

In the enigmatic city of Himari, the ruthless and powerful Crime Lord, Kaede Nishihara, holds dominion over her foes with an iron fist. When the Vixen, crosses paths with Kaede, she finds herself entangled in a web of power, control, and brutal consequences. Amidst the shadows of the criminal underworld, Kaede employs her cunning and unyielding nature to enforce her reign. As she pitted her enemies against each other, she proves to be a formidable force, whose grasp extends beyond the reaches of justice. The Vixen, is a vigilante, a woman of strength and defiance. Her resilience in the face of unimaginable torment captures the attention of Kaede, as she becomes a pawn in a deadly game of power and survival.

HaikuAmane · Urban
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22 Chs

C10: The Abductions (Part 1)

Fujiko stumbled into her apartment, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she closed the door behind her. Her body was a mass of bruises and cuts, each a testament to the narrow escape she'd just managed.

Her palms were scraped and bloody, her knees raw from sliding across the pavement. She winced as she walked, her limping gait evidence of the pain she was in. With a shaky hand, she unlocked the drawer where she kept her medical supplies and pulled out a needle, thread, and some alcohol.

Gently, she examined her wounds, wincing at the sight of the deep gash on her arm and the shallow cuts on her legs. She bit her lip as she set to work, her fingers trembling slightly as she stitched herself up.

Each stitch sent a jolt of pain through her, but she gritted her teeth and pressed on, determined to finish the task. She cleaned and bandaged her wounds as best she could, her thoughts racing with the memory of the near-disaster she'd just weathered.

Her heart pounded in her chest, her adrenaline still high from the chase. She glanced out the window, half-expecting to see her pursuers closing in on her. But for now, she was safe, at least for the time being.

As she finished cleaning up, she sank into a chair, her body trembling from the relief and exhaustion. She knew that she couldn't afford to relax, that danger was never far away. But tonight, at least, she'd managed to survive, thanks in part to her skill and cunning.

With a heavy sigh, she leaned back, her gaze fixed on the bloodstained needle and thread.

Fujiko stood up, her eyes locked on the mirror. Slowly, she began to undress, revealing the collection of scars and marks that littered her body. Each one told a story of a close call or a narrow escape, a testament to her life on the edge.

She ran her fingers over the raised lines and puckered skin, her expression somber as she recalled the moments that had brought them about. Some were faint, barely noticeable unless one knew what they were looking for. Others were deep and angry, like the one on her arm from tonight's encounter.

A particularly gruesome gash on her thigh made her wince, the memory of it still fresh in her mind. She had been hunting a powerful figure with ties to the Yakuza, and it hadn't ended well for either of them.

As she continued to examine her body, she noticed a small, delicate scar above her breast. A reminder of her time spent in a rival gang, where she had been marked as a traitor and left for dead.

Yet, despite the pain those scars represented, there was a sense of pride in them as well. Each one was a victory, a testament to her resilience and resourcefulness.

With a deep breath, she dressed once more, her eyes reflecting the hardness of her life. She knew that the scars would continue to accumulate, but she was prepared for the fight. After all, she was a survivor, and survival was the name of the game.

The next morning, Fujiko woke up with a start, her dreams filled with fragments of the previous night's events. She rubbed her eyes, her muscles protesting the abuse they'd endured, and began to ready herself for work.

Her reflection in the mirror bore little resemblance to the woman she'd been just hours earlier, battered and bruised. With careful, practiced hands, she began to apply her makeup, using concealer and foundation to mask the signs of her injuries.

She started with her cuts and bruises, carefully blending the makeup to match her skin tone. A skilled touch with the brush covered the gash on her arm, while a light dusting of powder concealed the redness around her eyes.

As she combed her hair and put on her work clothes, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disconnect from the person she was pretending to be.

But for now, she needed to maintain the facade. She had a job to do, and her appearance was just as important as her skills.

With a final glance in the mirror, she smoothed her hair and picked up her bag. She was ready to face the world, her wounds hidden beneath layers of makeup and a steely exterior.

As she stepped outside, she breathed in the crisp morning air and steeled herself for another day in the midst of danger and deception.

Kaede lay in her bed, her thoughts racing as she considered Fujiko's escape. How had the cunning Vixen eluded her well-laid plans? She had sent Seichi Saito and his men to apprehend her, confident in their ability to capture their quarry. But she had also taken the precaution of enlisting the police as a backup, ensuring that Fujiko had no way to slip through the net.

Yet somehow, Fujiko had evaded them both. The thought gnawed at Kaede, consuming her as she fucked a man she'd picked up specifically for this purpose. His body pressed against hers, their movements slow and deliberate, as she contemplated her failure.

She couldn't help but wonder if she'd underestimated her rival. Or perhaps, she had misjudged the situation entirely. Either way, it was a minor setback, nothing that would truly affect her plans.

Her fingers traced the curves of the man beneath her, her mind still fixated on Fujiko. The woman was a problem that needed to be dealt with, but for now, Kaede would focus on more immediate matters.

Their bodies moved together, driven by a need that was as much a distraction as it was a release. Kaede's eyes remained locked on the ceiling, her thoughts a tempest of strategy and calculation.

As they reached their climax, she allowed herself a small smile. Yes, Fujiko might have evaded her grasp for now, but Kaede was not one to be deterred. Soon enough, she would have her prey, and the consequences would be dire.

Until then, she would savor her victories, no matter how small, and use them to fuel her relentless pursuit of power and control.

Kaede's eyes widened as a solution presented itself, her pleasure fading as her mind shifted gears. With a sharp command, she called for her trusted butler. "Summon Zhang Xingwei and Chen Kaiteng," she instructed, her voice firm. "I need their expertise in handling this issue."

The man nodded, disappearing from the room with a quiet efficiency that spoke of years of service. Kaede's thoughts raced, her mind already plotting the next steps in her pursuit of The Vixen.

As she waited, she picked up her phone and began typing a message, her fingers flying over the screen. She needed to be one step ahead, to anticipate the Vixen's every move and ensure her ultimate defeat.

Zhang and Kaiteng would provide the muscle she needed, but she required a different approach to capture the elusive Vixen. A slow smile spread across her face as she outlined her plan.

With a final glance at the man beneath her, she dismissed him with a gentle touch. "Leave," she murmured, her voice still distant as she focused on her machinations.

As he left, she returned to her messages, her plan taking shape. She wouldn't be deterred by Vixen's escape. Instead, she would use it to her advantage, turning the tables and striking where her opponent least expected it.

Kaede's heart pounded in anticipation, her mind as active as it had ever been. She would not rest until the Vixen was captured, and her reign as the city's dominant force remained unchallenged.

Her fingers danced over the screen, her plan taking form. The pieces were falling into place, and she couldn't wait to see the results.

Zhang and Kaiteng exchanged a glance as they followed the butler through the opulent halls of Kaede's mansion. They were accustomed to her eccentricities, but this seemed... unusual.

The butler led them to a door, pausing to knock gently before opening it and stepping aside. "She's waiting for you inside," he murmured, his expression impassive before he disappeared down the hall.

Stepping into the room, they found Kaede seated in a large, luxurious bathtub, her body gleaming with water and soap suds. She gestured for them to enter, her eyes locked on their faces.

Zhang and Kaiteng exchanged another glance, but they didn't question the request. They knew better than to question their employer's choices.

Kaede's eyes never left them as she spoke. "I believe I've figured it out," she said, her voice a mix of triumph and determination. "The Vixen is one of the few female cops. No other explanation makes sense."

Zhang raised an eyebrow. "How can you be sure?"

Kaede smiled, her eyes sparkling with a dangerous gleam. "Think about it. How else could she have escaped my plans? After fighting with Ho Jun and Seichi, she must be exhausted and injured, there's no way she would have made her way through the cops like that."

Chen nodded slowly, his eyes flickering over her nude form. "It's possible."

"But, if she were a cop," Kaede replied, her voice confident. "She could tell her fellow cops that she sustained these injuries fighting the Vixen, that way, she could have the perfect excuse for leaving her duty and then, tend to her wounds. What do you think?"

Kaede's eyes narrowed as she spoke, her voice filled with determination. "We need to summon and interrogate all the female officers. I'll handle the interrogations myself."

Zhang and Kaiteng exchanged a glance, their surprise evident. They knew that Kaede was skilled at getting information from others, but dealing with cops was a delicate matter.

"Are you sure, Madam Nishihara?" Zhang asked cautiously. "This could make things... complicated."

"I'm certain," Kaede replied, her voice firm. "We need to find the Vixen, and I won't rest until she's caught."

Her eyes met theirs, her gaze unyielding. "I'll handle it," she assured them. "And I assure you, if need be, I'll leave no stone unturned."

Zhang and Kaiteng hesitated, but they knew better than to argue with her. They nodded in agreement, knowing that Kaede would stop at nothing to achieve her goal.

As they left the room, Kaede's gaze lingered on their backs, her heart pounding with anticipation. Her plan was in motion, and she wasn't about to let anything stand in her way.

She sank deeper into the warm water, her skin slick with soap and steam rising from the surface. Her mind raced with the possibilities, the satisfaction of capturing the Vixen driving her on.

She knew that her plan was risky, but it was the only way to ensure her victory. And if it meant getting her hands on the Vixen, she would go to any lengths.

As the water cooled, Kaede reached for a nearby towel, her mind already plotting her next move. Zhang and Kaiteng would deliver the female cops to her, and she would make them talk.

No matter how long it took, no matter how much she had to push, Kaede was determined to uncover the Vixen's true identity. She would leave no stone unturned, no lead unexplored.

With a sigh, she stepped from the bath, her body glistening in the soft light. The hunt was on, and she would not rest until she had her prey.