

In the enigmatic city of Himari, the ruthless and powerful Crime Lord, Kaede Nishihara, holds dominion over her foes with an iron fist. When the Vixen, crosses paths with Kaede, she finds herself entangled in a web of power, control, and brutal consequences. Amidst the shadows of the criminal underworld, Kaede employs her cunning and unyielding nature to enforce her reign. As she pitted her enemies against each other, she proves to be a formidable force, whose grasp extends beyond the reaches of justice. The Vixen, is a vigilante, a woman of strength and defiance. Her resilience in the face of unimaginable torment captures the attention of Kaede, as she becomes a pawn in a deadly game of power and survival.

HaikuAmane · Urban
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22 Chs

C16: The Engagement (Part 1)

As Richard thrust into Kaede forcefully, the sweat dripped from his brow and mingled with her own, painting a vivid picture of their untamed desire. She moaned beneath him, her breath ragged and hoarse from their passionate lovemaking, the echoes of their pleasure filling the room. Her eyes met his, filled with a mix of longing and uncertainty. The memory of the Vixen still lingered in the air, a ghostly specter that continued to haunt them, even in their most intimate moments.

"Kaede," he panted between kisses, his voice thick with lust, "I've been waiting for this moment for so long. You're the only one who understands me, who can truly accept me for who I am. Now that the Vixen is gone, I want nothing more than to make you mine, forever."

Kaede's nails dug into his back, her body arching under his relentless pace. Their bodies slapped together, creating a symphony of raw passion. She looked deep into his eyes, her lips parted in a half-smile, half-grimace as her orgasm drew near. With a sudden surge of determination, she whispered, "Not yet, Richard. Give me time. But right now, you just focus on fucking me."

Her words hung heavy in the air, but Richard didn't hesitate. He increased his rhythm, driving into her harder and faster. She clung to him, their bodies moving in perfect sync, completely consumed by the heat of the moment.

Kaede's hips bucked against Richard's, her eyes glazed over by the intensity of their coupling. Sweat drenched their skin, making every touch slick, every gasp and groan resonating through the room. Her nails raked down his back, leaving trails of fiery sensation in their wake. She locked her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside her, trying to exert control over their passionate encounter.

Richard groaned, feeling the heat of her inner walls around him. He thrust harder, their bodies colliding with a force that shook the bed. Her fingers gripped his hair, pulling his face down to hers, sealing their lips in a fierce kiss. Their tongues entwined, exchanging tastes of their shared desire, as they moved in unison, lost in a whirlwind of pleasure and pain.

She threw her head back, eyes closed, as she reached for the peak she had been chasing. A wave of ecstasy crashed over her, her muscles tensing and releasing with each thrust. Richard's breathing became labored, his gaze fixated on the passion etched on Kaede's face. He felt the familiar warmth building within him, and he knew it wouldn't be long before he joined her in the abyss of pleasure.

With a final, powerful thrust, he let loose, their climaxes overlapping in a crescendo of passion. Their bodies convulsed together, the room filled with their cries of release, as they lost themselves in the most primal of connections. Only when the last tremors subsided did they finally break apart, panting heavily, their bodies glistening with sweat and satisfaction.

For a moment, they lay there, foreheads touching, hearts pounding in unison. Richard brushed the sweat-dampened hair from Kaede's face, their breaths slowly returning to normal. The engagement question still lingered between them, but for now, they found solace in the aftermath of their brutal, intense lovemaking.

Kaede's voice was soft, but determined when she spoke, "Four days from now, I'll hold a ceremony. It won't be a traditional engagement, but a celebration of our bond. Deal?"

Richard's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and elation, but he didn't dare show it. Instead, he nodded and pulled her closer, his arousal already stirring once more. "Deal," he murmured against her skin, before capturing her lips in a tender kiss.

Their passion reignited like a wildfire, fed by the promise of their impending ceremony. Richard's hands roamed over her body, tracing the curve of her hip, the softness of her belly, and the firmness of her breasts. Kaede moaned, her nails digging into his shoulders as he entered her again. This time, their movements were slower, more deliberate, each thrust filled with a depth of emotion that belied their true feelings.

"You feel so good, Kaede," Richard whispered, his voice ragged with desire. "I can't get enough of you."

She arched her back, meeting his every thrust with her own, her eyes locked on his. "You make me feel alive, Richard. Like nothing else matters."

Their bodies moved together, each touch more intimate than the last. The sheets twisted beneath them, a testament to their frenzied connection. Sweat glistened on their skin, a sheen of lust coating their bodies as they surrendered to their primal urges.

Kaede's breath hitched, her eyes fluttering shut as she approached another climax. Richard watched her, his own release drawing near, the sight of her pleasure pushing him over the edge. He surged forward, their bodies finding rhythm once more, and they fell into each other's embrace, lost in the throes of passion.

As they crashed into one another, their moans and groans filling the room, the truth remained hidden beneath their surface.

Richard's initial gentleness gave way to a rising tide of raw intensity. His thrusts became more forceful, each movement laced with a hunger that bordered on violence. Kaede gasped, her eyes widening in surprise, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she met his advances with equal ferocity, her own desires igniting a firestorm of passion.

He gripped her hips, guiding her as he plunged into her, their bodies slapping together with a wet, flesh-on-flesh sound. Kaede's cries grew louder, punctuating the air with her pleasure. Richard's fingers dug into her skin, leaving temporary bruises in their wake, as he claimed her with a brutal force that hinted at a darker side of their relationship.

She writhed beneath him, her nails raking down his back, leaving marks that would serve as reminders of their intense encounters. Their hips ground together, a relentless rhythm that seemed to defy reason. Richard's breaths came in short bursts, his heart pounding against her chest.

In this moment, their emotions were stripped bare, reduced to the pure, raw need that drove them both. Kaede's eyes met his, filled with a mixture of fear, desire, and submission. Richard's gaze was fixed on her lips, his thrusts growing harsher, his need for release mounting.

As his climax neared, he increased his pace, their bodies becoming one seamless, violent motion. Kaede's cries filled the room, her nails digging into his back, her breaths coming in sharp gasps. They were lost in this world of pain and pleasure, the boundaries blurred, their souls intertwined in the most primal of ways.

In the end, they collapsed onto the bed, their bodies slick with sweat and spent desire, caught in the aftermath of their brutal coupling. Their hearts pounded in unison, their breaths ragged and uneven, as they lay entangled in the sheets.

As their breathing slowed, Richard traced the curve of Kaede's jaw, his fingers trailing gently over her skin. "You're so sexy even when you're spent," he whispered, his gaze lingering on her flushed cheeks and slightly parted lips.

Kaede's eyes met his, her expression guarded but still filled with a hint of passion. "You're not so bad yourself," she replied, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

Richard chuckled softly, his hand sliding down her arm to her wrist. Gently, he tugged her towards him, kissing the inside of her elbow, then her palm. "I'll see you in four days, at the ceremony."

A shiver ran down her spine at his touch, her breathing shallow and irregular. "I'll be waiting, Richard."

His lips trailed up her arm, his fingers brushing against her sensitive skin, sending shivers coursing through her. "I hope you're prepared for what I have planned," he murmured, his voice low and seductive.

Kaede bit her lip, a blush spreading across her cheeks. "I'm always prepared for you, Richard."

Richard leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear, his breath warm and seductive. "Good. Because I intend to make this ceremony unforgettable."

She shivered once more, her response a soft, breathy moan. As he continued to touch and tease her, their thoughts turned to the future, their passion still simmering beneath the surface. Though their relationship was far from conventional, they found solace in each other's arms, their connection deeper than either of them cared to admit.