

In the enigmatic city of Himari, the ruthless and powerful Crime Lord, Kaede Nishihara, holds dominion over her foes with an iron fist. When the Vixen, crosses paths with Kaede, she finds herself entangled in a web of power, control, and brutal consequences. Amidst the shadows of the criminal underworld, Kaede employs her cunning and unyielding nature to enforce her reign. As she pitted her enemies against each other, she proves to be a formidable force, whose grasp extends beyond the reaches of justice. The Vixen, is a vigilante, a woman of strength and defiance. Her resilience in the face of unimaginable torment captures the attention of Kaede, as she becomes a pawn in a deadly game of power and survival.

HaikuAmane · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

C20: Fall of the Crime Lord (Part 1)

As Kaede puffed on her cigarette, the smoke swirling around her like a halo of darkness, she glanced over the list Zhang Xingwei had compiled for her. It seemed he'd been diligent in his work, listing all the remaining female officers who still needed to be "persuaded" to reveal the true identity of the elusive Vixen. She leaned back in her chair, the soft leather groaning under her weight, and let out a slow stream of smoke. "Alright, Xingwei," she said, her voice smooth as velvet, "it seems we now know who the Vixen is, huh?"

Kaede exhaled a plume of smoke, watching as the tendrils of gray swirled lazily in the dimly lit room. She tapped her fingers against the armrest of her chair, a calculated look in her eyes. She looked up at Zhang Xingwei, and posed a question. "Do any of the remaining females have taken a leave?"

Zhang's eyes flickered down to the list before looking back at his boss. "Detective Ikari is currently on a leave, Madam Nishihara. She has been away for quite some time now." His voice was steady, laced with a sense of anticipation.

Kaede's smoky gaze locked onto Zhang's, a cunning smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "And what does that tell us, my dear Xingwei?" She leaned back in her chair, resting her smoldering cigarette between her fingers.

Zhang's expression hardened. "It narrows down our suspects, Madam Nishihara. With Detective Ikari on leave, and given the timing of her leave, it would make sense that the Vixen's true identity lies within her."

Kaede's grin grew wider, and she chuckled softly. "Bingo, Xingwei. Bingo." Her voice dripped with satisfaction, as if she had just solved the most challenging puzzle. She leaned forward, the flicker of excitement dancing in her eyes. "Well, Xingwei, how do you suggest we deal with this amusing situation? Prey tell."

Zhang Xingwei contemplated the situation for a moment, the gears turning in his mind. "We could simply eliminate Detective Ikari, Madam Nishihara. Put an end to this game once and for all."

Kaede laughed softly, the sound echoing through the dimly lit room like a sinister melody. She stepped closer to Zhang, her sultry voice sending shivers down his spine. "Oh, no, my dear Xingwei. There's no fun in that. We must play with our prey, savor the thrill of the hunt." She wrapped her arms around his neck, her body pressing against his, the heat from their bodies melding together. "I want to toy with the Vixen, make her squirm."

Xingwei couldn't help but feel his heart rate quicken under her touch. His breathing hitched as he looked into her dark, captivating eyes. "Then, what do you propose, Madam Nishihara?" he asked, his voice low and thick with desire.

Kaede pulled away slightly, her expression wicked as she ran a finger down his cheek. "For now,  just abduct Sergeant Kim. Let's see how our little Vixen reacts when we threaten someone close to her. I want to watch her dance, Xingwei. Play with her, toy with her, and enjoy the show." She leaned in once more, her lips brushing against his ear. "I want to make her pay, for all the hard time she's given me, Xingwei."

Zhang's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but he quickly recovered. "But Madam Nishihara, what should I do with Sergeant Kim once she is abducted? She holds no value to us after this."

Kaede's laughter rang out, low and husky, like the purr of a contented predator. "Do with her as you please, Xingwei. Kill her, cut her, rape her...I don't give a damn, just make sure she suffers." She spoke each word with relish, her eyes gleaming with malicious mirth.

She licked her lips, her voice low and sultry. "She will be my trophy, one I will gladly show to that Vixen, as a reminder of my power."

He nodded, swallowing hard. "Understood, Madam Nishihara."

Her hands slid up his chest, her fingers teasingly digging into his shirt. A wicked smile played across her lips as she pulled him closer. "But before we send her off to her grisly fate.... Xingwei, You've been working so hard. Don't you think you deserve a little reward?"

His heart pounded in his chest, but he stammered, "I couldn't possibly, Madam Nishihara. You are far too...far too powerful."

She chuckled softly, her fingers trailing down his abdomen. "Don't worry, love. This is just between us. Enjoy it, because who knows when I'll be in this mood again after I marry."

With that, she pushed him onto the bed, her lustful gaze never leaving his. As he landed on the soft mattress, she hovered over him, her smile never faltering. "Tonight, Xingwei, you may have me. Enjoy it, for it may be your last taste."

Kaede's eyes sparkled with wicked intent as she moved to straddle Zhang, her hips grinding against his, their bodies rubbing together through their clothes. She untucked his shirt, revealing a hint of taut muscles beneath. Her fingers trailed down his chest, her nails scraping lightly against his skin. She leaned in, her lips brushing against his, teasing him.

"Such a good boy, Xingwei," she whispered, her breath hot against his skin. "You've earned this. Now, let's see if you can satisfy me."

Her mouth found his, kissing him hungrily, her tongue darting inside, exploring. She nipped at his lower lip, drawing blood, then licked it away, savoring the sweet taste. Her hands roamed across his chest, his nipples pinched gently, her nails digging into his skin, leaving no inch unexplored.

As she writhed against him, she felt the growing bulge of his erection against her center, pressing against her through their clothing. A wicked grin spread across her face, and she ground herself against him, relishing the friction. "You're so hard for me today, aren't you, Xingwei? I've never seen you this hard before." She giggled, her voice throaty with desire. "I wonder if it's because of the possibility that this may be your last time having to fuck me."

Kaede's lips left Zhang's, trailing down his neck, her tongue tracing the sensitive skin. She nipped at his earlobe, her teeth scraping against it, sending shivers down his spine. "I bet you want me right now, don't you?" she whispered, her voice thick with lust.

He moaned, his body arching under her, desperate for more. His hands gripped the sheets, nails digging into the fabric. "Yes, Madam Nishihara," he gasped, his voice raw with need. "I want you so bad."

A saucy grin spread across her face. "Then, let's see if you can handle me, Xingwei."

She tore open her blouse, revealing her lacy bra, the material barely concealing her ample breasts. She reached for his belt buckle, unfastening it with deft hands. His eyes widened as she pulled down his pants, his erection springing free, hard and ready.

She licked her lips, her eyes fixed on his arousal. She straddled him again, positioning herself over him, slowly guiding him inside her. The friction of their bodies sent shivers down their spines. Kaede's nails dug into his chest, her hips thrusting rhythmically. "You are mine tonight, Xingwei," she growled, her eyes locked with his. "Mine to use and discard as I please."

Their bodies moved in unison, their passion driving them wild. Sweat glistened on their skin, their moans filling the room as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment. The tension built, their breaths ragged, their need palpable.

Their bodies moved frantically, their lust consuming them both. Sweat glistened on their skin, their moans echoing in the room. Despite their frenzy, Zhang's mind was clear enough to ask for more. "Please take off your panties, Madam. Let me see you, touch you. Feel me deeper."

She laughed, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "Oh, Xingwei, always so eager. So demanding."

Kaede trailed her fingers along his jaw, then down his chest, her nails lightly scraping his skin. "You want it rough? Fine." She stood up, pulling out of him. His eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly silenced him with a finger to his lips.

She slowly peeled off her skirt and undergarments, revealing her shaved pink pussy which was glistening wet. Zhang's eyes widened, his gaze locked on her. "Spread your legs, Xingwei," she ordered, her voice low and commanding.

He complied, his eyes ravenous as they devoured her. Kaede stepped back, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Not enough, my dear. I want to see you beg for it." She crawled back onto the bed, straddling him once more.

Zhang's eyes pleaded with her, his voice hoarse. "Please, Madam, I need you."

Kaede's eyes danced with mischief, her smile widening. "You really want me, don't you?" She asked, leaning down, her lips brushing against his. They were both sweaty and wet with desire, the air thick with their arousal.

Zhang nodded, his gaze locked on hers. "Yes, Madam Nishihara. Please, let me have you."

She leaned back, her eyes locked on his desperate face. "Only if you say it right, Xingwei. Beg for it."

His eyes widened, but the need was too strong. "Please, Madam Nishihara, I need you. Fuck me, use me. Make me yours."

She chuckled, a wicked smile playing on her lips. "Perfect." She positioned herself over him once more, guiding him inside her, their bodies coming together with a wet slap. She started to move, her pace slow and deliberate.

His eyes rolled back, his hands gripping her waist tightly. Their bodies moved in perfect synchrony, their moans filling the room. She leaned down, her lips grazing his, her breath hot against his skin. "Such a good boy. Such a good pet," she purred, her voice thick with lust.

Their pace quickened, their passion reaching new heights. Sweat poured down their bodies, their moans growing louder. The tension built, their breaths ragged, their need palpable. Zhang's hands gripped her hips tightly, his nails digging in.

Zhang's desperation was palpable, and with a force born out of need, he thrust up into her, driving deep into her core. The sudden intensity caused her to scream.

Kaede's eyes widened at the sudden change in tempo, her nails digging into his chest as he thrust into her harder and deeper than before. She screamed, her body arching, her nails digging into his skin. Zhang took advantage, driving into her with a force that sent waves of pleasure through her.

She gasped for air, her hair draped over her sweat-soaked face. "You dare defy me, Xingwei?" she hissed, her voice a mixture of pain and pleasure.

He grunted, his eyes locked on hers. "Forgive me, Madam. But I need to feel you too. I need to know I'm not dreaming."

Kaede's breath hitched, her eyes locked onto his. "Then fuck me, Xingwei. Fuck me as hard and fast as you want."

He thrust again, deeper, harder, their bodies slapping together. Her nails dug into his chest, her eyes locked on his. She moaned, her voice raw and animalistic. Sweat dripped from their skin, their bodies slick with it.

Zhang's thrusts became fierce, relentless. He gripped her hips, guiding her movements, setting the pace. Kaede cried out, her body bucking under him, her nails digging into his chest. Their moans filled the room, a testament to their lust.

Finally, Zhang's body tensed, his thrusts becoming faster, more urgent. Kaede clawed at him, her eyes closed, gripping onto him for dear life. The release came, overwhelming them both, their bodies trembling together.

They collapsed onto the bed, their breaths ragged, their minds spinning. Kaede smiled, her eyes sparkling with victory. "You see, Xingwei, even when you take control, you still come back to me."

They lay tangled together, their breaths still ragged, their hearts pounding. Zhang's chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath, his forehead resting on Kaede's shoulder. She stroked his hair, a satisfied smile on her face.

"You did well, Xingwei," she whispered, her voice filled with satisfaction. "But remember, you belong to me. Always."

He nodded, still catching his breath. "Yes, Madam Nishihara. I belong to you."

She leaned up, her lips brushing against his. "Good boy," she cooed, her fingers tracing his jaw. "Now, let's focus on our plan. We don't have much time."

Zhang nodded, his mind already back on task. "Of course, Madam Nishihara. We'll abduct Sergeant Kim and make the Vixen suffer."

She kissed him gently, her eyes locked on his. "Yes, we will. And remember, when you're done with her, you can always come back to me."

They disentangled themselves, their bodies still glistening with sweat. Kaede straightened her clothes, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Now, let's finish this game, Xingwei."