
Highschool Dare: A Heart's Game

"A promise is a debt" "Every vow made is meant to be kept, not broken." Isn't that right? But what happens when that promise is keeping you from healing and experiencing that which your heart needs? High School senior Ray is hesitant to fall in love again after his last heartbreak. He had made a vow to steer clear of any relationship and so far, things have been working out for him. Little did he knew that the blue eyed girl, Mia who he met and helped out on the first day of his last year in high school is going to make him waver in his vow; to either keep it or break it. Mia on the other hand, a new transfer student in Westside High, found Ray to be an intriguing personality and out of her curiosity, she accepted the dare to openly date him for a month. Faced with the fact that what started as a simple game is starting to become something real they both feel, the two of them have to come to terms with their feelings while trying to stand up to Lily, who is obsessed with Ray and would stop at nothing to separate him from Mia and have him to herself. Torn between school work, his love life and the new responsibility of taking over his father's multi-billion company, Ray tries to navigate his daily life. And just when they began to get some clarity about their feelings, Ashley, Ray's ex girlfriend comes along with memories of their past relationship. So what's it gonna be? Go back to dwell in the past with Ashley? Stay and enjoy the present with Lily or build a step-by-step future relationship with Mia while living the present?

sam_marfe · Urban
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43 Chs

Making Memories

As the evening sky began to darken and the fair started to shut down for the night, Ray and I decided to take a leisurely stroll along the beach. The cool ocean breeze and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore created a peaceful and calming atmosphere.

We walked hand in hand, my new teddy bear clutched in my other hand, as we strolled in silence. As we walked, I remembered something.

"So, what nickname did you come up with for me?" I asked, turning to look at Ray.

"You go first," he replied, a grin spreading across his face.

"But I asked first," I pouted, pretending to be angry and sad.

"Ladies first," Ray countered, still smiling.

"Uhm...uhm..." I pretended to struggle to think of a nickname. "It's not fair, I asked first."

"Fine, fine," I finally admitted, my shoulders slumping in defeat. "The nickname I came up with was...I'm sorry, but I couldn't think of one."

"What about mine?" I asked, looking up at Ray's face with hopeful eyes.

"I won't tell you yours until you tell me mine," he teased, his smirk returning.

"That's not fair," I protested, trying to coax him into revealing his nickname for me. But he just chuckled and pretended not to hear me.

"Come on, let's go play in the water," he said, pulling me towards the sandy shore.

I ran my fingers through the fine grains of sand, enjoying the texture as he helped me remove my sneakers. He took off his own, and I left my teddy bear sitting next to our shoes.

"Wait here, we'll be back later," I said to it with a smile, before following Ray into the cool, clear water.

As we ran towards the vast expanse of the ocean, our hands firmly intertwined, I was immediately struck by the cool wetness of the water that enveloped us.

My body shivered with the sudden chill, but soon adjusted to the refreshing temperature. The salty, briny scent of the sea filled my nostrils and I felt a wave of peaceful bliss wash over me.

I glanced over at Ray, who wore a satisfied smile on his face, and I knew that he was feeling the same sense of tranquility. I took a deep breath, savoring the salty aroma of the ocean as it filled my senses.

We stayed in the water for a few minutes, letting the gentle waves lap at our feet and the sand swirl around our toes. We laughed and splashed our hands in the water, creating sparkling droplets that seemed to glow in the night air.

I felt completely at peace, completely free, as if all of my worries and troubles had been left behind on the shore.

Feeling a little naughty, I decided to splash some water at Ray. He turned to me with a shocked look before his expression turned into a wicked grin.

I immediately regretted my actions as he grabbed my hands and started splashing me back. We chased each other around, whooping and laughing until I was out of breath and giggling uncontrollably. But Ray was not one to go down easily, and he chased after me once again.

This time, I retreated from the water, running up the beach towards the safety of dry land. But Ray was quick and he caught me a few meters away from the shore.

He tackled me to the ground but managed to turn around in time landing first while I ended up straddling him as we both lay panting in the sand.

I raised myself up a bit, looking down at him, and he blew me a playful kiss. I smiled and rolled over to lie beside him, both of us gazing up at the stars twinkling above us in the clear night sky.

The peaceful sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the feel of the warm sand beneath us only added to the sense of contentment that filled my heart.

"Do you know the stars?" I asked.

"Not really. I just know they're beautiful." he replied.

"I can identify some constellations. my dad and I used to go stargazing when I was a kid."

Remembering my dad brought back bitter sweet memories and I smiled sadly. That was when things were still going well with him and my mom. I pushed that thought behind me and continued explaining to Ray.

"That's Orion the hunter. The brightest star you see there is WinterRigel, Butelguex." I said pointing them out to him

"That's Ursa Major (The Great Bear) and that one over there is Ursa Minor (Little Bear). There are so many but let me leave you with that." I finished.

"Wow, you know your constellations," Ray said, looking up at the stars with a sense of awe. "I've always loved looking at the stars, but I never really knew much about them."

"Well, there's so much to learn," I replied, feeling a sense of pride in my knowledge of the night sky. "There's always something new to discover and explore. I could sit here and talk about the stars for hours."

We lay there in comfortable silence for a while, soaking up the peaceful atmosphere and feeling a sense of connection to the vastness of the universe above us.

But as the night air grew colder and the chill began to seep into my bones, I knew it would soon be time to head back.

Just as if reading my mind, I heard,

"I think it's time for us to head back," Ray said, reluctantly getting to his feet. "We don't want to catch a cold out here."

I nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of sadness that this magical moment was coming to an end. We gathered oursekves and made our way back to where we had left our sneakers, the sand cool and grainy beneath our bare feet.

As we left the beach and headed back towards civilization, I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the peaceful solitude of the ocean.

I clutched my teddy bear tightly in my hand, knowing that this moment and all the feelings that came with it would stay with me forever. The starry night sky seemed to twinkle with understanding, as if promising to keep the memory alive for all eternity.