
Him, Her. Fated

Trying to protect her, he breaks up with her and pushes her far away from himself. But fate says otherwise, they meet again. Would he push her away again ? He has no choice but to keep her close.

CallMheLove · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

In a very furnished living room sat Mark Hun, the world's most famous pop star. His mansion was a masterpiece, one of its kind. The armchairs, sofas, silk golden colour curtains which adorned the room and even the table mats on his dining table were designed by best designers existing. Mark had it all, the life of affluence, women, fame and power but it wasn't enough. There was a dark void in his heart, a void only love could fill. That love was the only thing he couldn't have or so he thought.

"Mark, our guests will be arriving soon. We will have to meet them at the airport before they are lodged at the hotel", Andrea announced as she walked into the living room

"which hotel will they be lodging?", ,Mark asked

"De Vita of course. You don't want them thinking poorly of us, do you? Only the best hotel will do"

"Excellent, well done Andrea. what would i have done without you?

Andrea's P.O.V

"Nothing sweetheart, Absolutely nothing" i answered smiling at him.

"you are right then"

"Jake is coming home today"

Jake is my twin brother. He is very different from me, he is a real jerk if you ask me. Well, he is into photography. He says his camera is his mirror, he claims that with it he can see what others don't see. I don't believe that crap though, i am a more practical kind of person. Anyways he is coming home today, he is done with his mega project. I am glad though that he has finally decided to come home after a long time, he is way too independent.

"Really?" Mark asked and i nodded

"fine, ask one of the maids to clean his room" he said before leaving the living room. As he walked out, i couldn't help staring at him. What is there not to stare at? "He is so perfect" i squealed silently. The fact that he is black makes him even more appealing to me. His abs, his broad shoulders, his eyes, his smile, i want it all. "i want him and i shall have him", i muttered

Mark's P.O.V

As i took the first step into my room, reality hit me. "she is coming" a voice in my head whispered.

"Ugh!!" i sighed as i sat down on my bed. "how do i face her after all these years? what will i say? what will i do" these thoughts felt like thorns in my stomach.

"she must really loathe me now, i broke up with her without an explanation" i said to myself. The past i was running away from has finally caught up with me.

"what do i do now?, Argh!!!", i screamed smashing my alarm clock which was the only thing in sight on the wall. I think the sound alerted Andrea because i could hear her running up the stairs to my room,

"Mark....., what's.... wrong?" she probed almost out breath. Looking at her, i could see concern written all over her face

"Mark, are you okay?" she asked coming close to me to check if i was injured in any way. When she got close enough to me, i dragged her into my arms.. Hugging her close and tight, i whispered "thank you Andrea".


Airport, New York

Sarah alights her ride with Sophia following after. Both beautiful and confident, they easily drew attention to themselves. On seeing them, the flight attendants rushed forward to take their luggage for inspection.

"do you really have to inspect our luggage?", Sarah asked

"chill Sarah, it's the procedure here" Sophia said, eyebrows raised

"Phew! tough crowd. i was just asking" Sarah replied with a wide grin

The flight attendants direct them to the VIP waiting room. On their way there, a guy bumps into Sarah spilling his drink on her.

"what the fuck" Sarah screamed clenching her fist

"i am so so sorry" the guy said as he tried to help Sarah clean the stain with his hand towel

"get your hands off me"

"Sarah, calm down", Sophia pleaded

"Urgh!!" Sarah sighed as she ran to the restroom frustrated and angry

"i am sorry, Sarah" the guy shouted after her hoping that he was forgiven.

The Guy's P.O.V

"i am sorry Sarah" i shouted but she didn't even look back. I hope she forgives me though, i wouldn't want a beautiful lady like that angry with me.

"She is so beautiful", i whispered to myself trying to recall her face.

"Sir, please this way" the voice of the airport attendant jolted me back to reality. I nodded and followed her as she led me to my seat on the plane.

"Here is your seat, Sir Jake", the attendant said once we got to my seat

"how do you know my name?" i asked wide eyed in shock

"i am a fan sir. please make yourself comfortable", she replied. When she made sure that i was comfortable, she left.

"it's good to be rich", i muttered while relaxing my back on the super soft seat made specifically for the VIP passengers. I brought out my laptop to go through my finished project once more. This is the fifth time i have gone through it today. I am not going through it because i am obligated to do so, i am going through it because the pictures i take give me inspiration. i remember telling my perfect sister that my camera is my mirror. Smiling, i went through all the pictures recalling the events that brought about those pictures.

"Sir" the flight attendant called and i lifted up my eyes to answer her. But my eyes did not land on her but the lady beside her.

"Sarah!!!" my heart screamed in jubilation pounding faster than usual.

"Sir, please let her cross over to the other side. she will be sitting beside you" the flight attendant said bringing me back to reality

"oh, okay" . i answered as i stood up to let her cross.

"is there not another seat available" i heard her whisper to the flight attendant. I also heard the flight attendant tell that there was none available.

"I am still standing" i reminded them trying as much possible not to look at her face but still i could feel her cold glare.

"ma'am please sit" the flight attendant said to her gesturing towards the seat. Cornered, she had no other choice than to sit beside me.

"thank you" she muttered as she sat down angrily. I smiled at the flight attendant who smiled back and left.

"wipe that smile off your face jerk" i heard her mutter before she put on her headphones .

"i like this lady. she's feisty" i thought smiling to myself admiring her from the side view.