
first day of being a freshman

(inner thought) "wow, it's my first day of being a freshman I'm so nervous!!! what will I do? what style should I do in my hair? ugh it's so hard to think when I'm nervous." - Hi, my name is Adrianna. I'm 14 year of age and spend most of my life being a book worm. When I'm nervous I do stupid things... but hey that's just me. Welcome to my life, as I tell you a scary but yet romantic .... I guess story.

"though it was my first day of high school I already had friends and knew some people who goes there, which made me a little bit relieved. I thought - hey! this might not be so bad after all I just got to give it my best shot and keep my head up high , and have a little confidence in myself. "

Meanwhile brainstorming I was getting ready ( by the way we have to wear uniform) - put on my uniform, kiss my mom goodbye and went ahead to school. I catch the daily school bus and just couldn't seem to think straight. Thoughts were going through my head, my belly felt as if they were butterflies just flying crazily "WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME?", I asked myself.

step-by-step, walking and I just couldn't focus on being confident. I didn't want to even step into the school compound. The feeling of wanting to puke was near to come but luckily I didn't. Finally I arrived, so many people stared at me. ( ok, ok just so guys know.... hehe... uhm Main character is a tall girl who is 5'7 and she's pretty skinny so don't judge her please.... okie bye) The feeling of being stared at really killed me inside and made me felt as if I was zombie. I walked pass a group of teenagers and all I can hear is disgusting laughter and insults being thrown at me. I softly said to myself " this was what I'm afraid of...)

guys.... (chuckle) just so you know this novel is actually base on a true story. guess who the main character is? I'll give you 5 sec, Oh what the heck.... IT'S ME!!! you bozos, ENJOY!!! ?

jungkookiewithsugacreators' thoughts