
Chapter 1 Introducing

My name is Kim Jennie (Jennie Kim). I'm from Korea and I'm 17 years old . My hobby is listen to music , watch k-drama and shopping. I don't have any ex boyfriends because many people think I'm not like a normal people . I have one best friend and her name is Kim Jisoo (Jisoo Kim) . We have the same last name many people around always think that we are sister but not a friend . I don't have any sibling I only have my best friend as a sibling to me . I usually stay at home alone because my parents need to go to another country for their business. I am actually a good cooker because of my parents didn't usually stay home that the reason why I know how to cook . Oh~~~! It is 11:00pm now I need go to bed goodnight everyone :,) .

The next day at 7:00am

(Jennie Parents have come back home )

Jennie's parents : Good morning our cutie daughter !!

Jennie : (still sleeping )

Jennie's dad : maybe she still sleeping

Jennie's mom : Hmmmm... I think so

Jennie's dad : Than why don't we cook breakfast for her ? She will be very happy

Jennie's mom : Let cook then

After 30minutes

Jennie : ahhhh..! I shouldn't go to bed late last night. I should hurry and take a bath .

10 minutes later

Jennie : I smell something good through my nose . It smells like my mom food . Ahhh I miss her food . ( start to feel sad and than walk downstair )

Jennie's mom : put it nicely hunniiii. Our daughter will feel very happy after seeing all of this :) .

Jennie's dad : yes madam ! (Burst into laughing )

Jennie : Mom , Dad (shouting ) what are you two doing ? ( surprising ) Did you two cook the breakfast for me ? And when did you two arrive home ? Why didn't you wake me up ??

Can I taste it now ?

Jennie's mom : enough (Laugh ) you ask us too many question . Just sit down and listen to us . Daddy has a good news to tell you .

Jennie's dad : yes sit here darling (Point to chair that near him and let Jennie sit ) I have something special to tell you

Jennie : ohhh really dad ? What is it ? (Start to taste the food )

Jennie's dad : you will transfer into another school and that school is where Jisoo studies at .

Jennie : wahhhhh ! I'm very happy when will I transfer ?

Jennie's dad : Tomorrow . I first think you don't like it but now I see you are very happy . I don't need to worry anymore :) .

Jennie's mom : Don't forget to ask Jisoo about the rule at that school in case you will break the rule .

Jennie : yes sir! (Laugh) After I eat this breakfast ready . Can I go to Jisoo's house to tell her about this good news ? She will feel very happy .

Jennie's parents : Okay but first you need to finish your plate first .

Jennie : I will make sure to finish it . Even though the plate I will finish it too . 😂😂

Jennie's parents: you now have many jokes to tell us . (Laugh)

After finishing the breakfast. In the afternoon at 2:50 pm

Jennie : (knock Jisoo hous's door ) Good afternoon Mom(Jisoo Mom )!

Jisoo's Mom : good afternoon Jennie ! What are you doing here ?

Jennie : I come here to look for Jisoo . I have some surprising news to tell her .

Jisoo's mom : okay Than ! Jisoo is in her room now . I will go out for a while :,).

Jennie : okay mom ! Goodbye 👋!

Jisoo's mom : bye darling ! I hope you have a fun talk with Jisoo .

Jennie go upstairs and knock Jisoo' door room

Jisoo : wait...!

Jennie : Okayyyyy

Jisoo : Hey Jennie ! What are you doing here ?

Jennie : I come here to tell you that I will transfer to study the same school as you .

Jisoo : Really ? Omg ! It would be really fun I will tell you some rules and tell you more about our school when you go .

Jennie : okayyyy! Thank you ! I'm very excited you know . I can't wait for tomorrow. I think it would be really fun 🥰😊.

Jisoo : yeeeee . That right !

2hours later

Jennie : it's getting dark now . I have to go home now. bye Jisoo ! See you tomorrow

Jisoo : bye Jennie ! See you tomorrow.

At night

Jennie : goodnight mom and dad . I go to bed now have a sweet dream ..

Jennie's parents : goodnight our lovely daughter! Sweet dream .😘😘