
High school musical and love

"It's okay...but he is my first love, I love him the first day I saw him without thinking of anything, I also try to forget him so we can be friends but he cheated on me and also lie that he broke up with his girlfriend " Who is the guy," Herrin asked " You don't need to know him.... because I won't be able to face you again if you know the asshole guy I fell in love with," Liz explained Who is the guy that stole the heart of the chairman's daughter

Snowprincess · Teen
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34 Chs

Can't do without my gist mate's

Liz was scared and she begins to call for help without wasting the times some of the maids and the bodyguards hurried to the pool two guards jumped inside the pool and carried her out

Angela was rushed to the hospital, and even Liz was worried about the incident, When her father came back he was angry with her even though he didn't talk to her throughout the day and she began to cry and lock herself in her room, two days later Liz was still in her room without eaten anything even her father didn't check on her, Mrs. Linda thought it was all her fault and she leaves the house with her daughter.

Light fade

Light shone at the hospital, Angela was still at the hospital taking treatment, and the doctor invited Mr. Mark Bezos to his office

" Hope it's not something bad," Mr Mark Bezos asked

" Nope... Mr. Mark Bezos, it a good News" the doctor said

" Then what is it " he asked

" She is three weeks pregnant," the doctor said

" What...?" He asked excited

" Yes.. this is the result," he said and gave him the result

Light fade

Light at the mansion

" "What...? " Liz asked after listening to her father

" You pushed her inside the pool because you hate her and you want her dead, Now She is pregnant and will be my wife and also your stepmother," Mr. Mark Bezos said

" Never...she will never be my stepmother " Liz raised her voice

" You have no choice, we are going to unite in two days," Mr. Mark Bezos said and he walked out of her daughter's room, Liz sat on her bed and began to cry.

The next day Angela returned home and she got married to Mr. Mark Bezo, even Liz didn't attend the wedding and also missed the pool party she planned with her friends, Bianca was worried about her, she was lonely at the party because none of her friends came

Light fade

Two months later

Liz was preparing to go back to school because they were resuming next two days, She had not been happy since the day Angela became her stepmother and began to have her father's attitude also her father was worried about her she spent her day in her room also take her meals in her room she begins to stay lonely still she determine to go back to school, her bodyguard took her lounges to the car, she walks through the sitting room and pretend not to see her father taking a drink, Mr mark Bezos saw her through the mirror and he called her, Liz stop to listen to him

" Are you going to leave the house without saying goodbye to me? "?Mr. Mark Bezos said

" I don't have to say goodbye before I leave on my own because you didn't even care for me," Liz said angrily

" So... You are leaving on your own," he asked and walked to her

" Am leaving your house" she said

"It's also your house," he said

" Nope it belongs to you and your wife also your unborn child" Liz replied to her father without turning back

" No.. am your father and we are family you can come home when you like also if you miss me," he said

"Am going to the people who always make me happy, who don't let me know I don't have a mother, who loves me for who I am " tears streaming down her cheeks

" I will always love you, and no one can love you as I do," he said but Liz didn't reply and she walked out, Mr. Mark Bezos was sad and he walked towards the balcony to see her daughter, Liz stopped and she looks around the house and walks inside the car, the guard closes the door and he also sits in front of the car and drives out.

Light shone at the school compound, and the students arrived at their various rooms, Liz was sitting on the bed waiting for her friends, It passed an hour and she determined to call them, the first person she called was her roommate Lola but it was her mom that picked the call

" Hello, Lola," Liz said

" It her mother speaking," the woman said

" Hi, ma.. can I talk to Lola" she asked

" Am sorry...I don't know she didn't tell you, she traveled a month ago" the woman said.

" Oo.okay ma am, when is she going to return to school because we have resumed

" She is not coming back to Russian,she went to study in the Philippines," the woman Said

Liz hung up the call and dropped her phone on the bed then she lay down and began to cry, The next day she went to the administration to ask Bianca

" Bianca dropped out," the woman who was standing in front of her said, Liz was sad to hear the news, so she walked to her room then she began to skip class and only stay alone or was at the studio singing, Herin noticed she has not been seeing her in class and he determines to check on her at her hostel but he didn't see her, on his way to his room he saw Liz coming from the direction of the studio and he walks to her

" Hi Liz," Herin said

" Hi... Herin" Liz reply

" What... Wrong, with you" Herin asked

" Nothing...I just want to be alone " Liz reply

" Are you worried about your friends who dropped out?" Herin asked Liz stopped and faced him

" How did you know" she asked

" They have been talking about them since we resumed, that Bianca stepped out of the school because she doesn't have money also Lola left the school out of shame, Sorry to say that" Herin apologies after he explained

"It's true...I miss them, they are like a family to me... I can't do without them," Liz wept as she explained

" It okay, " Herin tried to claim her

" Am sorry to cry in front of you... I can't just hide my feelings " Liz apologized and she cleaned her tears

"It's okay, you are free to cry in front of me when you are sad," Herin said while he moved closer and hugged her, Liz cried

Light fade

Light shines in Liz's room

Knock!!! Knock!!!

" Come in" She sat down, and the guest opened the door and walk-in

" Whatsup herin " Liz Said and she closed the door and he dropped the bags on her hand and brought out a food package, he moved to Liz on the bed and sat in front of her, he removed two spoons and gave Liz one and he also took one he open the food and told Liz to eat first, he was making an effort to let her happy.

Light fade

The light shines at Jay's room he is sitting on his bed busy with his laptop, and suddenly a message drops on his phone, he takes it and clicks on the message it is a picture of Liz and Herin who are hugging, Jay is angry and he drops his phone even he didn't know who sent the message, the number was unknown.

Light fade

Next morning

Liz was still sleeping, Herin was the one who woke her up by knocking at the door, Liz struggled to open the door for him

" Are you not going to class?" Herin asked

" Am not going" Liz said and she walked back to her bed and lay down

" Common, let go...am here for you," Herin said and he dragged Liz up from the bed and pushed her to the restroom then locked the door from outside, Liz didn't have a choice but to take her bath and dress for school

Light shone in the classroom and all eyes were set on her as she entered the class with Herin, They sat in the same chair when Jay saw them he was angry and walked toward them, he dragged Liz out of the class without replying Herin

" Why did you drag me out" Liz asked angrily

" After a kiss, you gave me at the garage, now you forget me and run back to him," asked

" Why are you stupid like this Jay Liz raised her voice Even was surprised because Liz had not been that angry before

" We haven't seen each other since these days and you are jealous of the man who has made me happy, However since we separated, " Liz said

" Now... He is a man that makes you happy" he asked while he pointed his finger towards the lecture room talking about Herin

" Yes!! ..he made me happy since my friends left me" Liz begins to weep

" I missed them... did you know how I lived since then and you said you love me, no...you always make me cry, you always make me sad....am tired of you, just let me go ...I don't want you in life again because the ones who make me braves has left me...so.." Liz said

" I....am..." He doesn't know what to say

" So... please just stay away from me," Liz said as she lowered her voice, She walked away also cleaned her face howeverJay was speechless, he rested his back on the wall and began to regret his actions

Light faded

Light shone on Jay thinking about Liz's and also looking for how to make her at ease, he took his phone and called his stepmother, he asked to meet her, and the woman sent him a location for them to meet, The next day, Jay went there and she begged the woman to sponsor Bianca in her education because he wants Liz to be happy also to apologize not to be a good man, the woman accepted and also promised to sponsor Bianca if he accepts her as his stepmother so jay promised

Light fade

Between Jay and herin, who did you want Liz to date, the asshole guy or the caring guy

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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