
High school musical and love

"It's okay...but he is my first love, I love him the first day I saw him without thinking of anything, I also try to forget him so we can be friends but he cheated on me and also lie that he broke up with his girlfriend " Who is the guy," Herrin asked " You don't need to know him.... because I won't be able to face you again if you know the asshole guy I fell in love with," Liz explained Who is the guy that stole the heart of the chairman's daughter

Snowprincess · Teen
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34 Chs


The light shines in the theatre room, and they are some groups doing practice also 4f group was there which was Lola and her group members

" Whatsup guys," Larry said and they all exchanged greetings

" Guys let's start the practice" Liz suggest why turning her back to the door, suddenly a door was opened and the door hit Liz at her back head she gasped and turned to her surprised it was Natasha

" Please be careful," Liz said but Natasha didn't apologize

" What is your problem, you this girl," Natasha asked

" You hit my head and I complain, so what's wrong with that" Liz replied and Natasha slapped her, Liz hold her face

" I don't understand you Natasha...why did you hate me," Liz asked, they were a set of eyes on them

" I hate you because you want to take my man away from me" Natasha explain

" How do I want to take your man away from you," Liz asked

" I just say the truth I love him and that's all" Liz explain, Natasha was angry she raised her hand to slap her suddenly someone grabs her hand, Natasha turn back and saw Jay grabbing he

" Jay...let go of my hand," Natasha said, and Jay release her

"What's wrong with you Natasha," Jay asked

" Ask your mistress " Natasha reply

" She is not my mistress..." Jay said

" Then she is your woman" Natasha ask, Liz was embarrassed and lowered her face

" Stop embarrassing her," Jay said

" Then tell her to leave you or else she will dislike herself" Natasha glared at her

Jay turn around and see different phone taking their video

" You know am a celebrity...you can destroy me like this" Jay suggests

" I won't if you know that....then tell this whore to leave you alone " Natasha yell

" And that was me not you" Jay yelled at her

" What" Natasha was shocked

" Yes...I don't love her but you can't keep embarrassing her she is also a human like you" Jay explain

" Okay...but she will regret this" Natasha said and leave the theatre, Jay face Liz

" Am sorry Liz " he apologized in behave of his girlfriend

"It's okay... am sorry to bother your relationship" Liz turn back and leave.

Light fade

After the practice ended without Liz and they all went to the canteens for lunch.

Light shone on the girls' hostel a door was knocked and Liz stood from her bed and walk to the door she open it and saw Natasha and her gang, they didn't allow her to say a word and they brag in, Liz close the door

" Why are you here," Liz asked and Natasha walk to her

"It's a warning my dear" She gave her an evil smile

" Natasha...what will you do if I don't leave your man," Liz asked

" You are such a smart girl...you know my warning is all about my man, so I advise you to do so," Natasha said and leave the room with her gang before Jessica will close the door she also threaten her and close the door when her friends arrived she explained everything and they encourage her.

After the incident Lz determine not to bother Jay, because Jay reject her proposal last night and she keep avoiding him, Jay realise that she has changed and he went to see her in the class, when her friends saw him they stood up and went to sit on another chair

" Hi Liz," Jay said

" Hi..how may I help you," Liz asked

" Nothing...I just noticed am going to lose one of my fans so I determine to come and apologize if am bad or my song is somehow boring" Jay jokes and Liz smile

" So you don't want to lose your fans," Liz asked and Jay nodded

" Are you angry because of my girlfriend?...are you mad at her?" Jay asked and Liz nodded as (No)

" Nope am not...I understand she is trying to protect her man if am in her shoe I will do worst than her" Liz explained and Jay gave her a half smile

" I like you," Jay said and Liz glared at him

" You are nice, " he said and a half smile played around her lips

" Thanks" she appreciates

" Can we be friends?" Jay asked

Liz was shocked and she gave him a nod as yes

" Okay...I will see you this night at ten o clock " he stood up

" At where," Liz asked

" I will be waiting for you in front of your hostel...will you come," he asked

".....sure if will " she replied and Jay left she was excited, and her friends rush to her and asked for a gist, Liz explain everything.

At the school hostel, Liz was busy finding a dress to wear she scattered all her cloth on the bed and keep searching for a dress, she picked a black shirt with a cross top and she drop it separately on the bed she also took a yellow long but very sexy, she dropped it on the bed and also take a short gown, she tries the dress but not satisfy with the gown and she determines to wear the short shirt and the cross top, after some minutes she was done and it was about time to go out, Jay was already out waiting for her, not long he had a footstep descending the stairs, Jay raise his head when the footsteps end he saw this beautiful, sexy, hot lady coming towards him, he opens his mouth also can't take his eyes of her, Liz use her finger to brush down her coils brawn hair she seemed that Jay's face had grown weaker, and a half smile played around her lips

" Hi Jay" Liz walk to him, that was when Jay know she was talking to him and he clear his throat

" Am...am..." he continues stammering

" You look hot...you are beautiful" he appreciates her look

" Thanks " Liz gave him a smile

" Are you ready?" Jay asked and Liz nod as (yes)

" Let go" he grasped Liz's hand and they walk out

(Outside the school)

Inside Jay car

" I thought we are not allowed to bring my cars," Liz asked, and Jay nod as yes

" Then why are you with your car," she asked

" I asked my driver to bring my car " Jay explain

" Okay..and also you are allowed to go out at midnight," Liz said

" Yes I bribe the security " he replied and play the music they were silent also busy listening to the song

" Wow...I love the song" Liz said

" That was my first music," Jay said

" Wow... it's nice...when did you start singing" Liz asked

" I started singing when am 12 years and my father don't want me to be a musician but my mum what me to do whatever I want so the two departed because of me" he explained

" Am sorry about that" Liz apologizes

"It's okay... I didn't say that for you to pity me" he said and Liz nodded

" Can you also tell me about yourself and your career...am sure you want to be a musician " Jay suggest and Liz lowered her face

" Nope I don't want to be a musician," she said Jay stare at her and he continue driving

" Why did you say that...I thought you want to be a musician" he asked and Liz nodded a negative

" Singing was just my hobby...." She breathed out louder

" My career is to be a medical doctor...not a musician, but my father wants me to be his next of kin because am his only child and he wants me to take his position as the CEO of his company after him...so I don't have to choose" Liz explain

" What about your mom," he asked

" I don't even know who my mother is...since when I know this earth exist, my mother died as soon I set my leg on this world...so I don't have a mother " Liz explained and Jay adjusted her hair to the back of her ear and said

" It okay"

" Thanks" she replies and Jay continues his driving

After some hours they return to school, he lead Liz to her hostel and he left after he saw Liz descending the stairs

Liz opened the door and saw her friends waiting for her

" Guys you didn't sleep," she asked

" How will sleep when we didn't see you and you didn't pick up your calls" Bianca explain

" Hope Jay didn't touch you," Lola asked and Liz hissed as she walk to her bed

" Am I a kid?" she asked and lay down after offing her shoes

" What did you buy" Lola sat beside her and checked her bag

" We only went to a concert not a shopping" Liz replied

" Who are the musicians?" Bianca asked

" William superstar" Liz reply

" I pray my boyfriend said we should go out": Bianca said and Liz jump on her feet also lola rushed to her and sat beside Bianca

" Who is your boyfriend," Lola asked

" You have a boyfriend and you didn't tell us," Liz asked

" Who was him," Lola asked

" How did he look like, is he handsome or ugly," Liz asked

" Is he rich or poor? " Lola asked

" Is he a student of this school...." Liz asked, Bianca was tired of the question and stood up from the bed

" The question is too much," Bianca said

" Have I seems him before? " Lola asked

" Hmmm" Bianca sharply

" Is that guy we met at the restaurant" Bianca explained and the two Yelp's

" You mean Mario Gurizomo, that timid guy," Liz asked, and Bianca nodded

" I also need a boyfriend " Lola cried out