
Hikari Ultra - Tensura

In a world of True Dragons and Demon Lords, a world where heroes are constantly summoned, one where the strong rule was a slime. In that same world, there was also Hikari! A tale of adventure, destruction, love, and war, brotherhood and betrayal.

warhawk · Anime & Comics
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Humble Beginnings

In a dark dimension, a monotone robotic voice rang out. The sweet almost motherly tone would almost make you forget about its lost individuality.

[ Voice of the World has created a child ]

[ Worldy Sage granted.. ] Prove yourself, wanderer…

"A-Ah. It's cold. Turn u-up the fucking heat"

Resistance: [Temperature Negation] has been granted.

"It's dark… I wish they would add some light, isn't this hell? Where's the fire… F-false advertisements."

Unique Skill: [Heavenly Light]"

Unique Skill: [Demonic Crystal]

"I'm so… Tired, So hungry I could eat a whole planet…"

Unique Skill: [World Devourer]

"Alright, I want to talk to whoever is in charge of this place. Come out you demon! And don't think about tricking me!"

Unique Race: [True Demon Emperor]

Unique Skill: [Facade]

Suddenly, a beam of light shot out in the void, it swirled around like a vortex sucking in all the magicule in the area and the body of the teen as well, leaving nothing but the World's Voice and it's creator lonesome.


Waking up groggily I look around to find myself in an unfamiliar environment. Surrounding me are multiple children, teenagers, and adults. But I can spot something distinct about them. Pointed… Ears? And most of the women are ultra-class beauties 'What the fuck are those elves!?' There's about 15 of them trapped in the large cage. Looking outside of the cage there are about 3 other cages filled with people.

I know I've died so I can deduce that this is either some sort of dream/nightmare or I have been reincarnated. I doubt the first one, it's just wishful thinking. And I can't forget the fact my body feels like it hasn't eaten in weeks and I'm physically in pain.

Inspecting my new body I can see multiple bruises and abrasions on my skin. My hands rough and my body has multiple whip lashes. The only people who seem to have whiplashes are teenagers and grown men. 'Forced labor?'

I can fondly remember something.. Memories I've never had about power so destructive and another elegant. Light and Crystal? I have these powers now from what I've gained but... Why?!

Looking at the group of captive elves and the current situation I feel it would be better to freak out elsewhere.

Looking towards one of the women in the cage I tap on the shoulder and pull her out of her weeping.

The woman in question a beautiful elf woman with black hair responds to me wiping the tears from her eyes. "We are a group of wandering elves and then w-we were captured by a group of bandits… B-but don't worry! We will escape soon!" She says trying to cheer me up, the Dwarven Kingdom? It seems familiar but from where…

First Priority: Escape.

Looking around for any bandits in the area I spot none so I create a rod made out of the light. Surprisingly I can lower it's brightness so It doesn't blind me.

In my hands was the rod made out of pure holy light. But no, I need it in a different form. Thinning the rod into the shape of a knife I succeed after a few tries.

A very hot knife of pure light is in my hands. Looking at the chains tied to the door of the cage I start to stand up alerting everyone in the cage and then I walk over to it.

Doing that 3 more times all the captives are out of their cages silently.

"Please wait here, I will handle the rest," I say to them giving them a reassuring nod but they all still seem a little doubtful and worried leaving their fate into the hands of a child.

Opening the door of the jailhouse slowly, I spot the bandits in question all gathered around a campfire. Drinking and eating merrily while a group of female elves serves them food while looking at them with great disdain.

Racking my brain about how to approach this I finally remember something great about the crystal!

Raising my hand into the sky and focusing on creating crystal obelisk. As four obelisk arranges into the shape of a diamond they hang there menacingly radiating a strange demonic aura.

The bandits staring at the sky warily are all getting into a battle formation. Three groups of bandits containing 10 bandits.

A giant orb of light appeared in the center of the obelisk and it rotates before breaking into many pieces. The light shards start raining like snow as they slowly fall to the tops of the bandits.

And then the shards stops midair. Like time froze each broken shard stops midair defying physics before they release a great light that blinds them momentarily.

Large beams of light fire at the bandits as they avoid the elven girls leaving giant chasms in their chest and none of the bandits even knew how they died, when the light and crystal obelisk disappear there's nothing but the charred bodies of the bandits.

The smell of iron invades the air as it permeates into my being, the bloodied bodies of the dead bandits and the elven girls scream.

A massacre. I realize what I've just done. I've massacred them. Sorrow— It invades me, I've just ended a sentient life.

Walking towards the bandit leader I stare at his lifeless body. "Fuck."

I know he's supposed to be bad and all but... Why? Did I need to end his life? But… He has also ended life... But does that give me the right to take away his? No.. But. In this world… One needs to be strong to survive. The bandits preyed on the Elves and I preyed on them. It is only correct.

"Unique Skill: [Wordly Sage] Activated" A voice sings in my mind. This…. Is this the world of Tensura? If so I need to get my priorities in order… later…


Walking back towards the jailhouse with the elven servers in tow I open the door to find a tensed group of elves.

Looking towards them they seem to calm down but also seem curious. "How did I defeat all the bandits?" they will never find out.

An elderly elven man walks towards me with his cane in hand. He gets on his knees and says

"Greetings, oh Divine One! Your humble servants greet thee!"

I'm stunned. Divine One? Humble servants? Me?! I just got in this world god damn it!

"Eto… What are you referring too?" I ask while rubbing the back of my head. This is awkward no?

The old man seems to beam in joy as he replies "You are the user of the holy light, oh Divine One! You wield the light of the Star King Dragon Veldavana!"

'Star King Dragon Veldavana?!' "I-I see…. May I ask what you, my humble servant wish to do?"

The old man beaming in joy... Again replies "This humble servant request to build a village on this holy soil! Please grant my request!"

A village eh… "I-I see... I accept your request, I-I will leave for now.." I say scurrying out the jailhouse, I don't want to be there any longer then I have to. If I do he might ask me to bless his daughter's wedding or something.

But... The Star King Dragon? How would he even know that..? I should've stayed arggh!

Exiting the Bandit Camp which laid in a clearing in the forest I pick a random direction and start walking. Wait? Where am I even at? Or going for that matter!

[Answer: You are currently located on the outskirts of the Dwarven Kingdom, next to the Jura Forest.]

"Ah, yes. How could I forget the sentient A.I that gives me answers in my head, sometimes I forget I'm trapped in a world where a pink-headed loli is a SS Rank Demon Lord." I said out loud while walking through the forest.

[Answer: I am.. More, I can… Be more... For you! Please don't hesitate to ask me for anything!]

"Eh?"… "Great Sage didn't do that.." Suddenly I remembered the voice I heard in the void. "Voice of the World has created a child"… As in the World Voice?

[Answer: Yes... That would be my…. Mother. But please pay attention to the dire wolf pack on your left.]

"Ok.." I reply lazily, I already spotted the three dire wolves stalking in the corner of my eyes. For some reason, I can see the red aura surrounding them. It's similar to the yellow aura the bandits had when they were cheering. This aura is.. Wilder.

As they've been spotted they start approaching me slowly while another three appear behind me. They surround me as they bare their fangs growling. What are they so scared of? I'm fucking tired from using 2/3rds of my magicule on the bandits.

Hmm, what's that other Unique Skill I got…. [World Devourer].

As the skill activates a black hole seems to form on both my hands just, swirling there. 'What the fuck do I do?' Ugh…

Holding my left hand towards the group of dire wolves in front of me and my right hand aiming at the three behind me they both jump at the same time. 'What the fuck do I do!?'

Like instinct, I release a deep, booming voice that doesn't sound anything like my high pitched child-like voice. Devour.

The black holes expand as the dire wolves were nearing me and they suck in both groups of wolves before they disappear. The surrounding grass and trees in a 5-meter range get sucked into nothingness.

[ Intrinsic Skill: [Thought Communication] Acquired. ]

[ Mimicry: [Dire Wolf] Acquired ]

"Ugh… Wordly Sage, what the fuck was that?" It feels so weird feeling something go inside of your body and just disappear. Don't tell me this is the feeling Rimuru had the whole time he was sucking up magical plants?!

[Answer: Unique Skill [World Devourer] evolved form of Unique Skill: [Glutton], has devoured. You subconsciously devoured the trees and grass due to your need for magicule, while also providing you with extra skills.]

Stunned by the reply I just smile sheepishly before rubbing my neck awkwardly. "I do feel restored…"


After creating a campfire I hunted for some more dire wolves only finding a small pack of three, however, I was grateful for the food.

Sitting down at the campfire I've rested my head against a tree while the meat lay on a rack I've made out of crystal.

Taking this chance to see what I look like a small but beautifully decorated crystal mirror crystallizes in front of me.

Taking a look at myself self I sigh in relief, "My prayers have been answered, I'm not ugly!" that was the scariest thing about reincarnation or whatever. Becoming ugly that is, but I'm not even going to boast I'm pretty cute for whatever my age is.

Messy white hair with dark caramel-like skin and I have golden-yellowish eyes. Hmm… I know I'm young but I don't have any memories of these bodies childhood, I think I'm aroun-

[Answer: You are now Unique Race called, True Demon Emperor. Your body is not determined by the mortal confines of aging but this bodies previous age was fourteen.]

"I see, but what is this… True Demon Emperor race?"

[Answer: True Demon Emperor, the evolved form of Exalted Race: Demon Lord. Since you are yet to undergo a "Harvest Festival" required to unlock the true power of your race, you are currently weak.

The Unique Race comes with a greater healing factor on par with Unique Skill: [Ultraspeed Regenration]. While your other senses are greatly increased. You gain the Ultimate Skill: [Magicule Breeder Reactor], Primitive Magic, Demon Magic and Ultimate Skill: [Creation Lord Ahura Mazda].]

"What the hell?! That's insanely overpowered? But a Harvest Festival... Interesting, but what is the


The same melodic robotic voice from the void sang out in my head, hold up! This is the Voice of The World!?

[You, the one I have personally blessed. Will now be known as Hikari Destroyer, now go on Hikari,.]

"W-W-WHAT!?" Is the only thing I could shout out before a red light surrounded me, it glowed vibrantly before I felt my feet being dragged into the depths of the ground.

The dirt surrounding me hardens into something like a cocoon as a viscous fluid fills my cocoon.

I can't breathe in this liquid, trying to claw my way out but I can't move. Surprisingly I don't feel the need to breathe the air. As the magicules around me go into my body I feel warm... Like a mother holding it's a child before I drift off to sleep.
