
Highschool of the Dead: The Age of Evolution

What is that thing?" The first boy asked, "Hell if I know. It seems really familiar, though." The second responded, "Yeah. Like a certain person we know." The third added, "Okay, okay. Are we done acting stupid? Like, honestly." The first boy turned back around at the other two. "I mean, look at it for god's sake." "Demon's Blood, yeah. We get it. We just thought being dramatic would look cooler." The second boy answered, "Well cut the shit, we're not filming a movie, jackasses." MC OC x Saya, OC x Saeko, OC x OC, Rei x Takashi, Kohta x OC

Soraino · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Disarray of the Dead

The city was in turmoil, but at the same time it was... quiet. I couldn't see anyone roaming the streets, or anyone in the alleyways as we drove across the road by the beach. Boats and cars were toppled over, buildings were on fire, blood was splattered everywhere. One of the students from Shido's group started to shout from the back seats, I think his name was Tsunodoa?

"Why did we have to leave the school and go wherever you guys go? I think we would've been fine inside of the school! We could've hid ourselves in a good place and wait for help-" Shizuka slammed on the brakes and turned around,

"Stop! I can't focus on driving with all this commotion!" his eyes darted down to her inhuman breasts dangling down from her chest.

"Uh huh..." Saeko butted in,

"The JSDF flew overhead the school hours ago, they have more important matters than a few highschool students and adults." One of the other students stood up in agreement with Tsunoda,

"He's right, we were best off at the school. I don't know why we went with you guys". Saeko replied,

"And what will you do?" The student showed a face of anger before sitting down. Tsunoda walked up the center a bit before pointing at Takashi,

"I'm sorry, I just can't stand this guy!" Takashi stood up and glared him in the eye,

"The hell? What did I ever do to you?" Hirano made a 'tch' sound and put his hand on the nailgun, but Saya stopped him.

"You know-" Tsunoda went to throw a punch at Takashi before Gray grabbed him by his arm. He twisted it and forced him to turn around before kicking him in the back. Tsunoda stumbled down and turned around, this time furious. He made a full sprint for Gray before Rei slammed her spearhandle into his abdomen, making him spit out. She followed up by swiping his legs off the ground, a hard thud could be felt as he hit the floor of the bus. Shido walked up towards them while clapping,

"Well done, well done, I admire your teamwork. But this is what I'm talking about!" he paused while turning around, "Stuff like this will keep happening if there isn't a leader," he turned his head back again, "and I don't think any of you want that responsibility, do you?" the students behind him stood up and began to clap. I noticed Gray was about to move forwards for him, but I grabbed his arm. He looked down at me and I shook my head.

"Not worth it." I said as he sat down across from me. To my surprise- well everyone's surprise, Rei kicked the doors to the bus wide open and jumped out. Takashi stuck his head out of the door,

"Rei!" she turned around and swung her spear handle down,

"No way! I won't do it, I'm not staying here with him!" Takashi slumped a bit and lowered his voice,

"Get back on the bus..." Shido put his finger on his forehead,

"Well, there's nothing I can do if you don't want to act in accordance with all of us..." Takashi turned around at him,

"What us? What are you talking about?" Takashi followed Rei and jumped out of the bus. I stuck my head outside of the window,

"Takashi!" Takashi grabbed Rei's arm,

"Wait. Get back on the bus and when we get to the city we'll get off. I don't want you to leave." I could see a small tear form under her eyes,

"That's why I told you that you'd regret this!" he leaned forward and put force behind his voice,

"No, we'll both regret this!" A loud horn could be heard in the distance. Saeko's eyes widened and looked over at Shizuka,

"Okay you need to punch it!" we all turned back and saw a bus filled with zombies. And it was coming straight for us. It hit the back of a car and tipped over onto its side. I couldn't tell, but it looked like Takashi caught Rei and jumped with her under the bridge, the bus now on fire and blocking the entire path. Saeko and I ran outside to the bus,

"Hey, are you guys okay!?" That's when we looked up, and now the fuckers were getting out of the bus. Oh but hey, there's just one great thing. They were on fire. Were they fucking heat resistant? I looked to the side of the bus and saw Takashi,

"At the police station! Meet up at the east police station!" Saeko responded,

"What time?"

"7 O'clock! If not today, then tomorrow at the same time!" Saeko and I readied our weapons as the zombies began to fall over. I guess they weren't so heat resistant after all. Her and I looked at each other and nodded, running back onto the bus. I shut the doors and Saeko talked to Shizuka,

"Looks like we're not taking this freeway anymore." Shizuka replied,

"Okay," Shizuka turned right, "I'll turn around and find another way!" We made our way up the highway and turned through the backstreets. I walked up and tapped Shizuka on the shoulder,

"We should stop in a two-way alley. We know they're attracted to noise, so if we just stay quiet for the night we should get by just fine." She nodded and took the first turn into one of the neighborhood alleys. Luckily enough, there were none of the undead in the area so we managed to park in just fine. I'm surprised the dickhead teacher in the back didn't say anything about it, but it's best to leave it alone. "I'll take the first watch, everyone else go get some sleep." I said as I opened up the hatch to the roof.

I looked up, the night sky looking so innocent compared to the living hell right below it. I sat at the edge of the roof, tucking in one of my knees and letting the other dangle over the edge as I rested my arm on my knee. I soon turned as I could hear another climbing up to the roof. It was Saeko. We shared a smile as she sat down next to me,

"Can't bear to deal with Mr. Psycho down there?" She asked as I looked down to the road and chuckled,

"Not that, I just needed a breather I guess. The rest will be fine down there, even if he did try anything." She nodded,

"Don't we all?" We both laughed,

"You're right, it's been less than 24 hours and it's already felt like a whole different life. How do you think Rei and Takashi are?"

"They'll be alright. We just need to be at the police station by 7 tomorrow."


Two hours passed by, although they felt like an eternity. I yawned and covered my mouth, the exhausting long day finally getting to me. Saeko and I turned our heads back as Gray and Lucifer came up to the roof. Gray spoke,

"We're going to go scout the area, we don't have any food or water." I nodded,

"Stay safe, you two. I trust you guys will be back in under a few hours?" they both nodded as well,

"We'll be fine, you know us." I smiled,

"I can take over for a bit, go get some sleep, Sora." Saeko said as I looked at her,

"Thanks." Gray let his hand out and pulled me up to my feet. I waved at Saeko and went down the ladder. Most of the group in the back were asleep, except for two of the girls and Shido. I took my seat next to Saya again, Shizuka and Hirano both being asleep.

"How is it out there?" She asked me. I turned at her and gave a thumbs up,

"It's all good. Nothing is in the area but us so far, I think it'll be a quiet night." She let out a sigh of relief and put her hand to her chest. Now that I think about it, she is pretty busty after all. Not that that's important or anything. A few gunshots went off as the two girls in the back gasped in fear. But to all of our amaze, Shido had come straight from the seat behind and wrapped his arms around the two. He began to spur random shit,

"It's okay... it's okay... it's safe here! It's okay!" they both smiled and hugged him back, Saya and I looked at each other before she muttered under her breath,

"That's just- disgusting." I covered my mouth to hide a laugh but it seeped out just a bit. I added,

"So in the future, if you ever get like that, do I need to do that to comfort you?" she punched me in the arm and laughed,

"Oh dear god no, don't even try that." We both laughed as she laid her head on my shoulder. It was bold, but also pretty damn cute. She looked up at me as I looked down at her and she asked, "Do you mind?" I smiled,

"Not at all. We should get some sleep, anyways," she closed her eyes and fixed her position. Before I even knew it, we were both asleep.