

They say love is a beautiful thing and for those who experience it, it changes alot about them. It has the power to sharpen a man's life by simply being present.

I have never been a lover of love so I guess this story won't have me as this center focus. However we might just find out someone who is all about it.


"Fire!!!" Everyone ran in full commotion trying to save themselves. The fire kept engulfing the building taken over room by room. I heard people crying from their rooms and there was no way to help them. The door leading to the stairs were full taken over by the fire and we were trapped on the first floor. "Help us!!" You could hear the scream of Mummy Bello and her children as there was so much smoke. Mum held our hands and began to pray, we were the last room that remained to be consumed by the fire. Everything kept happening so fast and smoke was almost taken over the place. After the smoke surely the fire was next.

"Honey!!!" My Dad barge into the room with flames on his shirt. "We have to leave this place" he screamed while coughing so hard" "There is no way we can make it, the stairs door is full of flame already" my mum cried out. "I know but we have to jump from here down" he said with tears in his eyes and I could see he won't have chosen such option.

"You mean we should jump from this height, how about the children" mum's eyes broke out into tears. My dad ran out to go open Mrs Bello's door and saw she was almost about to get burned by the fire. He pushed beyond the fire and told her the same thing. She argued with him as she said what's the tendency that she and her family survives the fall. At that point which death was better she said.

As my Dad kept trying to convince her, mum came out with my sister and I and she said she was ready for the jump. By this time my sister's cloth was light so the heat was already melting to her body.

Mrs Bello kept shouting that this was an impossible situation, there was no solution to this problem. Looking down to the floor, my Dad saw people who were looking at the burning building with so much sadness and fear. "Mrs Bello let's jump please!!!" My Dad shouted at the top of his voice. He didn't want to leave anyone behind.


How long does one push beyond is limit to withstand or annull an already determined verdict. A day, a week, a month or even an eternity?

We try our best not minding anything anyone else says. Sometimes we are considered stupid, crazy or even foolish. However when we know what we want and we go for it, you just have to go against what is already a norm.


The place was getting hotter and my little sister's cloth was melting more into her body and there was already smoke everywhere. Next thing we had was so scream from Mrs Bello's room and my dad had to run to see what happening. "Jesus!!" Her ceiling of her room was already coming down and it was becoming more and more hopeless. "Why not let us die here than try to give us hope of survival?" Mrs Bello held my Dad by the shirt. "Mr Peter do you think we still have hope, look around you" she pointed to the already falling room. "I know it doesn't look like it, but let us have faith in God" my Dad responded while cleaning off the sweat and trying to still get breathable air amidst the smoke and falling ceiling. "I just can't leave you here" He continued."

She took her and her children and they left their room into the passage full of fire. "Mummy Blessing, Blessing is already burning!!" Mrs Bello brought our consciousness to the fact that my kid sister was already burning, with no water around what do we do. Mum ran back inside to see if there was water anywhere but it was already too late, our house was already engulfed in flames. Do I watch my kid sister burn to death like that. I could see tears roll down my father's cheek as he doesn't want to lose faith in God but honestly he didn't know what to do. Blessing cried in so much pain and it was sadder to watch because what does a threw year old know about death, but even her knew she was in pain.

"Let's beat down the fire then throw her down first" Dad thought as he could reason. He didn't mind the flame, he used his hands to beat down the fire on her and surely his hands grew red by the minute. He didn't stop for a moment, as blessing kept crying the more, he kept on beating down the flame.

Do you think this is already a lost cause??

Gospel_Vibescreators' thoughts
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