

Chapter 1

Arrival To School 

The alarm clock rang loudly waking me from my sleep but this time I was really excited cause am finally moving to high school.

"Lisa, Lisa "mum" screamed from the sitting room and I quickly dash into the bathroom to have bath and rush downstairs,Mum could sense my excitement, it was so overwhelming; my bags were already packed.

 "My little girl" Mr Rogers said calling out to to his daughter, Lisa hesitated for a while trying to protest; Dad!! am 17, am no longer a baby.

Mr Rogers smiled; in as much as he hated to admit it, Lisa has grown into a pretty young lady. They quickly had their breakfast and drove down to drop Lisa at school; already all the necessary arrangements had been made.

 Finally "Lisa screamed, as they drove into the school building, the sight of the magnificent structure swept her up her feet but her excitement was soon cut short when she realizes that she wouldn't see her parents for a while and she became very sober, Mrs Rogers being so observant cuddle her up and Lisa broke into tears "My baby" Mr Rogers called out to her and she gave him a faint smile still trying to shake off the sad feelings.

 They went to the principal office where they registered their daughter after going through the necessary procedure,it was finally time to say goodbye. 

Lisa was ushered in by a mean looking lady called Joan. Innocent Lisa was intrigued by the captivating image on a closed door and thought to herself on how to get in, so she politely asked Miss Joan if she could go for a tour in there and Miss Joan response sent fear into her as she screamed; "STAY CLEAR" , Lisa stammering;said Y.. Yes, she was shown her room and was surprised when she heard she had a roommate. Lisa laid on her bed pacing left and right still trying to unravel why Miss Joan reacted that way .

Let's just say this begins the high school secrets

Watch out for chapter 2

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