
High School Romance:The New Girl

Ariana Watson a new girl in a new school,she was always known for trouble anywhere she went and been expelled from schools because of her bad behavior after been given another chance she was admitted to royal high a school for only rich kids where she met Joshua Mason the king of the girls. He is the cutest and most handsome boy in the whole school. Their first encounter wasn't good but they got to know each other and became friends. Will Ariana get expelled from her high school when she takes matter into her own hands when Joshua's girls fan find out they are dating?

Alabi_Titobiloluwa · Teen
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59 Chs

Revenge Party 2


I don't know but I keep having this feeling that something bad was going to happen at this party, I told Amber but she just ignores me and continued dancing.

"Oh God! Please protect everyone". I prayed silently, when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, it's me". Jake said from behind as I turned to face him.

"Oh! You almost scared the hell out of me". I frowned.

"Are you enjoying the party". He asked me, and I responded with a nod.

"Sarah". He called me.

"Sebastian said I should give you this". He said handing me a piece of paper.

"Please don't keep him waiting". He said, dashing into the crowd.


"Waiter". I called waving my hand to one of the waiters.

"Yes young master".

"Here, you see that girl over there in the blue dress, give this to her and mistakes". I said squeezing some cash into his palms.

"No secrets must be leaked, now go".


"Seriously Mia, this party isn't to my taste". I argued, wiping the stains of cookie crumbs from the edge of my lips.

"Stop this behavior, Joshua invited us and we had to accept it, the least you can do is to seat quietly". She scolded.

"Fine, I'll leave you here, I'm going to get a drink". I frowned and walked away.

"Juice please". I said as the waiter handed me a glass.



"Oh! It's getting late, I need to leave now". Evan said rising to his feet.

"Why don't you stay for dinner". Mom suddenly interrupted.

"Thanks Aunt but mum's already expecting me home for dinner". He replied, putting on his jacket.

"Well then, goodnight and safe journey".I'm bid him goodbye as I waved, smiling.

"Ariana dear, we need to talk". She said.

"Mum later". I wined.

"Not later, it's now". She said shoving me into the living room.

"What's the matter". I asked her, taking a seat.

"It's about Evan".

"What about Evan". I asked not interested.

"He's older, much older than you dear". She said, holding my hands.

"Mum I don't understand, what are you saying?". I asked confused.

"Sweetheart you can't lie to your mother I know you like Evan". She blurted out, looking at me in the eye.

"Mum... what are you saying". I said, removing my hands from hers.

"Ariana I know what's going on even though you don't tell". She replied.

"I don't like Evan... he's like a brother to me". I replied nervous.

"You can't lie to your mother, I just want to say something". She paused, holding my hands again.

"He's much more older than you, you can't be together". She stated.

"I don't understand you anymore is this the type of advice to give to your child". I said.

I couldn't take it anymore, she's been controlling my life for the past 14 years but not anymore o can't take it. I need to decide for myself.

"Mum, I like Evan and I don't think there is anything you can do about it". I said with folded arms.

"What did you just say". Mum questioned, standing to her feet.

"I said that I like Evan". I repeated.

"What did you say". A familiar voice from behind asked.

"Dad". I exclaimed, turning to face his cold expression.

"You like Evan". He repeated.

"Yes Dad". I gulped.

I wish I hadn't said that because now I regret it so much.

"Shut up! Quiet". He growled, which made me startled.

"Dad I". I tried to speak but he shut me up.

"You can't Ariana, Evan's no good for you". He told me.

"Dad! He's your friend's son". I stated.

"Listen dear, I don't want to be harsh but you can't be with Evan".

"But Dad...I like Evan".I said staring into his eyes but this time I didn't see the dad I used to know, I saw a different side of him.

"Sweetheart, Evan's older than you, he's in college and you're in highschool".

"He could even have a girlfriend somewhere". Dad explained.

"No dad,he's not like that, he doesn't have a girlfriend". I protested.

"Ariana dear, you're naive and I don't want someone like Evan to destroy your innocence". He said as he couped my face planting a peck on my forehead.

"Promise me Ariana that you won't think about Evan again". He said placing his hand out.

"I...I promise". I said tears running down my cheeks. I couldn't but I had to.