
High Tides: Silent Currents

'As I sat and looked outside the classroom window, a thought came over me: of how certain small events can play out in the grand scheme of thing.' Set in the coastal town of Tranquil Haven, Oregon. Teenager Ezra navigates the aftermath of his parent's murder that happened 7 years ago. A mysterious girl promising to give him his answers. The seemingly simple murder reveals a whole web of interconnectedness of different mysteries and reveals dark secrets about the town and about he Cohen family.

Vk_Ninja · Realistic
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1 Chs

A fateful encounter

'In the quiet town of Tranquil Haven, lies mysteries ready to be uncovered, yet no one knows the dangers they may possess. No one lies awake even when it's day. It seems like their eyes are blind.'


Chapter 1

I was sitting near the window of my classroom, which oversees the town. The afternoon sunlight bathed the town in rays of gold giving me a clear view of the rows of houses and the solitude of the town. I was sitting there thinking: of how certain small events can play out in the grand scheme of thing.

The classroom was filled with rows of empty chairs and tables, filling my heart with a sense of loneliness. Though, I was not alone but my good friend Arham was by my side.

I was frustrated as I had extra math class due to my incompetency in the subject, while my friend Arham was there just to provide 'emotional support' for me. I didn't bother much about him and continued to do my work.

In the empty classroom, there was a tall figure standing near the teacher's table scrolling through her mobile. It was Mrs. Buckmire, our maths teacher.

'Enough with this.', I muttered to Arham in frustration.

He was a tall chap and was fairly handsome looking while his hair was combed in a neat side part. He was intently looking at the problems when I spoke to him.

He replied, ignoring what I said, 'You'll have to come to the basketball court with me after the teacher goes, I have a score to settle.'

A score to settle huh? Well, it most probably is the 'bully' of our High School, as everyone calls him, the lad's name is Adrian. At least, from what I remember.

I was getting agitated by this, in a fit of frustration, I threw my notebook on the floor. The teacher glared at me but didn't speak a single word and kept on with the act.

I picked up my notebook slowly while Arham chuckled at me. He can laugh at me all he wants; I am used to it. He has a better academic and social life than me anyways. I am always jealous of him because he is better at everything, I may be considered bad at. Like sports, academics and everyone seems to like him and wants to befriend him.

As I was thinking, Arham whispered to me, 'There, the teacher is leaving. Now's our time, Ez.'

As he whispered, the teacher packed her bag and then left.

'Come on, Ez. Get moving we don't have much time.', Arham commanded me while picking up his schoolbag.

I did a sigh of relief and got up while hearing the footstep of the teacher, which conveyed that she was going downstairs.

The footsteps of her heels echoed through the corridors giving away the emptiness of the school at this time period.

I got up and we walked out of the classroom. My bag did not feel much heavy today as I had submitted all my books to the teachers for grading today and so did Arham.

We walked our way through the empty corridors with each of our footstep feeling heavier than usual, for the hallways and classrooms were deserted as if no one ever came.

The liminality of the corridors and the classroom made my heart feel a bit heavier while Arham didn't pay much attention to such trivial things and continued to walk while humming a song, completely carefree and unaware.

We walked and walked until we reached our basketball court. The court was downstairs in the place which you would call the basement or the ground floor of the school.

Strangely, the place was empty today. Maybe today wasn't the day of practice. All there was rows of seats and the empty basketball court in between. It gave a feeling as if it was a basketball court for phantoms or perhaps a court that was abandoned and was in a good condition.

Arham looked frustrated and said, 'Let's wait for that bastard.'.

I looked at him, I think my face must've spelt at least a hint of anger because he then continued in a mocking tone, 'Now now mister Cohen, don't get so hot tempered. Chill out a bit. Let's wait here together- '

'Even if it means we look like total idiots, Arham?', I interjected before he could complete, my voice sounding clearly annoyed.

'I was about to say like true buddies, but whatever you say Ez. Even if we look like idiots, yeah so don't complaint. If you wanna leave you can, but don't complain later that you missed 'The epic beat down of the swine of Starfell Creek High-ADRIANNNN'.', he replied to me and shouted the name of Adrian at the end. Yet there was no sign that Adrian is arriving anytime soon.

'That's a very uncreative and bad name for a show. Stop being so ridiculous Arham.', I replied with the same annoyance.

We did not speak anything to each other afterwards, rather we waited. I am saying we because I decided to stay with him. Arham has been my friend for 3 years now, I can't leave him like this. I also have full faith in that guy so I'll root for him from afar. He had a score to settle with Adrian, so maybe this will be the end of their long running conflict.

Then after 10 minutes of waiting, lo and behold, there he was, Adrian. Standing all proud with his chest high. Though who all came with him made my heart pound with fear. It was some members of the basketball club, 6 people to be exact. I don't even know their names but all I know is that they were all tall and tough, even more than Adrian was.

'Seize them both and block their escape routes. Make sure those bastards don't leave.', Adrian muttered to one of his companion. Arham did not seem to hear him, while I did. Just as I was about to warn Arham; everyone of them, in 2 groups of three charged at us.

My heart was now stuck in my throat while Arham was already frozen in fear mixed with a bit of shock on his face.

'Arham, I think I told you to come alone. Looks like you already pissed your pants before I did anything to you. And this is the rat that you brought?', he was addressing us both while the last part was aimed at me, which made his henchmen laugh. His voice echoed through the empty court. Even though we were alone, and strangely no authority was there, no teacher, no staff, no one. But I still felt that someone was eyeing us, I felt tears stop on my eyelids from what all was happening. I was feeling really stressed and anxious because I know even Arham cannot do anything against these brutes.

'Arham, before beating the absolute fuck out of you. Let me warn you, stay away from Rachel.', Adrian said that gravely and in a heavy tone, while his face and eyes glaring coldly straight at Arham. Those eyes as if piercing to Arham's soul signalling that there is no escape and all attempts to escape are futile.

He then came closer to him and put a pocket knife on his neck. I could see visible tears streaming from Arham's face. His initial confidence was now fading and his neatly done hair were now a mess.

'Adrian get away! I don't even know who she is.', Arham told Adrian calmly, clearly trying to hide his anxiety and spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.

'Stop whining, you filthy mutt! Now apart from Rachel, you have stolen my locker key and hid it right?', he said to Adrian with the same tone and face. Only silence followed while Arham looked more confused than ever.

'SPEAK YOU FUCKING BITCH.', Adrian shouted at Arham and then proceeded to give him a punch, which was hard enough to make Arham's lips bleed.

I let out a whine of helplessness while I was right on the verge of tearing up. A bit of blood splattered on the ground.

'I DENY EVERYTHING. LEAVE ME YOU SWINE.', Arham shouted like a wounded animal.

One of the henchmen took his back and started rummaging through it and pulled out a locker key.

'Well Adrian, here's the key. Look.', he then walked towards Adrian and handed him the locker key.

Adrian inspected the key and replied, 'Ah! Well well, looks like I was right. Beat them both. Yes, even the other guy.'

Without even given us a chance to breathe, the guys beat us both up to a pulp while Adrian left with the key in his hand, humming a song.

Then after everything, they left while Arham and I were writhing in pain.

I couldn't help but bawl my eyes out due to the sheer pain and anxiety I felt at that moment. Just Arham and me side by side while blood was splattered on the court. The silence echoing Arham's screams of anger.

'I'LL GET THAT BASTARD. I'LL KILL HIM', Arham kept shouting like that and then got up.

He then reached out his hand, forcing a gentle smile on his face, beckoning me to hold his hand and get up.

Our screams and cries were useless in this deserted school. We had no other choice but to accept the situation how it is and just move on. Our hearts were filled with helplessness at that time.

My vision started to get a bit blurry and I can't remember much of what happened afterwards. I just remember the feeling of Arham by my side, supporting me by holding on to my arm wrapped around his shoulders while his arm wrapped in mine.

What I can't remember is the scene outside, it was still dead silent I would say. I could also hear the rain and the storm pattering on the window outside. As we walked the lonely corridors, our breaths were high paced right now.

As we got out, I could feel wind hit directly on my face, making my hair stand and drying the blood on my face. It was a cold wind which was having a soothing effect on me.

It was still afternoon, and the school was deserted while rows of buses stand near us. The school was behind us, casting a shadow which gave a more dramatic effect to the ongoing storm. It then started to rain, I could smell the rain and feel the cold and harsh droplets pattering on my skin and clothes.

'I'll be going take care. I hope you'll be fine, see you.', Arham bid me. I opened my eyes fully and could see him running in the rain with his bag on his head, trying to shield himself.

I realised that I left my phone on the table in my classroom. How stupid of me. Now I had to go all the way back inside to get my phone.

I then started inside again, while the janitor was sweeping the floor with the empty rows of lockers. He was wearing his headphones, unaware of my presence. I then started upstairs, with each step I felt colder and colder. Maybe its due to the storm going on outside? Or did someone leave the air conditioning on? Regardless of the reasons, I felt cold.

The eeriness was heightened by the fact that I had the same feeling that somebody's watching me like the one I had in the basketball court.

I walked and walked until I reached my classroom which was yet to be locked.

I got to my desk and picked up my phone, and I had received messages from grandma telling me to be safe.

I then got out of the classroom; my phone clenched in my hand while my body squeezing due to the cold.

'Ezra. You are hurt.', a voice called out from behind me, sending chills down my spine and my heart racing.

I frantically looked back; it was a girl that I had never seen before. She had pure white hair like a swan which reached her hips. She had a curvaceous figure and a gentle smile on her face. Her skin was also pure white and her eyes blue in colour, staring right at me with concern,

'W-who are you?', I asked her with a hint of fear in my voice.

'You are hurt, Ezra.', she repeated, that gentle smile never once fading.

I cried. Her presence was comforting yet it felt otherworldly in an aspect. I fell to the ground on my knees, tears streaming from my eyes while my heart skipped a beat.

She then started walking gently, her every move looked gracious each time she took a step. She then came closer to me, got on her knees and then embraced me. My face rested, from the right side, on her chest. I started tearing more.

'Your wounds have been bandaged but they did not heal. I shall help you, Ezra.', she said to me in a calm whisper.

It was as if time nor sound existed at that moment, it was just the two of us. That is how much her presence comforted me.

'My name is Ruth. And remember, I am always with you.', she continued. What was this girl saying? She felt like an angel to me at this moment. After that, she disappeared like she never was.

This is my first time ever writing a novel. This is just to see if it reaches anyone. If you read the chapter . Thank you so much and do share your thoughts.

Vk_Ninjacreators' thoughts