
High school musical and love

"It's okay...but he is my first love, I love him the first day I saw him without thinking of anything, I also try to forget him so we can be friends but he cheated on me and also lie that he broke up with his girlfriend " Who is the guy," Herrin asked " You don't need to know him.... because I won't be able to face you again if you know the asshole guy I fell in love with," Liz explained Who is the guy that stole the heart of the chairman's daughter

Snowprincess · Teen
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34 Chs

Friends in need

Light shone at the police station, herin went to visit Liz at the jail

" Thanks for visiting" Liz appreciate him

" Even I know you are disappointed in me but am sorry now you know who I am, am now a criminal," Liz said

" I know you did that for your friend," Herin said, Liz stop crying and she glared at him

" How did you know," she asked

" Lola explain everything to me," Herin said

" So you trust me," Liz asked

" I know you can't do that without a reason...and if it was me am going to do more than that for my friend....I will also kick his ass " Herin said that trying to let her laugh to his surprise Liz smile

" Am proud of you" Herin said while Liz glares at him

" I like that," Herin said, after some minutes when his time was up he walked out of the station on his way to campus his phone rang and he picked it

" Hello, what's wrong," he asked the caller and the person told him to check his WhatsApp that he posted a video on his status, herin do as he said, and to his surprise, it was Lola's video, he plays it after watching the video he rushed back to the campus

Knock!! Knock!!!

He knocked on the door but no one answered and he determined to open the door but it wasn't open, he called on Lola but she didn't answer and he determined to call on security on his way to the security office he ment Jay and he explained everything to him without thinking they are not in good terms, Jay followed him to the hostel, Jay begins to knock on the door while herin ran to call the securities after some minutes the security arrived at the room and use a spare key to open the door when they enter they ment Lola laying on the floor in a pool of blood, Jay rushed to her and he carried her and ran out of the hostel, running to the school hospital, the necessary things was done when Lola arrived at the hospital luckily she survived

" She is alive," one of the nurses told Jay and Herin who were standing in front of them and she walk out as soon she gave them the news

" Thank God she is alive," Herin said

" I can't believe ...she was hiding something like that," Jay said

" I drove her...if not for me she won't have poisoned herself," he said

" When you know she was scared...why did you force her to do so, you want her to die out of your greediness" Jay raised his voice as he pushed herin and gave him a punch on his face also dragging his shirt

" Then did you trust Liz " Herin asked

" And it's not your business," Jay reply

" And you struggle as if you care for her. .she is in danger you didn't believe her all you did is to leave her, even if she did but at least you have to trust her and support her...but you are a useless man" Herin said while Jay was angry and he punch him again but herin didn't do anything until the security arrived and their was separated

The news went viral around the campus even the police saw the video that was when Mr. Mark Bezos stand for his daughter, Lola's parents wanted revenge, to shorten the story Larry was arrested as a rapist also expelled from the school

Two weeks later

Light shone at the campus, Liz and Bianca were Invited to the SSO office

" We are sorry about the incident that happens, also you have to start your missed examination by tomorrow," Mr jeff said

" Thanks, Mr jeff...but what about our friend Lola, she also missed her examination

" Liz asked

" Nope... We found a solution to that and someone has helped her with that" Mr jeff explain

" Okay thanks" Liz appreciate

Light fade

On the second day, Liz and her friend started the examination, till the day it was finished also the students was hugging each other by saying goodbye, Liz was in her room packing her bags by then Lola have went home since the day of the incident, Liz close the room window and she dressed up after her preparation, she carried her bags and walk out of the hostel after she locked her room, she was on her way to the garage were her driver packed then she meant jay at the garage, she tried to avoid him but jay called her, Liz doesn't have any option than to wait, sincerely she was angry with him but she wanted to say goodbye

"What's wrong," Liz asked as she turn to him

" I wanted to say goodbye," he said

" No... problem... enjoy your holiday" Liz replied as she turns back to leave

" Am sorry" Jay said and Liz stop but she didn't turn back and she begins to weep

" I know... I made a lot of mistakes but am sorry" Jay apologize while he turn back to leave but Liz was not satisfied she turn back and ran to hug him unexpectedly, Jay stopped, he was shocked because he didn't expect that from her when Liz notice he was not making any reaction she let go of him and apologizes but jay turn back and kissed her, without wasting the time Liz also respond to the kiss after some minutes jay let her go while Liz was still closing her eyes but she opens it when jay touched her hair

" I...love you, Liz," Jay said but Liz didn't reply and she walked out without uttering a word.

Light fade

The light shines at Mr mark Bezos's house

It was a big mansion which has a lot of things, Mr mark Bezos lived like a king because he has everything that a man needs, so many workers, bodyguards, dry cleaners, maids, and so on but the main problem is that he doesn't have a woman who lives with him except his daughter who only comes for holiday but Liz has one problem when she returns she meant one young lady older than her like five years seating on her father laps claiming to be her father girlfriend she wasn't satisfied because the lady get more attention than her and she makes the house be like hell to the lady, Liz walk to her father room at midnight were the two lovers are having fun

Knock!!! Knock!! Knock!!!

" Who is there," Angela who was her father's girlfriend asked, Liz enter without replying but she meant then in a terrible position and she turn back, and they separated after seeing her and Angela hissed

" What did you want my dear," Mr mark Bezos asked

" Dad...I need your help" Liz said

" What is it my dear," Mr mark Bezos asks

" Dad, am scared" Liz replied while Angela hissed again

" Dad there was a fly in my room, I think it pass through the window" Liz make an excuse to get her father's attention

" And so what," Angela asked in frustration

" Angela she is still a kid and I know my daughter won't sleep in that room or else she gets rid of the flies, so I will have to help her," Mr mark Bezos said

" But she can tell the maids and why must it be you," Angela asked in frustration

" You have to shut up madam he is my father and I have right more than you" Liz replied in frustration

" Let go Liz " Mr. Mark Bezos get down from the bed after he wear his pant and walked out with his daughter, Angela was angry she hissed any time.

Light fade

light shine the next day

The phone vibrated but Liz was still sleeping she manage to take the phone to the chef and she picked it

" Hello, who is this"?" Liz asked while the caller told her to check her phone there was a message on e Whatsapp group, Liz opened her eyes and she locked her phone while she checked her Whatsapp and she saw a memo posted In the group about a pool party that will be happening thithisekend at the beach, as soon she close the group chat she sat down and called her friends Bianca also plan to attend but Lola was against it but Bianca and Liz plans to let her attend the party


" Come in " Liz said and a maid walk in with her breakfast she drop it on the table after she greeted her and she walked out, Liz stood up and walk to the bathroom after she cleaned up she walked out with a towel on her body and determine to take a hot pictures, after that she dressed up and sat down to take her meals also watching a video on her phone some minutes later when she was done one of the maids walk in and packed up the plate, Liz walk out of her room while some maids was cleaning her room

At the living room

Angela was busy watching a movie on the screen even Liz knows and she walk to take the remote and change the channel, Angela was angry and she yell at her

" are you crazy " he asked but Angela can't say that to her when are father was around

" Excuse me this is my house and I have right to do whatever I like" Liz raised her voice

" Serious " Angela chuckles

" And you are not my step mother but just my father sex toy" Liz insulted her

" How dare you ..am going to pieces you before your father return " Angela raised her voice

" You dare not" Liz said as she walk toward her

" Am ready for you" Liz said

" Are you trying to threaten me in my husband house" Angela asked in frustration

" What... You are not my father wife and you will never be because I hate you and you will never be like my mother even she is no more, so get out of my house " Liz raised her voice

" I won't...you are the one that will leaving not me" Angela said as she walked upstairs, Liz off the television and she sat on the sofa while pressing her phone

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