

I met him first when we were kids and he told me we would be together forever. That was until he got engaged to my sister. I've watched my first love and my other half from afar be so in love. When they had their engagement ceremony, I left home to find my own adventure and new love. After 5 years I return with my own betrothed, only to learn my sister married someone else! My first love was waiting for me because he's loved me all long! NO Way!

ShannelRose · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Harsh Reality

The Next Day

In the King's Office

"Father! How could you blindside us like that?" exclaimed Irene.

"Is this because we discouraged all the previous candidates? We just wanted to be sure of whomever we chose but this is outrageous." I said fiercely.

Our father sat behind his desk with a serious look I rarely see. He took a deep breath and released it. He motioned for us to take a seat before he spoke. He looked us dead in the face and told my sister and I that the human kingdoms were petitioning us for an alliance. The demons have a new King and they want war. The emissaries will arrive within two weeks. We will have to act as if we are in love with our chosen partners. He was afraid that they would push for engagements to solidify the alliance.

"Father, what if we have found our choice? Are we supposed to give them up or wait till it's over.". I question my father with anxious energy. I'm afraid I know the answer before he can say anything.

"Andor I'm sorry but this is a permanent decision. We will soon be at war. I need you and your sister to fulfill your duties. Your sister who is a wonderful politician will work with the Prime Minister to make sure this alliance is in our favor. You, my son, are an excellent strategist who will work with military personnel to ensure we will win." said my father.

I turned to my sister to see she was stone faced. She always was better at hiding her emotions than me. What was I to do? I just got the confession I'd waited 60 years for, only to be told that my love will never see the light. My heart felt like it was crumbling at my feet. When I thought it could not get any worse, my sister destroyed me with her declaration.

"Father, I will do my duties and marry Kellan within the next six months." she said. I thought the world froze. My father smiled and hugged Irene close. Saying that she always makes him extremely proud. He moved over to me, kneeled down in front of me and said "I know this is not the love or life you thought it you would have but I swear I wouldn't do this to you unless it was absolutely necessary. I only hope you can forgive me." I smiled because I loved my father even through this impossible situation because he only had my best interest at heart.

"Of course father, I can only hope to make you as proud of me as you are Irene." I said with a sad smile. "If you'll excuse us father, we have much to prepare." I hugged him and walked back to my chambers. My sister followed me back as well, intending for us to speak about what just happened. I saw her staring back at me with a grim expression, so whatever she had to say was not what I wanted to hear.

"I will not have his heart for it was always yours brother but he shall have to be mine for a short while. Try not to meet while the emissaries are here. After we win the war, I will bow out of the way stating that you two have been in love since childhood and I could no longer just fulfill the duties of a princess." she said. "Is that satisfactory to you?" I laughed

"Irene, I am your twin. I know you as well as I know myself." I stated a matter of factly. "I also know who is in your heart. Do not play politician with me. State what exactly is on your mind or leave." I say harsher than I want but I hate when puts her walls up with me. She looks at me anxiously.

"You know our ideal unions will not resort to children. One of our duties is to produce the next generation. No matter of our long lifespans if we can still be killed. Look at Xander, his parents were the Marquis and Lady of one the six noble houses. They were killed by greedy humans trying to steal riches." she shouted. So we need to marry quickly and do our duties so that we may live life the way we wish." I couldn't say she wasn't right. Even though my mother married father she had a preference for lovers of the same sex. They both kept concubines because of this.

"Let me discuss this with Kellan, I will give my answer to you then." I told her.

"That is all i could ask for."

"Do you not have a lover to also converse with?" I look at her with my eyebrow raised questioning.

"Unlike you brother we discussed what to do if such an occasion occurred. Remember I'm the perfect politician. Her insight scares me sometimes. Although I do love to use it to our advantage. I go to my private garden where I keep my secret passage to our special spot. We use magic to conceal the hole in the tree that leads to a field built by ancient elves long ago. I spot him laying on grass waiting for me because of course he knows that need to discuss the events of last night.

"Hello" I say smiling upon laying next to him.

"Hello to you too." he says, returning my smile.

"So about last night…" i start

"I've already had the discussion with my father. He said the king would tell you himself." he said. His face was one of hurt, and disbelief. "I told my father that I have a lover of status that would not take me to be engaged. He said that you will also be performing your duties. That I had to sacrifice or risk our kingdom in the coming war." I reached over and held him to my chest. He wrapped his arms around me and continued to speak. "He said that if my cousins can go to war to save us I can at least sacrifice my love to ensure our kingdom will come out unscathed and unified."

I held my breath. I think I already knew what was coming before he even said it.

"My love, Please wait till the war is over and I promise we will have our time. So please just wait a little longer." He pleaded to me. I imagine that if I say no he will be broken but so will i. I make the only choice left to me. "Of course I will wait for you." I smile while crying. He grabs me tightly and kisses me. It was even better than the first. "Open up your mouth your highness." I open for him and plunge his tongue into my mouth. I open my eyes from the shock but immediately close them from the ecstasy of his taste. He lays me flat on grass, then lays his body on top of mine. He lines his manhood directly on top of mine and starts to rub them together through our clothes.I grab his shoulders holding on for dear life while my body shudders from the unknown pleasure. "Kellan i can feel something building." "I think I'm going to erupt." I pant. "Then release it for me my Andor! I will release as you do." he exclaims. We cum so hard we scream out in pleasure. He kisses me one last time. "My love,heart, and soul will forever be yours Andor." he said. "As will mine, Kellan forever." As we make our way back to the palace. He gifts me with a blue stone. "It holds my favorite memories of us together. I wanted to give this as a gift to celebrate our relationship but it will help us get through the hard time ahead. I kiss him again, a small peck on the lips. My smile lights up as I tell him to put it on me. When I returned, I sent a note to my sister saying that I will fulfill my duties as long as she keeps her promise. From there time seems to move forward and the negotiations with the humans go smoothly, our wedding preparations are moving forward and we are wooing our bride and groom to be.

We were married 5 months after the engagement announcement.