihara."