

"What is happening?" I thought to myself. "Am I dead? Is this what the afterlife is like?" Just then, a voice spoke to me, echoing through the emptiness. "You have been chosen," it said, its tone deep and ominous. [system activating] Name: Tanvir kaizer

FISH409 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

power of Arctic frenzy

In the embrace of encircling mountains, a vast and lush green land unfurled. It stretched as far as the eye could see, a peaceful sanctuary untouched by the chaos of the outside world. The terrain gently rolled, with soft hills and subtle slopes, creating a serene and soothing atmosphere.

Atop a serene hill, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, two figures could be seen engaged in a deep and serious conversation. The elder figure, with a countenance that emanated wisdom and tranquility, was none other than Master Wu, a renowned martial arts master known for his profound knowledge and unyielding dedication to his craft. His weathered face displayed the marks of countless battles, but his eyes sparkled with a timeless wisdom that belied his years.

Beside Master Wu stood Liu, a young and eager disciple who possessed an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a burning desire to master the martial arts. Liu's youthful face beamed with enthusiasm as he hung on to every word that escaped his master's lips. His posture, though still somewhat unrefined, exuded a humble determination to absorb every lesson that came his way.

"Disciple Liu," Master Wu began, his voice calm yet commanding.

Master Wu turned his gaze toward the passing caravan, his eyes fixated on the travelers making their way across the distant road. The wrinkles on his face deepened, reflecting the weight of his thoughts. His disciple noticed it and looked at the simple looking carriage a star logo engraved on it proving it's from the renowned star academy.

and on the driver sit a Young man with red hair was sitting controlling the the horses.

"We are here, Liu, to witness the ebb and flow of life," he spoke softly, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "These caravans, traversing the vast expanse of the world, are a reminder of the interconnectedness of all beings. They represent the diverse paths and journeys that we encounter in our lives."

" Disciple understood "

Master Wu turned around and smiled.

"So, what did you learn?" he inquired.

Disciple understood the importance of perceiving things deeply, even if they seemingly lack significance," Liu replied.

Suddenly, a deep voice echoed through his mind.

"Sigh... you're half right, half wrong. Remember, everything has a purpose for existing; never underestimate anyone," the voice spoke.

"Apologies, Master. Your words have enlightened me," Liu spoke calmly, casting a careful glance.

But in the next second, he was shocked to the core. The lazy couch man, who appeared indifferent to the world, suddenly locked eyes with Liu. In that brief moment of connection, Liu felt an overwhelming sense of fear. However, just as quickly, the lazy young man returned to his previous state, as if nothing had happened.

" see never underestimate anyone, that is the 2nd young master of star mercenary "

" disciple understood"

then suddenly a roar echoed throughout the place.

gaining the both master and disciples attention.

without a word master Wu jumped down and a voice echoed through his disciples mind.

" you stay here "

liu nodded and looked at down.

Three girls can be seen running desperately, their white dresses fluttering in the wind, raced desperately across the terrain. Fear was etched upon their faces as they sprinted, their breaths ragged and their bodies marked with injuries.

Behind them loomed a towering golem, a massive on a relentless pursuit. Its heavy footsteps echoed ominously, causing the ground to tremble with each stride. The golem's eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, fixed on its fleeing targets.

then he glanced at the carriage which is rushing toward the place..



A glimmer of light ahead gave me hope, while a warm wind cut through the lifeless forest, enveloping me.

then suddenly a roar echoed through my ears.

I ignored them and focused on the front. Suddenly, three beautiful angels came rushing towards me. I was momentarily taken aback by their presence, but then I noticed a towering figure behind them, its dark red eyes glowing ominously. Without hesitation, the figure threw a powerful punch, blocking any possibility of retreat.

I quickly activated my petrifying gaze and dashed towards the golem's punch. As I approached, I could see two distinct figures emerging from behind it, but I paid them no mind.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines, the Star Academy Duo appeared on the scene, ready to take action. Meanwhile Master Wu was just behind the Golem unleashing his strick.

"Who is this kid? I don't think I'll be able to save him," Master Wu thought to himself. Suddenly, he noticed a momentary pause in the golem's movement.

"This is my chance," he realized, seizing the opportunity. However, in the next instant, a chilling sensation ran through his veins, and a cold touch grazed his skin, signaling imminent danger.

With a burst of energy, Master Wu activated his life-saving talisman, its ancient symbols illuminating with a brilliant glow. Time seemed to slow down as he prepared to teleport away from the impending danger. However, before he could vanish completely, a mesmerizing sight unfolded before his eyes.

Dozens of blinding white slashes,

like streaks of celestial lightning,

clank, clank, clank clank!!

clank, crack ,crack

converged on the colossal golem at that precise moment. As if the air it self is cracking.

Cracks! spiderwebbed across the golem's massive form, spreading like wildfire

chill ran through his veins seeing this.

His instincts warned him of the imminent danger, and he braced himself for the impact. He could see on his very eye the cracks spiderwebbing across the golem's stony surface making it crumble revealing a Shiny sword of qi piercing from the back.

lucky the talistment activated before the after shock could reach him.

he appeared beside his disciple and quickly turned around. But before he could see anything. A thunderous boom erupted. covering the whole battle filed covered in dust

the shockwave of the explosion sent tremors through the air.

but the clanking sound didn't stop.

clank, clank , clank, clank ,clank,

clank , crack.

It stopped making the whole place dead silent.

master Wu noticed two figures not far from him gasping for breath ( The star academy duo) with a shocked face.and the 2nd master of Star mercenary looking while his bow was still in attacking position.

As the dust gradually settled, obscuring the remnants of the explosive chaos, an unremarkable sight came in view.