

Chapter 30


"Now then, Rias. Could you speak about the incident a few days before?" Sirzechs urged looking towards her.

"Yes, Lucifer-sama."

Rias, Sona and Akeno stood up and talked about the recent attack from Kokabiel and the leaders between the three powers discussed the incident.

Vince silently observed Rias, Sona and Akeno as he continued to listen to his MP3. (When is this thing going to end? This meeting has been dragging on for a while.)

"-That is all. The report which I, Rias Gremory and the household devils over there experienced." Rias resumed sitting along with Sona and Akeno after hearing Sirzechs.

"Thanks, Rias-chan." Serafall said sending a wink towards her.

Rias looked towards Vince and much to her ire, he simply yawned and looked at the ceiling with a bored look.

"Now then, Azazel. After hearing this report, I want to hear the opinion of the Governor of the fallen angels." Sirzeches stated, gazing at him.

Azazel simply let out an intrepid smile. "Regarding the incident a few days back, Kokabiel, a leader of our Central Organization, Grigori, kept quiet to the other leaders, as well as to me, the Governor, and acted independently. His disposal was done by Vince along with his friends, the shinobi, surprisingly enough. After that, we documented his death. He can't do anything anymore, Vince completely destroyed his body with a powerful attack right after he and his friends bloodied up Kokabiel. The amount of blood he lost stained the battlefield. The explanation for that, everything was written in the material that was forwarded to you, right? That is all."

Vince whistled innocently making Shura to hold back a laugh while Micheal sighed and nodded. "As the explanation, it is the worst category but- I know about the story of you personally not wanting to make anything big occur against us. Is that true?"

"Aah, I don't have any interest in wars. When Kokabiel also disparaged me, don't you have the report for that as well." Azazel said casually.

"Azazel, I want to ask one thing but, why have you been gathering owners of Sacred Gears for the past decades? At first I thought you were gathering humans, and attempting to augment your battle potential. I even anticipated you to wage war against heaven or us but..." Sirzechs trailed off.

"Yes, no matter how much time passed, you didn't wage a war against us. When I heard you got hold of the Vanishing Dragon, I was enveloped by a strong wariness." Micheal added also looking at Azazel.

"It's for the sake of Sacred Gear research. If that's the case, should I send a part of the research materials to you as well? Even if I did research, I wouldn't wage a war against you or anything. I don't have any interest in war at this late of an hour. I am perfectly satisfied with the world right now. I have strongly ordered my subordinates, "Don't interfere with the human world's politics", you know? I have no intention of intervening in religion either, nor to influence the business of the devils. -Damn, is my trust in the three factions the least?" Azazel wondered with a bitter smile.

"That's true." Sirzechs said with a nod.

"That's right." Micheal added also agreeing.

"That's exactly it." Serafall answered nodding.

Vince however snorted at that gaining the leaders attention. Everyone turned to Vince and Serafall looked at him with smiling. "Is there something you want to add Vince-chan?"

All eyes turned to him while he shrugged unfazed by the attention. "Not really, though is it necessary to say?"

"Why yes. I am a bit curious by your reaction just now." Sirzechs stated with Serafall, Micheal and Azazel agreeing.

"Oh it's not much really." A small smirk appeared on his face as he turned to Sirzechs. "I'm just recalling a few memories when a few of you weren't exactly trustworthy either. There was the time you told me about saving your sister from being engaged to man that she didn't wish to marry, left me in dark about the rest of the details and told me at the last minute I'm engaged to her. Not mention, you had Leviathan record my sparing match from yesterday."

He then pointed to Serafall, "You tried to recruit me to join your peerage yesterday after said sparing match..."

Azazel let out an amused grin as Vince pointed to Micheal. "I wouldn't be surprised if you're using my friendship with Shura and Gabriel to monitor me because of my Sacred Gears, thinking I'm some kind of potential danger. And I'm sure Azazel has someone from Grigori tailing me for a similar reason at different times of the day when I'm not in school. Not to mention all of you seem to know the story behind my sacred gear and are aware of it's recent changes, enough of a change to put all of you on guard. And none of you have even told me anything about it. I had to find out by asking someone else. Now that I think about it, all of you have been pretty damn shady."

With the exception of the leaders and Vali the rest of the people turned to Vince, completely surprised at his statement. Both Rias and Sona rubbed their temples stressfully while Grayfia held back a sigh.

Azazel uninterestedly pecked at his ears. "Che. You really don't pull any punches, do you kid?" He then turned to the other leaders who blinked owlishly at Vince's bluntness. "And I thought you were better than God or the last generation's Lucifer but, you guys are troublesome guys yourselves. All of you were keeping a close eye on him, trying to get him to join a side or examine him. Not to mention, sneakily researching doesn't get along well with you, huh. Ah, I got it. -Then, let's make peace. Originally wasn't that the intention as well? Angels and Devils as well?"

Rias and Sona looked considerably surprised while Vince crossed his arms with a raised eyebrow. (The reason for that is probably because of self preservation. Either that or a bigger threat is coming soon. There's still that organization that nearly kidnapped Kunou and stole Totsuka, that's been bugging me for a while.)

Micheal looked relatively surprised by Azazel's proposal, but smiled. "Yes, I also planned to propose peace to the Devil side and Grigori. Even if we continue the relationship of the three factions like before, then it will become damaging to the world right now. I, the leader of the angels say it since -the original cause of the war, God and Maou-sama have been annihilated."

Azazel suddenly bursted out laughing. "Ha! That stubborn Michael has started to speak. Even though he was about God, God, God before."

Vince turned towards Micheal and let out a small sigh of relief. (Good thing I wasn't born in that time.)

"...I have lost a lot of things. However, there's no helping seeking for things that aren't present. It is our duty to guide humans. We members of the Seraph have the same opinion that the most important thing is to watch over the children of God from now on as well, and to guide them." Micheal answered sighing.

(Ugh. This reminds me of those crappy church sermons back in Florida.) Vince thought as he raised up the volume of his MP3 by a little. Gabriel noticed the music coming from Vince's earphones and looked a little sad for a moment.

"Hey hey, with your speech just now, you'll "fall" you know? -I thought that but you took over the system, right. It's become a good world. It's completely different from the time when we "fell"." Azazel said to him.

"We are the same. Even if the Maou isn't here, in order to continue the species, Devils too have moved forward as well. Even we wouldn't want war. -If we do another war, the devils will be destroyed." Sirzechs commented.

Azazel nodded in response. "Yes. If we do another war, the three factions will definitely be mutually destroyed. And then, it will affect the human world as well, and the world will end. We can't do wars now."

(The world is already messed up. Aside from the panicking religion fanatics going crazy, would it really matter?) Vince wondered, crossing his arms in confusion.

"Do you think a world without God is wrong? Do you think a world without God would decay? I am sorry to say but that isn't the case. Me and you as well are both healthily living like this." He stated.

Azazel then opened his arms. "-The world moves even without a God."

Vince's eyes slightly widened at the statement for a moment before he nodded in agreement. His expression immediately turned bored upon hearing three leaders talking about their military forces. He raised the volume of the MP3, loud enough to drown out the rest of the music.

Gabriel noticed this and looked a little confused while Serafall saw this and pouted. He tapped his index finger to the beat of the music as Rena shook her head and Rias sighed lightly.

Vince checked the screen of his MP3 to check the name of the music and smirked a little. (Rebellion, huh? That kinda suits me with how things are at the moment.)

"And, is this it?" Sirzechs asked as the leaders let out a huge sigh.

An hour has passed since the conversation Rena, Kasumi and Akari turned towards Vince and noticed his head towards the ceiling with his eyes closed.

Rena sweatdropped, she lightly shook his shoulder and whispered in his ear. "Vince wake up, the conversation is over."

Vince's eyes shot open and his eyes trailed down to the clock on his MP3. An annoyed look appeared on his face. (Seriously? It takes an hour for them to discuss a freakin' topic? I knew I should have stayed home.)

While Grayfia started serving tea Micheal turned his gaze to Issei. "Now then, the discussion has considerably been solved in a good direction, is it all right if we hear about the matter of Sekiryuutei-dono soon."

Everyone's gaze concentrated towards him. Issei looked completely nervous and Vince sighed. He coated his hand in lightning and patted him on the back. (Don't clam up now Issei.)

Issei's eyes widened when he felt all of the nervousness from his body disappear. He turned to Vince who only smirked for a moment before turning to his MP3. Issei then turned his head towards Asia. "Asia. Is it all right if I ask Michael-san about you?"

Asia looked surprised but smiled. "If Issei-san wants to ask about it, then I don't mind. Since I trust Issei-san."

"Why did you exile Asia?" Issei asked looking at Micheal.

Everyone with the exception of Vince had an astonished expression. He smirked a little and spoke loud enough for those around him to hear. "It's about time."

"I can only apologize for that. ...After God had been annihilated, only the system to govern divine protection, mercy and miracles remained. This system was, if I explain it simply, the system to perform the miracles etc. God did. God made the system, used it to bring about miracles above ground. To bring about the effect of holy things like exorcism, crosses etc. these too are the system's powers." Micheal answered earnestly.

"After God died, in that... some system trouble occurred... is what you're saying?" Issei asked hesitantly.

Micheal nodded in response. "To be honest, it takes a big toll on anyone who uses it with the exception of God. With me as the center, everyone of the Seraph was able to somehow start up the system but... compared to the time God existed, the divine protection and mercy to those who believe in God is not complete. -It's an unfortunate thing but, those who can be granted salvation are limited."

(That explains quite a few things actually and here I thought the guy was lazy or just didn't care.) Vince thought shaking his head.

"For that, there was a need to keep away those people related to the church who could possibly cause an influence on the system. As an example of those who can cause influence on the system, a part of the Sacred Gear -Asia Argento's Twilight Healing is included as well. Your Boosted Gear also Divine Dividing and Angel/Devil." Micheal answered.

Vince held back the urge to clench his fist and instead crossed his arms with a bitter look. (Looks like mom was wrong that praying would help me. Tch, I knew I was right that was nothing more than a waste of my time.)

"Asia is included because she can heal Devils and Fallen Angels as well?" Issei questioned.

Micheal nodded once again. "Yes. If there is a person who can heal Devils and Fallen Angels present within the followers, it will influence the faith of the ones around her. The source of us living in heaven is the faith of believers. Because of that, Twilight healing is a forbidden sacred gear which can cause an influence on the system. And also, as an example of influence on the system."

Xenovia interrupted Michael and spoke up. "The people who know about the non-existence of God, right?"

"Yes, that's right, Xenovia. To lose you is a serious wound even for us but if apart from us, Seraph and a part of the higher rank angels, if a fair amount of people who know about the non-existence of God approach the place with a direct connection then there's a huge effect on the system. I apologize. There was no other way but to make you and Asia Argento heretics." Micheal said apologetically, bowing his head to Xenovia and Asia.

Xenovia however shook her head and smiled. "No, Michael-sama, please don't apologize. Even like this, till I reached this age I was brought up by the church. I somehow felt it was a bit irrational but if you know the reason then there's nothing such as asking why."

"The fact that you reincarnated as a devil, that is our crime." Micheal replied.

"It's all right. ...I regretted it a bit but the things that I couldn't do when I was serving the church, the things that were sealed from me are now brilliantly colouring my everyday life. If I say these words, I may anger the other believers but... Even then I am satisfied by my current life." Xenovia stated with a small smile.

(Never thought she felt like that.) Vince thought looking at her, with a slightly surprised look.

Asia placed her hands together and smiled. "Michael-sama, I also feel I am happy. Since I now have a lot of important people. And also I have met and talked with the Michael-sama who I admired, it's an honor!"

Micheal showed a sigh of relief from hearing the two. "Sorry. I am grateful for your forgiving hearts. I leave Durandal to you, Xenovia. Since it's the family of the Sirzechs' sister then I am at ease that it won't be used by those who do as they please."

Azazel looked at Asia. She noticed it, and her body trembled. "It seems my subordinates killed her while keeping quiet about it. I received that report as well."

"That's right, Asia died once. E-even I was killed by Fallen Angels but above that Asia! It may be something that occurred in a place you don't know but the Fallen Angel girls who admired you killed Asia for your sake." Issei said heatedly.

"Calm down, Issei." Rias warned.

"It's true we Fallen Angels are eliminating those Sacred Gear users who may cause harm to us. As an organization, it's obvious right? Sensing that a person may become a threat in the future, then if we know about it beforehand, you'll want to eliminate him. And because of that you died. The reason is, the human with no talent, you, could have run wild with the power of the Sekiryuutei without being able to control it, and have a bad effect on us or the world." Azazel explained.

"Thanks to you, I am a Devil." Issei countered.

"Do you dislike it? At the very least, those around you are happy that you became a Devil." Azazel asked looking at him.

"I-I don't dislike it! Everyone is a good person and I know that I am receiving favorable treatment. However...!" He trailed off.

Vince stayed silent but held up a poker face, despite him shaking his head in disbelief. He quickly readjusted the way he sat on his seat and now played closer attention to the conversation.

Azazel sighed in response. "Even if I apologize now, it's too late. That's why, I am thinking of doing something that only I can do to make you stand on both your legs."

"Now then, it's time we hear the opinion of people other than us, those who seem like they can influence the world. From the invincible Dragon-sama. Firstly, Vali. What do you want to do to the world?" Azazel asked turning towards Vali.

"If I can fight strong guys, then it's fine." He replied smiling.

Azazel's gaze this time turns to Issei. "Then, Sekiryuutei, what about you?"

Issei looked sheepish and scratched his cheeks. "To be honest, I don't understand it well. Somehow due to all the fastidious stuff my head is in chaos. In addition to that, I am desperate about looking after my junior devil, so even if I am told what I think about the world, how should I say it, I don't have feelings gushing forth."

"However, you are one of those who has the power to move the world. If you don't make your choice then it would be difficult for those standing on top of each of the powers such as me to move." Azazel stated.

Issei still looked confused and Azazel sighed. "Hyoudou Issei, then let me explain it in a very simple manner. If we fight, then there will be a need for you to also fight at the front stage. If that happens, you won't be able to have a harem and sleep with a lot of women."

Issei's eyes widened greatly while Rena, Kasumi and Akari looked on in disbelief, not believing what they just heard.

"If we make peace, then there won't be a need to fight. If that happens, then what's left that is the most important is continuation of the species and prosperity. You may be able to endeavor in making children with your harem everyday maybe even with Rias Gremory. How's that? Is it easy to understand? If there's a fight, then there's no sex. If there's peace then you can have sex all the time. Which will you choose?" Azazel asked looking at him.

"I would like to have the peaceful one please! Yes! It's peace, all right! Peace is the best! I want to do ecchi things especially with Buchou!" Issei shouted aloud.

"Issei-kun, Sirzechs-sama is present here you know? Not to mention Buchou is engaged to Vince-kun." Kiba pointed out with a bitter smile.

Rias looked at Issei in complete disbelief and scooted closer to Vince while Sirzechs laughed in a low intensity manner.

Issei immediately froze as soon as and gulped loudly. "Um... I, since I am an idiot, the meaning of the ninety percent contents of this conference are obscure. However, what I can say is, since the power residing in me is strong then I'll use it for my comrades. Buchou, Asia, Akeno-san and also the other members as well, if they're exposed to trouble then I'll protect them! ...Wait, I am still quite weak though. However what I can do is about that. Even if I have to risk my life, I will live alongside my comrades..."

Azazel noticed Issei slightly shaking from noticing the expression that slowly crept across Vince's face and turned towards him. "And what about you?"

"Piss off." He replied, shocking the other people in the room.

Rias immediately covered Vince's mouth and spoke. "I apologize for Vince's choice of words."

"Che. Your fiancé really doesn't hold anything back when he's irritated. Probably because he cares about you." Azazel stated, his eye slightly twitching from the insult while Rias blushed.

"So what was the question again?" Vince asked trying to change the subject, after moving her hand away from his mouth.

"And now you're changing the topic..." Azazel remarked, he looked at him. "I'm asking you about your opinion on the world."

Vince gave him a questioning look. "Why me? Neither of my Sacred Gears are a Longinus."

"No. But your sacred gear was forbidden and banned by God himself. The very nature of it's existence is very influential towards those that follow God. It can easily shatter the beliefs of the followers. You've also been able to make a sacred gear that's normally not all that powerful and make it much more stronger than what it should be. If their growth rate continue their power will probably borderline between a high-tier rare class sacred gear and a low-tier longnius sacred gear." Azazel explained seriously.

Everyone minus the leaders in the room eyes widened. They turned to Vince who stared at the bracelet on his wrist and the tattoo on his arm. He sighed for a moment before turning back to Azazel. "If I tell you my opinion, will you and the other leaders answer a question I have?"

"Sure thing, I don't see why not." Azazel stated with the other leaders agreeing.

"Alright then. Answer truthfully, do either of you know how Angel/Devil can transform the wielder into either an angel or a devil?" Vince asked looking at them.

They shook their heads, as Micheal sighed. "Unfortunately not even I know. God would not divulge the information and instead locked it away."

"I see."

(So as of right now, only Yume and I are the only ones that know. That's good to know.) Vince thought with a small nod.

"Now then, Vince Reinhart, what is your opinion of the world?" Azazel asked turning his gaze towards him.

"I could care less about the world." Vince shrugged, as he ignored the surprised looks he received and continued. "It's nothing more than troublesome for me to even think about it."

Azazel sighed and shook his head in disappointment. "And what of the people that live in this world? You do have people you care about, right? If the world is in trouble then they will also be in trouble."

Vince rolled his eyes in response at his answer. "Caring about the people in the world is one thing, caring about the world itself is another. Besides, I only care about a small handful of people. What ever happens to rest of the people in the world is not my concern."

Suddenly Vince felt his breath froze for a moment and an omnious chill down his spine, his eyes widened as he now felt a familiar sensation. With a look of urgency on his face he turned to the others that stood next to him. "Rena use senjutsu now! Kasumi, Akari, go to Rena and hold on to her as soon as possible!"

The others stood still completely surprised at Vince's outburst. A tickmark appeared on his face when he saw the others stood still. He grabbed Kasumi and Akari from their seat and lightly shoved them close to Rena. "Hurry up, already!"

Getting out of her surprise at his sudden out burst nodded seriously, Rena quickly took out her rapier and channeled senjutsu into it as Kasumi and Akari grabbed on to her shoulders.

Reacting on pure instinct Vince summoned Arondight and Totsuka, a moment later his entire body froze.


"...Wha-?" Issei looked around the room and noticed a few changes.

Micheal looked outside from a window while Sirzechs and Azazel were discussing with each other with a serious expression.

Kasumi, Rena and Akari also discussed with each other while taking worried glances at Vince who stood entirely still. Gabriel looked at Vince worriedly and Shura just calmly took a sip of beer, looking outside of the window nonchantly.

Azazel noticed Issei and spoke up. "Oh, the Sekiryuutei has come back."

"D-Did something happen?"

"It seems only me, Issei, Yuuto, and Xenovia are able to move from my family." Rias stated fromwing a little.

"It would appear the reason you're safe is because Issei is the possessor of the Sekiryuutei and because Yuuto has an irregular holy demonic sword that has attained Balance Breaker. Xenovia invoked Durandal just before it happened. Rena, Akari and Kasumi can move because of the senjutsu protecting her." Rias explained after noticing Issei's confused expression.

Xenovia frowned and placed away Durandel. "The sense of time stopping was somehow remembered by my body. -When time was on the verge of stopping, I thought I could use Durandal's power to protect myself, it seems I was correct. It seems I wasn't the only one if Vince was able to sense it."

"Be that as it may. Buchou, what happened?" Issei questioned.

"It seems..." She trailed off.

"To be a terrorist attack." Azazel finished.

"Would you like to look outside?" Azazel asked gesturing towards the window with his chin.

Outside of the window people dressed in black robes fired mutliple attacks, looking like magic bullets at the school.

"We're under fire. In any era where a power tried to form peace with other powers, there will also be a gathering of those who dislike it and try to disturb it." Azazel pointed out.

"It looks like Vince and the others were right." Rena spoke gaining Issei and Azazel's attention.

"And how would you know something like that?" Azazel asked looking towards her.

"Vince told me about it." Rena responded with a small sigh. She looked out the window and gripped her rapier. "It was also pretty obvious that someone wanted to stop this."

"Was this the reason why the rest of the shinobi couldn't attend?" Sirzechs asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, Ryu and my brother figured this would happen. If something happened during the treaty they would most likely be framed because of them being shinobi and the villages would be targeted." Kasumi explained seriously.

"I see, that would make sense." Azazel responded with a small nod.

Azazel, stood next to Issei and gave a fearless smile. "Those guys are so-called magicians. It's a kind of magic that was originally interpreted from the magic system of devils by the legendary magician "Merlin Ambrosius" and reconstructed as sorcerer ...From the power of the magic they're emitting, I'd guess that they each possess the magic power of a mid-class devil."

"In short, it means that humans can use powers like those of devils. Though, of course, it also seems to be possible that they can't become devils themselves. It's especially troublesome when a Sacred Gear possessor learns magic. Well, their attacks aren't capable of damaging this school building. Because the strongest protective barrier by me, Sirzechs, and Michael is enveloping this place. Though, thanks to that, we can't leave here." He answered nonchantly.

"T-Then, what about when time seemed to stop before?" Issei asked sounding a little nervous.

"Most likely, they used a Sacred Gear or magic that transfers power on the half-vampire kid's Sacred Gear and forcefully made it go into Balance Breaker state. It's only a temporary Balance Breaker state, even then, to think that it even affects people present in the interior of objects outside the field of vision ...So that half-vampires potential ability was this high. Well, it seems that he lacks the output to stop us top-position guys, though.

Issei nodded but still had a confused look. "But, they transferred power? There are other Sacred Gears with that kind of ability?"

"Boosted Gear combines together both the nearly endless doubling ability and the transfer ability. There exist independent Sacred Gears with either of these respective powers. The doubling Sacred Gear and transfer Sacred Gear. All the Longinus are just a combination of one ability with another. Essentially, they combine powerful abilities that aren't supposed to be combined. Maybe the "Longinus" are born because of a kind of bug, errors in the Sacred Gear program constructed by God, that's one of the opinions of us "Grigori". If I had to say it in an easy-to-understand way to you, it's a fact that there are other powers that can transfer." Azazel stated in a informative tone.

Rias then walked near Vince and clenched her fist. "Gasper has been made into a terrorist weapon at the old school building ...Just where did they get information on my servant ...Moreover, for them to use his power to go after this important meeting...! Never have I been so insulted like this!"

Rias radiated a crimson aura and Azazel put a hand on her shoulder with a tap. "By the way, the armies of the fallen angels, angels and devils outside of this school building all seem to be stopped as well. Geez, Rias Gremory's family is just dreadful."

Rias brushed his hand away, and Akari sighed. "Is there anything we can do for Vince? He has his holy-sword and his demon-sword out and yet he's still frozen in time."

"Relax, I wouldn't worry about to much Vince, he'll be fine." Shura said, taking a sip of beer.

"How can you be so sure? He's frozen in time!" Rias exclaimed, as she walked closer to Vince.

"Sheesh, just give it a minute or two and you'll see why." Shura answered in a nonchant tone.

"Shura-sama. How exactly do you know Vince?" Xenovia asked curiously.

Shura shrugged and took another sip of beer. "I trained the kid myself when Gabriel told me to help him get his sacred gear under control. Let me tell ya, the job was harder than I thought."

Xenovia's eyes widened greatly. "Y-You trained Vince?!"

Issei adopted a look of confusion and Rias turned to him. "Shura Kirigakure is one of the best exorcists of the church and the only member that uses a demon-sword." She then turned to Shura with a suspicious look. "How exactly do you know Vince will be okay?"

"I've known the guy for a while. He's pretty damn stubborn when he wants to be, 'sides Vince assimilated those two swords like the Sekiryuutei did. If anything they're gonna react like Durandel did." She explained, finishing her can of beer.

Shura felt a pulse of demonic energy and holy energy, a smirk appeared on her face and she turned to Rias. "Hey Gremory, I know ya want to invade Vince's personal space but ya might want to back off now."

A blush appeared on her face, Rias turned to glare at Shura before she felt a pulse of holy energy and demonic from Vince's swords. Rias got away from him as more holy and demonic energy started leaking from his respective weapons.

"Haaaah!" A large pulse of holy and demonic energy shot out of Vince's weapons. The wave of the energy shattered all of the windows. He dismissed Totsuka leaving only Arondight in hand. Vince planted the blade in the ground, it radiated an enormous amount of demonic energy.

"Good to see your finally moving kid. You sure took your time." Azazel remarked jokingly.


"Vince is everything ok?" Gabriel asked with a concerned expression.

"More or less." Vince looked out of the window and glared at the magicians outside that fired another round of magic bullets at the building. "These are the guys responsible for time stopping?"

Kasumi nodded and gave Vince a detail explanation on what happened during his time being frozen. He took in the information and nodded while a scowl appeared on his face.

"Great..." The bracelet on Vince's wrist glowed brightly and an unusual magic circle appeared in front of the bracelet for a moment, emitting holy-energy before it faded, gaining everyone's attention. Just then, two large pure white wings grew out his back.

Everyone look on in interest, Gabriel and Micheal smiled while Azazel nodded. "So that's what the transformation looks like. Interesting."

Akari then raised an eyebrow. "Vince, do you know why it took so long for the effects of Gasper's Sacred Gear to no longer affect you?"

"Well, I think my two swords were released their respective energies at the same time with the same amount of power. But that was the problem. It kept canceling each other out and because of that, I was frozen until they reached a certain boiling point and it eventually leaked out." Vince explained with a small shrug.

"How do you even know that?" Rena asked frowning a little.

Vince stuck his hands in his pockets and leaned against the side of the wall. "It's a guess. Given how things have been lately I think it makes sense. Holy and demonic energy are opposites, they constantly clash with each other with both energies fighting to be dominant. The exception to the rule is the recently discovered holy demonic energy."

"You're a pretty sharp kid for your age." Azazel complimented.

"Hn." Vince glanced towards Akeno's direction he saw her frozen in time and to his surprise he also saw Shuri behind her, looking completely distraught. His expression slightly saddened from seeing her expression. Then his face turned cold, Vince directed his killing intent to outside of the window and gave off a murderous glare. "...Those bastards made a big mistake."

Everyone's eyes widened when Vince didn't show any signs of falling. Azazel's surprise look quickly turned into a grin. "Never thought I'd be hearing an angel swear without falling."

He grabbed the demon-sword and held his head as if in pain. A large surge of demonic energy surged from the sword into his body. Vince's slowly feathers fell to the floor as his wings slowly changed color from pure white to obsidian. His body emitted an omnious black aura, he outstretched his arm along with his wings, some black feathered wings fell to ground right next to the white feathers.

The remaining ORC's members eyes widened, Rias looked at Vince in complete shock. Rena, Kasumi and Akari also looked greatly surprised from the sudden transformation.

Vince looked at his body and frowned. (That's new. Last time I turned into a fallen angel, I didn't emit this black aura from my body. It still hurts to transform but at least the pain is reduced.)

Micheal and Gabriel's eyes widened greatly and Azazel smirked. "That's an interesting trick. I didn't think you would fall on purpose."

"This isn't permanent. I can always undo the transformation and put away the sword. 'Sides, falling isn't as bad as angels make it out to be." Vince answered, as he cracked his neck.

"But even so, why would you fall on purpose Vince?" Gabriel asked looking at him concerned.

"Falling has it's advantages Gabriel." He replied walking towards the window.

"What type of advantages?" Micheal asked sighing.

"You'll find out soon." Vince then turned to Issei. "I can turn into a fallen angel whenever I feel like it, do you hate me?"

"You're still my friend Vince." Issei answered honestly, a perverted grin appeared on his face. "Let's go look at some bishojou's after this."

Vince looked surprised for a moment before he shrugged. "...Ah sure, why the hell not?"

The rest of the remaining ORC members along with Kasumi, Akari and Rena sighed and shook their heads in disbelief.

"Never thought you were that type Vince. Aren't ya supposed to be engaged?" Shura asked with an amused grin.

"Only in name. I still consider myself single." He answered, with a roll of his eyes.

Rias frowned and elbowed Vince in the stomach. He grunted in pain and glared at her. "Ouch! What the hell was that for!?"

She huffed and looked away and Vince's eye twitched violently. "Tch. ...Definitely single."

Rias glared at Vince at his choice of words. Azazel turned his hand to the window with a sigh. Then a countless number of light spears appeared in the sky outside. Before the light spears moved, Vince grabbed Azazel's shoulder. He turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

Vince gripped the demon-sword in hand and pointed it out of the window. The black aura that emitted from his body intensified greatly, soon the same black aura emitted from Arondight.

Those that stood near to Vince took a few steps back, three twilight blue colored crystals in a trigram formation appeared in front of the tip of Arondight's blade. His eyes darted around the field, mentally counted the amount of magicians on the field, as the three crystal rotated around Vince. Not a moment later he fired a giant twilight blue colored energy beam from the blade. "It's too late now. Nothing shall remain!"

The magician's saw the beam and made protective barriers, a cruel smirk appeared on Vince's face. The twilight blue colored beam engulfed the entire magicians along with the barriers. Screams of pain and anguish echoed across the field, after a few moments Vince stopped the beam and the magicians appeared, bleeding heavily and badly bruised.

"You won't escape!" Vince slowly twirled Arondight and slammed it into the floor.

Countless multiple demonic-looking claws shot out from the ground and grabbed all of the magicians. Their eyes widened greatly as they screamed, they tried to destroy the claws with magic bullets but their attacks were greatly weakened, having little effect. The claws slowly crept up around their necks and strangled them.

Soon, one by one, the magicians closed their eyes and slumped to the ground. Vince tapped the floor with the demon-sword and soon the demonic claws disappeared. All of a sudden a twilight blue colored orb appeared on top of the blade.

Vince grabbed the orb and to everyone's surprise, opened his mouth and devoured the orb whole. The black aura that emitted from Vince intensified even further, he gripped his hand as the black aura danced around his hand. "Not bad."

Azazel made his light spears disappear and Sirzechs blinked in response. "That darkness had a holy quality to it."

"It did. It gave off a similar feeling to an angel's holy energy." Micheal added with a nod.

"If I had to take a guess, that would be Sacred Darkness. Am I right?" Azazel asked looking at Vince.

"I suppose."

"Vince, are you okay?" Kasumi asked worriedly.

"I'll be fine."

Rena frowned in response. "You just destroyed so many people and you're not having much of a reaction. Not to mention, you just ate that weird orb. Is that from your demon-sword, bringing out your darker emotions?"

"And what was that orb by the way?" Akari questioned curiously.

"Yeah, it also didn't help that those bastards already pissed me off and I have a lot of pent up anger. The damned sword pretty much shoved it out of me." Vince sighed, mildly annoyed from the questions and then turned towards Akari. "That orb contained the energy remaining from the magicians along with their magical power, I bleed them dry of it and ate it whole."

Everyone's eyes widened at the information, Vali looked at Vince, interested while the others looked worried. He shrugged and looked out the window. Countless stiff corpses scattered through out the school grounds.

"Ya better not be going stray on us Vince." Shura warned.

"I know what I'm doing. Besides, I'm full." He joked casually, causing the others to slightly stiffen.

"Very funny." Rena said deadpanning.

(That was weird. Those attacks were definitely stronger than I expected. I'll have to work on controlling it later when I get the chance and I still can't use any of the regular abilities a fallen angel would have, it's restricted.) Vince thought slightly frowning.

"W-What was that?" Issei asked looking at the gruesome scene in shock.

"That would be Sacred Darkness. It's a very rare ability to have, it is "pure" as opposed to the usual darkness. You can think of it like your friend's holy demonic sword. Only with the term reversed." Azazel explained to him.

A frown appeared on Rena's face, she then turned towards the three leaders. "So is there any reason why this happened? I thought the school was enveloped in a barrier."

"It is. But, despite this, they appeared within the barrier. There must be a transfer-use magic circle or a person connecting with a gate to the inside of the premises. Either way, if they increase the effect of "Forbidden Balor View" any more than this, there's a concern that they'll be able to stop even people like us too. By stopping us here with their fierce attack, they intend to annihilate each school building the instant our time is stopped. They seem to be using considerable military power." After Azazel's statement, multiple magic circles appeared in various places in the school grounds, and shined ominously. A group of magicians suddenly appeared.

"Tch." Vince bitterly scowled, he looked out the window and saw the group of magicians looking at him, they momentarily conversed with themselves. They then fired multiple magic bullets aimed towards him.

"Bastards." Vince's eye twitched violently as he brought Arondight up and used his hand to support it. A multiple number of magic bullets collided with the blade, the force of the impact made Vince skid a few centimeters back. "Dammit."

Vince began to twirl his sword violently, the black aura that Arondight emitted further increased. He stopped swinging the sword and pointed at the window. "Take this!"

A beam of pure darkness shot out of the demon-sword and headed towards one of the magicians. He quickly placed up a protective barrier but the beam pierced right through the barrier and through his stomach.

The magician violently coughed up blood as he struggled looked towards his stomach. He noticed the large gaping hole in his stomach and slumped onto the ground, his eyes void of any life.

"Vince! Are you okay?" Gabriel asked worriedly.

"I'm fine."

"It's a repeat from just now. They'll keep appearing even as we knock and knock them down. However, even if the timing and terrorist technique is good, it may be that they have a knowledgeable person who has inside information. Is there unexpectedly a traitor here?" Azazel stated.

"If there is a traitor then it's somebody in this room." Vince answered surprising almost everyone.

"Really? And how would you know that?" Azazel asked turning his gaze towards him.

"Do you really think the traitor would be stupid enough to get frozen in time and in the middle of a potential cross-fire with those bastard magicians? Besides... this is sensitive information. The traitor in question would have to be high up in order to know this and have the connections." Vince answered back with a glare.

"Can't we escape from here?" Issei asked trying to change the subject.

Azazel shook his head at his question. "We can't escape. As long as the barrier enclosing the entire school isn't dissolved, we can't go outside. But, if the barrier is dissolved, damage may be taken in the human world. We have to wait for the enemy boss to appear. If we shut ourselves in here for a while, they'll get tired of waiting and show their face. I'd like to know who the mastermind is quickly. Besides, if we go out and rampage imprudently, we may just do exactly as the enemy wishes."

"That said, we leaders can't move while making preparations. However, our first goal is to take back Gasper from the old school building which has become the terrorists' base." Sirzechs informed them.

A look of pure determination ignited in Rias' eyes, she turned towards Sirzechs. "Onii-sama, I'll go. Gasper is my servant. It's my responsibility to take him back."

Sirzechs suddenly laughed loudly. "I thought I said it before. I understand my younger sister's personality. -However, how will you go to the old school building? It's filled with magicians outside this new school building. The usual transfer is also blocked by magic."

"The old school building- my base's clubroom has a remaining unused "rook" piece being safe kept within it." Rias explained.

Sirzechs nodded in response. "I see, "Castling", huh. Since they would usually expect us to go take him back, this could catch the opponent off-guard. They'll anticipate some kind of trick."

"Vince... what are you doing?" Rena asked raising an eyebrow.

Everyone turned to Vince, he dismissed Arondight and undid his transformation, his wings and black aura disappearing. "I'm going to take them down."

"That's not a good idea. They'll be expecting it." Azazel answered, holding back a sigh.

"Exactly. In a case like this, it'll be better to walk into a trap to get more information. Besides, I want some payback." The ring on Vince's hand glowed, suddenly his staff appeared in his hands. The staff colored white and blue with a spearhead on the top colored silver. The spearhead with a gap in between it, which one side of the spearhead being half of the length as the other one. At the bottom of the gap in the spearhead a black jewel-like orb was placed, being held by both sides of the spearhead.

Rena's eyes widened as she realized what Vince was going to do. "Vince, isn't it a bit dangerous to use that? You might destroy the building."

Everyone turned to Vince who shook his head. "That's not what I'm going to do." He raised his index finger and created a lightning claw. "There's more than one way to use, Raging Soul."

Issei gained a confused expression. "...Raging Soul?"

"It's the name of Vince's staff. ...It definitely fits though." Rena said, muttering that last part to herself.

He lied down on the floor and carved out four pieces of the wall, large enough for him to see. Vince held his staff to the hole in the fall and positioned it. "There we go..."

"This should be interesting..." Azazel spoke as he closely observed him.

"...Byakurai..." With a soft whisper a massive bolt of lightning discharged from the staff, the recoil of the attack caused Vince to be sent rolling back.

The magicians noticed the massive bolt of lightning headed towards them. Several of them got together and formed a massive barrier, the bolt of lightning violently clashed with the barrier. Vince shook his head, he quickly crawled back to the hole and fired another bolt of lighting from his staff, this time less destructive. The second bolt of lightning merged with the first one and easily overpowered the massive barrier, while piercing through several magicians in the process. They each slumped to the ground with a noticeable hole on their body.

Vince quickly rolled to another hole and fired another lightning bolt from his staff. He quickly stuck two fingers out of the hole and discharged the same lightning bolt from his finger tips. In rapid succession Vince fired multiple bolts of lightning from his staff and finger tips while alternating between holes, each bolt of lightning taking out a magician from either their chest or stomach.

"Not bad." Azazel said looking impressed, as he saw the magicians slowly go down one by one.

"How do you even know how to do this Vince?" Rena asked, looking completely surprised.

"I'll explain later." He said simply, as he continued to snipe magicians from a distance.

Sirzechs nodded and turned to Grayfia. "Alright. However, it's reckless to go alone. Grayfia, is it possible to transfer more than one person through "Castling" with my magic system?"

"Yes, it seems we can only deploy a simple technique ceremony here, but it's possible to transfer ojou-sama and one other." She answered.

"So Rias and someone else." Issei muttered before he turned to Sirzechs and raised his hand. "Sirzechs-sama, I'll also go!"

Sirzechs' eyes turned towards Issei for a moment, but then quickly moved in Azazel's direction. "Azazel, according to a rumor, you've been researching how to freely handle Sacred Gears for a fixed time, right?"

"Yeah, that's true, but what about it?" Azazel questioned, looking at him.

"Is it possible to control the Sekiryuutei?" Sirzechs asked curiously.

"..." Azazel fell in silent in response at the question. He placed his hand in his breast pocket and took out a bracelet. "Oi, Sekiryuutei."

"I-I'm Hyoudou Issei!"

"Then, Hyoudou Issei. Take this." Azazel tossed two bracelets to him.

Issei caught the bracelets and looked at him doubtfully, Azazel noticed this and spoke up. "Those are bracelets with the power to control a Sacred Gear to some degree. If you find the aforementioned half-vampire, put one on him. It'll help him control his power somewhat."

"But, there are two of them..." Issei said trailing off.

"The other one is for you. You haven't mastered the power of the "Welsh Dragon", right? If so, put it on. If it's for a short time, it'll be possible to go into the Balance Breaker state without paying any price. This will be used in place of the price." Azazel informed him.

"As a side effect, you'll also temporarily undo the seal that's been applied on you. Your "pawn" power has been blocked, right?" Azazel asked curiously for a moment before continuing. "This is only my personal opinion, but in terms of piece distribution, Ddraig is seven and you're one, right? No, it may be 7.9 and 0.1. "Promotion" also builds the necessary foundation for the sake of manifesting Ddraig's true power. Either way, it's a fact that releasing Ddraig's power will release the seal as well, right, Rias Gremory?"

Rias didn't say anything but her eyes narrowed at his assessment.

"Use that bracelet as a last resort. Since it can't regulate its consumption of stamina, you'll just exhaust yourself wastefully if you activate it suddenly. It will consume an intense amount of stamina and magical power while in "armor"-equipped mode." Azazel explained.

Vince got up from the floor and wiped the sweat from his brow. He walked towards the towards Rias, Issei and Azazel. "I just finished taking out the remaining magicians. It might be good to start things now while they're trying to set up another wave of magicians."

Azazel nodded and turned towards Issei. "Remember this well. The current you is a devil that was originally born as a human. Even if one possesses a powerful Sacred Gear, there's no meaning if the host is useless. If the opponent against the current you is inexperienced, you can just sprinkle Ddraig's power to win, but it's a tractable thing regarding those with greater power and those who understand your ability. At any rate, you yourself are your Sacred Gear's weak point. -The cluster of your weakness is assuredly your inability to master it. You'll eventually die if you can't tame your power."

Issei gulped but nodded. "I-I understand."

Azazel then dug into his pocket and tossed the bracelet to Vince. "You heard my explanation on the bracelet, right?"

"Yeah, I did." Vince tossed the bracelet back to Azazel. "Sorry. I don't trust you."

Azazel could only sigh as he saw the look on Vince's face. "Even though you have a handle on your Sacred Gear, to a certain degree you still have a lot to work on. The versatility of your abilities will only get you so far, not to mention your body isn't as durable as ours since you are a human. You've also been absorbing foreign energy like those magician's remaining energy or Ddraig's power, via Hyoudou Issei. If your Sacred Gears would go out of control you could almost die again like last time. At this point, it would be the equivalent of to two ticking time bombs."

(So Azazel doesn't know about my body being alternated by Yume to make it more durable. Good.) He turned towards Azazel and rolled his eyes. "That's the least of my priorities."

Kasumi, Akari, Rena and Gabriel along with the remaining ORC member's eyes widened, looking completely alarmed while Azazel shook his head in disbelief. "You really don't care much about your life, do you?"

"...I don't recall that subject being anybody else's business." Ignoring the concerned looks he received from his friends, he looked towards the window and turned his gaze at the school grounds that was stained with blood and littered with the bodies at fallen magicians, not being able to look at them his head turned towards the sky. Just then, a gentle breeze flew by letting Vince's hair slowly flowing freely.


Author's Notes: Sorry to end the chapter in that kind of note but I thought it would fit the situation so far. But on the upside a few things happened.

While I know Vince's fallen angel form is powerful but it also restricts a lot of things for him. I wanted to have him to have a form that's powerful but also very restrictive. I'm also open to suggestions about it.

Before anybody asks, yes Vince's real lightning spell is Byakurai the same hado spell from Bleach. I think that the attack best suited him for a lightning spell.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Let me know what you think about it and take care.