
Nonsense (SY 2020-2021)

With a lot of time in my hands and the school year close to ending, I decided to make this.

To all my fellow Grade 10 students, were the piles of assignments and projects stressful? Did you feel down knowing we couldn't experience Family Day, Intramurals, Christmas Party, and even the Retreat for one last time? It's saddening, but at this point we should start focusing on our near future. Congratulations in reaching this far, don't falter yet. We are so close to moving up and reaching SHS. I can only hope that all of you will be able to find your respective tracks and strands, and lift your heads up confidently when you enter Senior High. It's normal to be confused on what to do; even I am lost as to what strand to take right now. But we don't have time to dawdle around, we only have so much time left.

To all Grade 9 students, are you starting to feel that It's almost time for you to take the mantle and responsibilities of a Grade 10 student? Some might be excited, and some might be nervous. But I only ask for all of you to be proper role models as future Grade 10 students, be it online class or offline class. While there might still be SHS students above you, they won't have the time to manage everyone else anymore. Cherish your time, you don't have much until you start to stress on where to go in the future either.

To all Grade 8 students, was this year not as fun as Grade 7? You still have lots of time left to go. Have fun and don't tire yourself too much, be innovative with your fun but don't forget about school works as well! You might not have been able to properly experience being upperclassmen to the Grade 7 students, which might be underwhelming for others. But don't let that stop you from continuing to better yourself amidst the fun.

To all Grade 7 students, were you dissatisfied with how your first in highschool went? Were you not able to meet up with your past grade school friends and new friends as you wanted? Were you sad that you couldnt quite join clubs or do other highschooler things? Don't let online classes stop you from making and cherishing friends, from finding your respective passions, and from just being you!

To all the Grade School students, I don't have too much to say other than to keep being kids and having fun, leave the stressing to us upperclassmen.

To all the teaching and non-teaching staff, was it hard to get used to these online classes, asynchronous tasks, zoom, and whatnot? Certain projects have been affected by the circumstances and it must have been hard to adapt to our not-so-new normal. And yet, as teachers you were still able to push through and give us your teachings with your very best! Thank you for that, really.

To her, thanks for being being a huge part of the latter part of my 2020. Its was a pleasure being friends with you. To him, thanks for the stupid arguments, it was pretty fun. It was pretty stressful chatting though not gonna lie. Don't forget to chat to her though, I still can't see why you are fussing about how she might have forgotten about you. Too personal, well idk?

To everyone, congratulations on surviving the first year of our new normal! Sincerely, a confused grade 10 with lots of free time.

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