
Chapter 1: The Creature       

By Jake Theisen

The plane left for NewYork, as John turned 13, the plane flew right above his head, giving him goosebumps, the hair on the back of his neck stood up. BOOOOM the firecracker popped as everyone sang happy birthday, wooooshhh a gust of wind forced through the open window blowing out all the candles, everything went dark. He woke up in a hospital the beeping of the heart rate monitor, beep beep beep beep, a rush of electricity rushed through his body giving him goosebumps, the voices around him slowly faded to a bunch of murmurs, he felt nauseous and he blacked out, he woke up in a bed, sheets stained of blood all the light were dimmed, TAP TAP TAP he could just barely make out a silhouette of a human looking creature. It had no face, the creature slowly crawling to him, a bunch of claws stroked his face, he screamed , he could faintly hear the beeping of the heart rate monitor, all of a sudden he felt his heart racing, a gust of cold shivering liquid ran down his stomach, he gasped for air a cold sweat dripping down his forehead, the sweat dripping on the cold cement floor grew more intense by the second, he screamed, POP a loud popping noise filled his ear. He heard blood curdling screams. Doctors came rushing in the loud blood curdling screams came more intense, the same dream (he thought) came back  except this time the creature wasn't there, BANG  he flinched a cold shiver ran down his spine, CREEK he remembered there was a vent above him all of a sudden the vent door came crashing down on his stomach, he looked up were the vent came crashing down and seen the creature slowing moving deeper in the vent, CRUNCH all of a sudden,..... He saw this deformed hand coming down almost like it was growing longer and longer by the second, he fainted…..

                        Chapter 2 HOME 

A few weeks passed by, nobody knew what happened after a little while everyone forgot about it. John forgot about it but he can still hear the noises that monster haunted him with, that experience was so traumatizing he can't even have showers. He has to have baths but not for a long time, because he can't stand the feeling of cold shivering liquid he still has nightmares about the experience but he doesn't tell anyone because he is afraid his parents will bring him to a counselor. His parents wanted him to forget the whole incident, so they moved houses, and schools. It was his first day at his new school Rama highschool he didn't know anyone but his mom told him to try and put him out there, so he did but that was the biggest mistake of his life. Everyone knows him, but only for one reason because he spilt milk all over himself in the cafeteria at lunch. He was very embarrassed he didn't know what to do he ran to the bathroom bawling his eyes out he said to himself im never going to school ever again. He had a horrible day after that he walked home. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a silhouette of a person. He turned his head but he saw the one thing he was dreading the most... He came back to kill him. He stared at his cold depressing face. It took him a minute to understand what was happening. He closed his eyes. Right as he opened them he saw the same hospital that he had the first encounter with HIM, the NewYork Medical Hospital for Minors. He still remembers that day like it was yesterday. He still remembers that demonic laugh of HIM.

                                    Chapter 3 The Dreams

Every night of that month he's been having nightmares he doesn't know why its been happening but he knows it's not normal. he thinks it has something  to do with that night in the hospital when the creature was in the vent, but he's not 100% sure weird things have been happening recently like he would be cold for no reason, or he would see things no kid should see him in the closet he have trouble falling asleep. Knowing that he could be watching even planning something to hurt him he remembered his grandpa would always say in his stories. They feed off fear so he never let fear take over him he always thought to himself why me why do u want me??? I'm not as athletic, I'm not as smart and you still want me!!! His mom says if you give him what he wants he'll want more like any greedy child this makes him smile knowing the creature is like a little kid. He's been biking to town to try to take his mind off the deep pits of his eyes. He but one thing that will haunt him for his whole life is the face of the creature.

                                             Chapter 4 What is he?

John has been writing down his experiences and dreams and he has been researching what he could be and he might have got it!!! The name is monkimon he doesn't know how to defeat it but he knows his weakness his eyes 

But like all villains he has to die no matter the cost he doesn't want anyone to go through the same traumatization that he went through. He made a plan he would fall asleep and