

"Devano has a math lesson today! You can't be late for school!" "Yes Papa, Devan understands," answered Devan while eating peanut butter bread with gusto. "Oh yes, don't forget that there is a modeling school in the afternoon too. You have to go Devan!" said the mother who was busy with her cell phone. "Daddy go first, Devan, study properly at school, okay?" Papa said then left the dining room carrying his cell phone. While the mother also finished with her food and got ready to go to the office. "Come on, hurry up and finish your meal Devan. Don't be late for school!" Mamah said then kissed Devan's cheek briefly. Devan is now alone in the dining room. As usual in the morning every day. He snorted in annoyance and took his bag as he said goodbye to his bi inem household assistant. Devan leaves the house in his car. He is in the third grade of high school, already has a private car. Devan immediately drove quickly so as not to be late for school. His face looks flat. There was a feeling of hatred that could not be expressed in his heart. When I got to school, my first lesson was math. Dean really didn't like it at all. He was only demanded by his parents to get good grades. "Today, I want to announce my math score," said a math teacher firmly. "Duh, what's my score," said Riri worriedly who sat behind Devan. "Ah, you don't have to worry. You must have scored 90 or not 80. I'm the one who's worried. I'll definitely get a five, oh, I'm really stupid," Zahra said with a sullen face. "It's really noisy in the back," Devan said with annoyance in his heart. He propped his chin with his palm as he watched the math teacher. "You want to announce the best grades in our class," said Pak Suryo while looking for a sheet of paper on the table. "The best score for yesterday's test was Riri Alisa Ningrum. Congratulations, Riri. Where's Riri?" asked Mr. Suryo, the oldest teacher among all school teachers. "Huh? How come? Why not me?" asked Devan confusedly in his heart. His face looked so panicked. Several students saw Devan in whispers. "That's really odd, Devan doesn't get the best grades. Usually he always gets the best marks for math tests," "Yeah, this is really weird," "Just look at his face, he looks really worried. I'm really sorry," Devan heard that. He was so fed up. He could not accept that he had to accept defeat like this. "Sir, this is Riri, sir. Sit in the corner!" Zahra exclaimed Riri's best friend. "Duh, I'm embarrassed to come to the front," said a white-skinned girl with natural red lips. He looked so happy and embarrassed at the same time. "Hurry up there. Pak Suryo is already waiting for you," Zahra whispered while pushing Riri's arm. "Come on Riri! Go ahead, sir, I have a present for you," said Pak Suryo kindly. Riri walked forward and at that time Devan's gaze was very scary when he saw Riri's back in front of him. "Here, as usual. You gave a pen to the student who got the best score on the math test," said Pak Suryo, handing over the gold-colored pen. "Yes, even though the pen doesn't cost much. But let's just say it's a real gold pen, OK?" said Mr. Suryo, laughing, making several students laugh while covering their mouths. "Thank you very much Pak Suryo," said Riri bowing politely while accepting the pen as a gift. When the first break has taken place. Riri and Zahra were eating in the cafeteria with gusto. "Very funny, Mr. Suryo. Giving gifts like this," Riri said, looking at the pen she was holding. "Yes, to keep memories, when we're not here anymore. It's a really good pen. It's like an old-fashioned concept," Zahra said, pretending to know the gold color of the pen. How come, you're so lucky you can beat Devan. Only this time! You learned the speeding system last night, didn't you?" Zahra said laughing but unfortunately Naynia choked and coughed. Here, drink this," the girl with the ponytail gave her a glass of water to her best friend.

Yadil1_yadil · Teen
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16 Chs


"Duh, I feel sad when I see these gentlemen. The thing is, he's really old. But he still has to work," said Bea with a sad face. "Yes, I'm also sad and I'm introspective. All this time I should be grateful to have parents who can afford to live comfortably. Sometimes I still hate my parents. Even though they want me to be the best. Yes, sometimes they I don't know how. I also rarely have time to talk to my parents," said Devano with a sad face. "Yes, tomorrow we have to display the father's photo in each of them. Then later I will make motivational words for the photo. It must be really cool. They also won't expect that it's a photo of your work," said Bea with great enthusiasm. "Okay, sip. At the same time, I also want people to know that I have talent in photography. I really want to go to places we haven't been to yet. Then take photos of those places. It must be really exciting," said Devano, imagining his dream . "So where are we going next?" asked Devano impatiently exploring the unique corners of the city. "Hmm, where are you? How about just going to the museum!" Bea said enthusiastically. "That's okay too. It looks really fun!" Devano said enthusiastically. They got on the go car then went to the museum tour. Lots of old relics. The museum model is formed in the contemporary style of young people. Making museums now much in the interest of young people. There are also unique objects about space and planets. They really enjoyed it. Devano also continues to take pictures in the style he likes. He also took pictures of Bea without realizing it. Bea who changed his life. Really he will not forget the services of customs in his life. "Too tired, go around this museum. It's really fun," said Bea while looking around. "Yes, this is the first time for me," Devano said with a sweet smile. The two of them were waiting for meatballs made by the waiter at the shop. "Here come Lavanya's meatballs!" The waiter exclaimed as he placed the meatballs on the table. "Wow, you really like spicy lovers!" Devano said looking at Bea's bowl which contained a large meatball with chili peppers in it. "But you also ordered this too, right?" asked bea curious. "Yes, I just want to eat spicy food. I hope my stomach will be safe," said Devano then chuckled. "Just watch out if you're sick. Then I can't go to your house. It's really annoying you know!" Bea said annoyed. "Yes, sorry, sorry. The thing is, I'm just afraid of my parents. Later, you'll be in town with my girlfriend. Then I can't play with you anymore. Never mind, now my parents don't know you," Devano said casually. Lo's parents are really weird," Bea immediately ate her meatballs with gusto. The taste of the role on his tongue made him even more excited. "Hmm, the spiciness is really delicious," Devano said with a hint of spiciness on his face. At seven in the evening they had finished the walk. Now they are both in front of the gate of Devano's house. "So how about it? Do you want to study math or not?" asked Devano mockingly. "Heheh, let's do it later. I think I'm really tired," said Bea, showing her teeth. Those bunny teeth made Bea look so cute. "Okay, then I'll go in, okay? Don't forget tomorrow, you have to give good words for a photo of my work!" Devano said sharply. "Yeah, yeah, that's really fussy, that's easy!" Customs said with confidence. "Okay, I'll come in, okay?" Devano said, waving his hand. Now Bea is also walking to her house which is not far from Devano's house. The next day the school looks crowded. Yes, especially in the Mading section. School wall magazine. "Wow, this is crazy, Bea and Devano are really bad!" Riri de said

I'm really sorry for this egg roll seller. But I'm sick with this father," said another student while looking at the photo taken by Devano. The results are also very good," said another student. Now Riri immediately left the Mading's presence. Her heart was really angry. She felt Devano and Bea insulted her subtly. "How could they possibly meet my father. They deliberately wanted to embarrass me at school. You impudent!" Riri said angrily in her heart. She walked at a very fast pace. Looking for Bea's figure. Surely this was Bea's idea. "I'm going to make you crushed bea!" Said Riri with annoyance in her chest. She immediately quickly looked for Bea. Her eyes looked very sharp. In class there was no bea and Devano at all. Now Riri quickly looked for them when she went to the cafeteria and they weren't there. When she looked up with origin. Suddenly Riri's eyes saw them the two of them on the floor. Yes, that is the place they usually stop at. "Just watch out, Lo!" said Riri with heated anger. She climbed the stairs quickly. can be close to Devano. In fact, what is close now is bea. That really makes Riri so annoyed. Seeing Bea and Devano who are eating noodles jokingly. Making Riri even more angry. "Hey Bea! Come here, Lo!" Riri shouted loudly. Making Bea and Devano look at each other in confusion. Yes, because they didn't know what was actually wrong with Riri. Why did they have to scream all the time. "What the hell, Lo! So noisy! We're still eating you know!" Bea shouted in the distance. Now Riri was forced to come closer because she was very emotional. "Heh! What do you mean by the photo on the bulletin, heh?" Riri asked with a cynical face. "What's wrong? It's the work of Devano and I. Why don't you like it? Oh yes I know. You don't like me. Close to Devano, right? Because Lo likes Devano. But don't get angry too, that's the way to go," said Bea with annoyance. "You deliberately put a photo of my father, huh? Are you deliberately trying to embarrass me?" Riri asked loudly. "Oh, so that's your father. Yes, you should be grateful to have a father like that. Why should I be ashamed! Mr. Lo has fought for your happiness!" Bea said firmly. "Come on, you don't have to tell me like that. You're a girl who's just an imposter!" Riri said angrily while pushing the bea. "Hey, don't fight! Ri Lo what the heck? You don't have to push my friends around," Devano said with a panicked face. "Hahaha You're afraid if I fight with Bea, right? Lol just look at it. I'm going to fight in front of your eyes!" Riri said firmly. Riri tried to hit Bea's face. But Bea was quick to avoid Riri. The two of them even shot each other. Devano was really confused about what to do. He never saw this before. But with all the fear he was hiding now Devano quickly separated the two of them. It was seen that the two of them were very difficult to separate. But Devano tried his best to separate the two of them. Riir's long ebit was very messy. Meanwhile, bea too messy blonde hair. They cursed at each other and luckily there was someone who saw the two of them above and it made one school panic because bea almost fell and Devano grabbed bea's hand quickly. "All of you! Stop this!" said a BK teacher who was now in front of them all. Finally the three of them entered the BK room and the BK teacher was angry and furious at the three of them.