
Hikkomori Hiyokuin

A boy of a introvert wanted be superhero all his life ever since he was a kid. Believes in all the fairy tale and myth, to heart. That he could become one in real life. Famous the be praised for all his efforts and royalty saving the world from evil. A monster changed for the better living amongst the humans wanting to live a better life just like the human tradition for a change. His leaving the pack today and never coming back. He worry them not he won't go rogue. Him an his best friend found another pack of families that offered take them in an adopt at the city. Leaving to strongly move forward at there own path way of life. Tired living to  fight the same family tradition for decades to come before there time an anyone else ranked within there ancestors time after that. He thanked them for being there presently. Travling amongst in large groups  keeping each othet safe. He took otah,  never speaking to them again. They been banished from the village as well from being one of there own. They ever try come back, not only his family but the others catching wind of this, will kill them. Frankly  knew in pain of shock by the tone of there voices blurt that out. His friend tagged along wiping he whimpered away wiping his tears. Hoped someday they join them too for a change of heart . There was a million dollar bounty on the last abyss species of the monster cove. Hunters with various sword arts of magical powers an battle dragon creature pets, battling the beasts invading the defenceless humanity. The kid's father and mother was the top tier strongest  of all Hunters. Infinite to none, never made it back home to their children. However, a mysterious turn of events, grants them pulled together into dangerous perilous journey as rookie weak links.  The power setting on the course of no return search of there parents. Embarks on an adventure to become an unparalleled existence to humane Hunter!

MeowChan0 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Wake Up Sily Brother

" Muuuuuuuuuah!"  The kiss lasted for a long time.

Lounges the boy  helplessly  leaning on his back.

The kissing girl weight little on him, keeping the kiss connected.

His eyes clenched shut. Feels soft touch trance of  her tongue colliding with his.

Ended  him blushing bright red embarrassed.

Doesn't move from the same spot he was at earlier.

Rocked gently back and forth about to  faint losing consciousness.

Ehehehe, why your blushing?" She giggled.

Sets a hand over the lips of her mouth.


He couldn't speak the words he wanted to say.

It's okay," she hugs him real nice and close whispering to his ear.

Prevented his falling.

It's alright, your secret is safe with me."

"It's just my first time being kissed before by anyone."

He looked up to search for her eyes, in her arms.

I'm glad to fulfill in the favor, then. Ehehe."

"I never been liked before."

He had squirmed away.

Could never  get in this far into a relationship like this."

"Well, you're in luck babe.  I've helped you through it.

Didn't I?" She asked.

She speed run behind  the back of him.

Massages his shoulder blades.

Smoothing the tension out.

Leaves  her  soft small hands  wide open

Wiggled her fingers, to tempt him.

Walked right in front.

Placing the palm of her hand in the    middle of his chest.

Heart beat to pounding.

Had a smirk on her face.

Whispered get closer to where both there chests touching each other's.

"You're turned on, aren't you, huh?

Which one do you like?

Bit the side of her lip.

I have many options."

Yeah, but why not in reality?"

The boy asked, sighs a     big step back  from her.

I mean, where was all that, when I was in school?

Even behind closed doors, in hallways when we met each other, rather you are with your friends or not, when I'm ever  around?

Times you act like I'm not even there.

Like I don't exist!

  I don't understand, why in my dream? Why here?"

She jutted his chin out lift it up from staring at his own feet.

Because, I'm afraid to show my true feelings, to you," she whined.

Sometimes  some girls are insecure.

When they know what they want getting older-"

Last time I checked, boy's were insecure,"  he interrupted folding his arms. 

Hint of an annoyance look on his face.

"Girls mature better then boys," she quoted in a mockery tone.

"She took three steps near him.  Twirling playing with his  hair.

Deserted  half his frustration away.

"I wanted you, she replied.

Just not yet.

I knew how much I  loved you for who you are.

Helps much easier in this dream, to express the way I feel about you."

Now hold on a-" "Shhhh."

She silenced  him , with her finger over his lips.

Smoothed  around each  lip skin particle there.  Calmes him further cleared the   forgotten about it.

He didn't say anything else.

Staring blankly into her eyes.

There eye contact attached together like   blooms of  flower rose petals.

She smiled slowly.

Egged on up his  emotions to laughing and smiling with her.

I'm here, and I promise I aren't going anywhere, ever again.

I'll give you chance, if you really meant it, ok?" 

He shoke his head up and down.

Accepted her request.

Good,"  she said.

You can hug me if you want. You know that right?

Don't leave me hanging here."

Re-really?" He stuttered. Blinked few times.

"Yes, silly goose!

Don't be scared, I don't bite."

He got his hands from the sides of his legs.

Approached with hugging her by the waist.

Oh, that's what hugging a girl feels like?" He asked.

For you're friend, maybe," she said unsatisfied.

Eyes twitching a bit.

  She followed up puhsing his hands down to her bottom butt.

That's what hugging girl feels like.

Just like that."

His face swelled up to bright red.

Eyes  pitch white out.

Ehehehehe," she giggled for the heck of it.

It's not-it's not funny," he replied.

Hiding his face from her to not see.

"Ehehehehe!  Ehehehehe." "Hahahaha."

Her laugh was contagious.

He couldn't resist to laugh at him self too.

The bell has ringed, ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!


Half student population in Randi Hoover middle school present  down stairs  for their forth period of  class.

 Most  ran out busting open the doors.

Proceeding to there last destinations.

Left, right, up stairs, diagonal,  it was like a pizza being divided in hundreds of slice of dices in one seating.

Announcement meeting past this early  morning wanted; teachers, students, staff, principals, police officers, to report to the main assembly this afternoon.

During  students last election forth period of class.

Skipping that for the important meeting for everyone to be counted for.

In several  straight file lines  waiting to enter in the assembly.

Assigned threater role seats appointed to you're main teacher to remember.

So, he or she knows what to do next.

His girlfriend set  both themselves out of everyone's way aside, against the wall.

Centipede crowds of children students passing through.

Filling up the whole path way down here.

Conversations crumbled up all at once.

Hard to make any of them what there talking about exactly.

It taken a whole hour for everyone to  chill out the noise to a medium. Can atlast hear yourself talk.

You promise?"

He asked, making sure.

I promise."

She said, gently.

She grabs on his hand and tags him along with everyone else to find their backpacks.

Going  to the same place as everyone else going too.

Graduate together before upcoming midnight Graduation Party after school.

For graduates that passed middle school.

Cherish there last moments in there school they will never forget with a banger.

Come on, let's go!

We're gonna be late!"


His legs running up as his girlfriend   was going  without him aware  moving his  legs yet.



It was too late, they already made it to the end of the hallway  to find their backpacks.

Seen lots of people   coming and going.

The boy did  some fun ninja moves along the way.

He mastered it to perfection what he does best  getting through people to places at much quicker safe paste, for fun.

Wait-you do that too?"

He was shocked, with holding awkward expression look on his face.

Heck yeah!" She shouted.

It's really fun.

You really thought I don't love you?

I should try this more often!"

Oh yeah?"  He asked.

Smug look at her way  breathing in between breaths the way through the paths.

I do this  all the time.  It impressed  some girls to somewhat extent.

My  smooth moves and tricks you can say from advanced experience, no one can top off.

I even get praise from girls that already have a boyfriend!


Well, now you can look forward to a girlfriend-" She limbo slide through a  several guys legs to get through.

Little burning on her knees didn't make her stop any further then that.

There hands lifted to brush the side of there cheeks, didn't feel a thing. Felt the loose of words lost to say anything they were to begin.   Proceedes boy pass them similar way as clean next.

He turned around to a spin  out of the way of a girl on her  phone chatting with girl pals passing through.

Had Starbucks coffee in her hand.

They yelp  in shock, she closing  eyes for impact.

Feeling no burning hell on her coat. Phew," she sighed with relief, opened the half up her eyes.

See?" The boy asked.

My moves way  better then you, ahahaha!"

Ahahaha, I don't think so, honey!"

He clutched his fist.

Ready for competition, babe?"

You're on!" She sped up giving herself a head-start.

" Hey! Eheheheeh!"

Making it towards the assembly  double doors.

 His  girlfriend has evaporated into ashes on the way past the bleacher big seats of threater chairs.

Everyone else  did too.

Babe, babe?!!!" He screamed  up to hug the left of her.

All he feels was ashes.

Nooo!" Noo!" Noo!" Come back-" he cried collapsing on his knees.

  A dark presence  was    at the end of the assembly  in front of the stage.

Standing right in front of it, below.

The boy  looks forward  getting up from his knees to look harder.

Sees a fellow looking   predator.

It was his worst nightmare dream creature,

Just never goes away.

Aaron flung at the flick of his wrist the  sword at that monster.

It  did not flinch, catching the blade between it's fingers.

Sttruck clean stab landing through his  right hand instead of the middle of his face. 

Crushed the weapon to pieces.

Shuddered Aaron a little off guard.

Pieces of the metal shower hit the ground.

Clutched the hand into fist bleeds it right hand dripping blood greatly.

Stood his same  composure.

Paying no mind to his wounds.

Cute," It spoke raspy.

Arghh!" Aaron channeled  his inner chi enduring  fire charka.


Duplicates two an  more of himself in firey flame fury.

Grabbed out a flaming sword out resting on his back, same time  as his duplicates.

Dashed to  run accordingly in all eight directions.

They pushed on through wavy tight spaces to small  corridors multiply times more themselves. Hurrying catapult sword cracked a big gash in the ground fused with firey blast

"Hell shower blaze!"

It swiftly skate slide backwards out the range without breaking a sweat.

They mild charge a few threatening steps swing there laden burning up swords like a feather at the mosnter with fury dodging sway in the opposite direction of there attacks.

Series of cracks, a moving storm as one combatants reappeared, now an again knock out Aaron at the starter entrance of the assembly threater.


Crashed him tumble flying, landing to hit every part of his body without control of himself.

Brought the duplicates sank to the floor have heavy feeling in their chest the simultaneously disappeared. Foom! Poom! Poom! Foom!

He spits out blood, sliding against  up a big on up wall for coverage behind him.

Sweat beams formed on his head had trouble getting up, falling back down trembling.

How... did ..... you.... how did you  find.... me?" Aaron asked

Are you done playing around?" Mosnter asked back.

Or do you want to talk? 

You want to talk, huh?" Aaron moaned himself on his feet, holding his gut.

Ok then, let's talk."

He been yelled awake,  by his sister.

  Causing him to full out of bed, frazzled. 

Couldn't apprehend what's going on.

"Please no! I'm sorry! We can talk about this!

I'll listen! I'll listen!" Don't kill me! I want to live!"


His sister chuckled.

Your funny you know that?"

"Now  come on! She picks him up to drag him by the hand with her to the bathroom.

Let's go goofball! We're gonna be late for school!"

Wait-wa what?"

There is no time for discussion!" She shouted.

Tempo runned through  wide wooden  open corridors.

Aaron tagged along like a runaway human horse learning to walk.

Eh!" He whimpered out. Reached the point  of the middle center  uneven pathway one story house.

She crouched down under him giving  a  full blown push  adrenaline boost burst directly towards the bathroom.

  Crashed into the slowly   closeing bathroom door.

Bam! Stumbled fallen backward on down laid on his back.


He  cried out rub the top of his head.

Oops!"  She  darted her eyes  swiveling  grinding her teeth together.

Sorry, I forgot the door wasn't open..

Come to think of it, I realized why it was going close in the first place," she giggled  between her words.

Bathroom door was fumbled by the door handle for a few seconds. Opening   with a faint sound. Gutter ghost screech noise it made, opening more wider apart itself.

Pushed not with  much force.

Footsteps of her's was like a ballerina on her tippy toes.

Had no distinctive sound to everywhere she goes.

Know the ways being secretive sneaky without even trying.

Lends her brother a hand.

Grunted standing him half way up.

At the  degree angle  state his body will  fall back down again  if let go.

Thank you," he said.

No problem, brother."

She smiles,   puckered her lips flat smoothly relaxed.

Dimpling in her  cheeks.

Proceeds grabbing  her toothbrush an toothpaste.

Un-twisted the toothpaste swiftly, flinging across the bathroom.  Ahhh!" He screamed in shock catching it within his reflexes.

Not letting  it fall to the floor, stuck between his  index an thump fingers crossed.

  Quick glimpse at him on the way back. Ehehehehe."  She muffled.

Brussel brushing her teeth  looking at the mirror as she does it.

Expected nonetheless from him.

Aaron had lot of thoughts going through his mind.

Taken a few  deep breaths to seat his mind at ease.

That feels much better."

Inhaled air at  his hand in front of his mouth, smelling it..

He gave a disgusted look. "Yuck! He muttered. Smells like a dumpster."

Reached for his utensils standardized in cup holder.

Slip the toothbrush in under it.

Starts for the squeeze  for the paste. Power Puff Girls toothbrush!?" Glared at his  sister looking back having no clue what he's talking about, shrugging her shoulders. Hmph!"

Raise up his brush gently being start be happy.

I ain't gonna lie, I love watching Power Puff Girls.

Coming on next Power Puff Girls on television, was like me definitely not interested. Ew, that for girls. Giving it a chance for once, unlike my friends having girl stuff, it was worth it."

His sister brushing went quiet.

Made no more body movements for this second on forward.

He provided  toothbrush nutritional  aspects to effectively work it's job, humming the theme in the mirror.

Flinched  to went paralyzed to his sister's face expression through the mirror, staring at him so intense.

He accidentally gulped down real hard, dropping his dampened toothbrush on the ground. Stick to landing on his sock.

Awwwwwww!" You really do love Power Puff Girls!?

I knew it! I knew it! You always trying hide it, you little sneaker! Say cheese!!"  Ahhhhh!" He gasped.

He tripped over himself, after the flashing of the camera of her bright phone this early in the morning. Shielding his face.

She still  taking pics over his body.

Reisting or not, he wasn't escaping.