
Highschool Dare: A Heart's Game

"A promise is a debt" "Every vow made is meant to be kept, not broken." Isn't that right? But what happens when that promise is keeping you from healing and experiencing that which your heart needs? High School senior Ray is hesitant to fall in love again after his last heartbreak. He had made a vow to steer clear of any relationship and so far, things have been working out for him. Little did he knew that the blue eyed girl, Mia who he met and helped out on the first day of his last year in high school is going to make him waver in his vow; to either keep it or break it. Mia on the other hand, a new transfer student in Westside High, found Ray to be an intriguing personality and out of her curiosity, she accepted the dare to openly date him for a month. Faced with the fact that what started as a simple game is starting to become something real they both feel, the two of them have to come to terms with their feelings while trying to stand up to Lily, who is obsessed with Ray and would stop at nothing to separate him from Mia and have him to herself. Torn between school work, his love life and the new responsibility of taking over his father's multi-billion company, Ray tries to navigate his daily life. And just when they began to get some clarity about their feelings, Ashley, Ray's ex girlfriend comes along with memories of their past relationship. So what's it gonna be? Go back to dwell in the past with Ashley? Stay and enjoy the present with Lily or build a step-by-step future relationship with Mia while living the present?

sam_marfe · Urban
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43 Chs

"I think this dare is becoming real"

Sam started the car and we set off towards school, the cool air rushing in through the open windows. I wrapped my sweater more tightly around myself, trying to shake off the chill.

As we got into the car and started our drive to school, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anxiety building inside me. My thoughts were consumed by the events of the previous day and the uncertainty of what the future held for me and Mia.

"So, Ray, what's up?" My friend Sam asked from the driver's seat. "You still haven't told me what happened yesterday. You left school earlier than usual and at the club, you almost drank the life out of your living spring."

I sighed and leaned back against the seat, trying to gather my thoughts. "It's a long story."

"I'm all ears," Sam replied, glancing over at me with a concerned expression on his face.

"Mia," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "We are becoming too attached to each other."

Sam raised an eyebrow in confusion. "But last I asked, you said it's just a dare that will come to an end?"

"Yeah… I know, but I think this dare is becoming real, Sam." I couldn't shake the feeling that my relationship with Mia was changing from a simple dare to something more meaningful.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Sam asked with enthusiasm in his tone.

"No… You don't understand, Sam. Promises are meant to be kept, not broken." I couldn't bear the thought of breaking the promise I made to myself about no relationship till after college.

Sam brought the car to a sudden halt, causing me to jolt forward in my seat. Luckily, the road was free from traffic.

"What the hell, Sam?" I asked, raising my voice in surprise.

Sam got out of the car and I followed suit, he stood on the side of the road and I was just few metres away from him.

"Ray, open your eyes to the present and stop dwelling on your past," Sam said, his voice stern and full of conviction as turned to face me.

"But… Sam…" I started. He interrupted me before I could finish my thought.

"Hey, listen to me… I'm not Sam at this moment. I'm… I'm …" he stammered not knowing what to say to complete that. "Well, never mind. Look, I just want you to be happy but you don't seem to want that for yourself." He continued

Sam placed his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with a gaze full of concern and compassion, as if he could see right through me. "Lemme ask you a question, Ray. How do you feel when you're with Mia?"

I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in my memories of Mia. Her voice, sweet and gentle, filled my mind like a soothing balm.

I remembered her smile, wide and bright, that always seemed to light up my world. Her kiss, her touch, gentle and loving, made my heart skip a beat. Her ocean blue eyes that threatens to drown me each time I look into them.

All of these memories flooded my mind, causing a wave of emotion to wash over me like a tidal wave. My heart raced in my chest and my breath hitched in my throat. I took in a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm my racing heart and clear my mind.

"Hey, you're not saying anything," Sam said, his voice full of concern.

His words snapped me back to reality, pulling me out of my mental journey and back into the present. I opened my eyes and met his gaze, feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"I don't know, man," I replied, feeling lost and confused. "I'm confused."

Sam gave me a reassuring smile and squeezed my shoulder. "You don't have to. Just have it at the back of your mind that I've got you."

I looked at him and saw the genuine support and assurance in his eyes. I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards him and the weight on my shoulders seemed to lift slightly.

"Come on, we don't want to miss any class," Sam said, breaking the tension between us.

We got back into the car and Sam raced towards school, his foot heavy on the gas pedal, determined to make it back before anyone noticed.

As we drove, my thoughts were still consumed by Mia and the uncertainty of our relationship. But despite the turmoil in my mind, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that everything might just work out in the end.

I brought out my phone and saw missed calls from Sam, Mia, and the rest of the gang. I quickly dialed Mia's number and waited for her to pick up. After a few rings, I heard her voice on the other end.

"Hello Mia." I started.

"Oh, thank goodness you are OK. You didn't pick up and I was…," she trailed off, her voice filled with worry and concern.

"Mia, Mia. Take a deep breath," I said, trying to calm her down. I heard her inhale and exhale, and I could sense the tension in her body slowly dissipating.

"I'm fine. On my way to school as we speak," I told her.

"Alright, see you soon." She said, her voice steadier now.

We hung up and I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me.

We got into the school unnoticed, and headed straight for the cafeteria. Luckily , it was still brunch time, so we were lucky to have a chance to blend in before class resumed.

I was nearly at the table when Mia suddenly stood up and gave me a tight hug. I was a little surprised at first, as I wasn't expecting such an outpouring of emotion from her. But quickly recovering, I hugged her back, feeling the warmth and comfort of her embrace.

"I was so worried when Sam said you were in a bad shape yesterday," she said, her voice laced with concern as she hugged me tightly.

"I'm fine now," I reassured her as we broke the embrace. I held her hand as we walked to the table to eat, feeling a sense of closeness and connection to her.

"Hey man, good of you to join us," Jack said as we sat down.

"How you doing, man?" he asked, a genuine look of concern on his face.

"I'm good, thanks guys," I replied, feeling grateful for the support of my friends. "Kira, Phoebe, how are you doing?"

"Fine," Kira said with a smile.

"Doing good, thanks," Phoebe added.

I sat down, with Mia by my side. Sam came to the table with a cup of French fries and a canned Pepsi, offering them to me with a smile.

"This is for you, Ray."

"Wow… Seeing this makes me realize how hungry I am," I said, feeling my stomach growl at the sight of the food.

Just as we were halfway through our meal, the bell dinged, signaling that it was time for class to resume. I had a free period, so I packed the rest of my lunch and left the cafeteria with the group.

"Guys, I'm having a free period so I'll be in the gym," I announced.

"Alright," "Ok," "No problem," my friends replied in unison.

"I'm also having a free period," Mia stated. "Mind if I join you?"

I took a quick glance at Sam, who pretended like I wasn't existing, before turning back to Mia.

"Sure. Why not?" I said, feeling a sense of excitement at the prospect of spending some alone time with her in the gym.

We all went our separate ways, and I followed Mia to the gym, feeling a sense of nervous anticipation as we walked together.

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