
Chapter 1: The birth of the Red dragon Emperor.

High school DXD: The Path of the Sekiryutei

Hey everyone! This is my brand new project that I just had to write. Basically, this is one of my all time favourite anime's so I really enjoy reading fan fiction's about it . Unfortunately every time I find an amazing fan fiction story, it is always ending early and the author doesn't show any signs of continuing their story . It's for this reason, that I plan to make my own and as a promise to my readers, no matter how long it takes, I will finish it and try to update the story as quickly as possible. I'm not giving up on my other stories, but I just really wanted to get started on this project before I lost my inspiration and idea. Anyway thanks again for reading and please enjoy .

Chapter 1 The birth of the red dragon emperor!

Issei's P.O.V.

Red, yes that is the only colour I see before my eyes right now. My hands are stained with this painful shade. As of this moment it seemed like the only colour I could see right now as I looked at the bodies that surrounded me. My parents motionless and dead right in front of me and even now my heart cried out in agony as I asked myself this question, Why? Why did this have to happen to my family?

But really I knew the painful truth thanks to that woman's words. "If you want to blame anyone, blame god for gifting you with your sacred gear. Know this, I cannot allow you to live Hyodou Issei for you could be a huge threat to us."

Before I could snap out of my fear and confusion, I was overcome by an excruciating pain as I felt a blade pierce my heart. All I could do was drop to the floor and join my parents in the afterlife. Or so I thought. After I was presumed dead for a while, I found myself being drawn to not a white light but a powerful crimson light as I felt my consciousness begin to awaken. As soon as my eyes opened again, I saw a figure with crimson long hair. He wore unique clothing like body armour and a majestic cape which draped from his shoulders. All I heard from this person before he disappeared was this.

"Hyodou Issei, I have revived you as a stray devil after you were just now brutally murdered by what is known as a fallen angel. I did this because I see a great hope from you and I could not allow you to die here today. I have placed 8 evil pieces inside you but they won't activate until you meet the one destined to be your master only they can activate them. Once they are activated, you will be absorbed into this devil's peerage and you will fight for them as their servant. Get stronger and get revenge on those who robbed you of those who are important to you."

After this stranger disappeared, I heard a sound just outside of my house which was currently a full on pile of rubble after it was destroyed by what I knew now to be a fallen angel. My feet would not budge I still wondered if I was in a dream yes a nightmare that has to be it. However, my thoughts were interrupted when I saw a tall individual wearing a huge trench coat step into what was left of my home.

"Oh so it looks like Raynare couldn't kill you after all? No matter, I shall make this quick and painless. My name is Dohnaseek. Remember it well because it is the name of the fallen angel who ended your life."

The fallen angel took advantage of my frozen like state plunging a bright shining spear into my leg.

My mind was going crazy from the extreme difference in pain. However, my body didn't feel a thing because of how numb I felt still unable to comprehend this as reality.

The fallen angel grinned at me and threw another spear through my other leg this time.

Once again I detected the pain but I felt nothing because one particular thought overrode everything else. I was going to kill this bastard! I manoeuvred my shaking legs which struggled to move because of these peculiar spears that have pierced them but my late reaction of rage was cancelling out my pain and enabled me to stand up.

"Oh you're a tough one alright, maybe I'm not too late and you're not a devil just yet. After all, it would be impossible for you to be showing no signs of pain when holy light is like poison to them. I guess this time I'm just going to have to end you in one blow and strike you through the heart."

I remained speechless but my feelings echoed in my head. "Power! I need power! If I had power, I could destroy this bastard and get out of here alive."

I still remember that strange sensation I felt as an unknown voice entered my mind. "If it's power you seek I can give it to you. All you have to do is make your feelings clear and I will respond to your will."

I had no time to question who was communicating with me right now as right after I heard those words, my left arm began to shine brightly in a jade light. I could feel the power running through my veins as I watched my arm make some kind of metamorphosis and decorate my arm with a crimson gauntlet. At first the shape was very simple like a strange knuckleduster. However, as soon as I unleashed my rage towards the fallen angel, it seemed as if my feelings were infused into my new accessory and it began to change again.


The chant came from my left arm which now began to glow even brighter as my gauntlet began to form. The gauntlet now covered most of my arm in its crimson glow and now an emerald jade was embedded on the back of my hand. The sacred gear I possessed gained two golden spikes and was covered in some strange text that I had never seen before. I still remember the look of fear on the fallen angel's face as he too witnessed my gear's transformation.

"It looks like we got our information wrong! It's not just a regular twice critical it's the boosted gear! One of the thirteen Longinus! The red dragon emperor's gauntlet! I have to take you out now!" he said completely alarmed now and he threw a light spear towards me.

My body just moved on its own my hand achieving what seemed to me moments ago impossible deflected this dangerous spear and did my arm no effect whatsoever.

"Damn I have to retreat and tell Azazel!" He said as he tried to retreat.


All of a sudden, a huge rage came over me as I saw him try turn tail and flee. I closed the distance between us instantly as I grabbed onto his shoulder turning him towards me. I didn't hesitate a second then.

"You bastard! How dare you! How dare you murder my parents!" I drove a powerful punch right into his gut causing him to lean forwards.


"You fallen angel scum! I'll kill you!" I said driving another punch into his midsection this time using my other hand instead.


I felt the warm liquid drip from my finger tips as I delivered another powerful blow to the startled assassin as I drove my sacred gear into his face.

"How?! This can't be!" He said to me as he crashed to his knee's holding his stomach.

Even after thinking about it now, I still don't know how I accomplished it, but my gauntlet began to glow in a crimson light.


When I aimed another punch to the helpless killer, my fist unleashed some kind of blast leaving nothing but black feathers in its place. The last thing I remember before passing out was pulling those holy weapons from my legs and then I collapsed.

And that's as far back as I remember. After I released those spears, I was instantly struck by an overwhelming agonising pain which I easily ignored moments ago. But I realised after I observed my wounds, that the entry points in which the spears created in my legs, were now perfectly healed and only the blood that stained my hands was left on my skin. After I checked my surroundings, I noticed some kind of small bottle with the pattern of a huge bird on the empty container and some kind of weird note which had an unknown symbol to me on the paper. But it had writing I could read underneath it.

"I was right about you after all, get stronger and seek out your master. Hyodou Issei (The red dragon emperor).

As I re-examined the note, I was puzzled after I put the note down that I didn't notice it before. My home which lay in ruins moments ago was completely fixed as if it was only a dream. Unfortunately, as much as I wished for it this was not a dream. My parents were dead lying on the ground in front of me and if it wasn't for that uninvited guest, I would be laying there right alongside them. Part of me was angry that I was the only one who was able to survive. But this emotion soon became overrun by another more powerful sensation. And that was the powerful rage I felt towards the bastards who took them from me. As I buried them in the wake of the night, I promised them both as tears streamed from my eyes. I promised my dear mother and father that I would not waste this opportunity that fate gifted me with. I will use this power to assure that nobody else will suffer through the hardship of losing their family or even their own life to these unforgiving monsters.

As I sat there in silence, I heard a voice coming from a small green circular light that was unaccompanied by the red gauntlet that was once there.

"You certainly are an interesting one. So young and you already have such a strong compatibility and understanding of the boosted gear."

"Wh..Who are you?" I replied

"I am the dragon that is sealed within this sacred gear. Draig one of the heavenly dragons. Cut down to size in my prime to form the gauntlet you used just now."

"What do you want?"

"Relax, i'm going to be your partner from now on and follow you down your path. Well then let's continue to do our best in this new life you will be leading partner."

"My name is Issei."

"I understand Hyodou Issei. Still I'm surprised, you unlocked my power at such a young age and you weren't consumed by the power. You certainly will be an interesting one to watch grow into a true red dragon emperor. Well let's do our best Issei my partner."

"Hey Draig? Are you saying that I can get stronger and make the woman who made my parents suffer like that pay?"

"Of course partner, you now hold the power to even surpass god if you use it wisely and learn how to control its full capacity."

"Then I will accept this power and master it! So I can protect those who are victim to these winged beasts. I may be a devil now, but that doesn't mean that my goal has changed. I will protect the innocent and become stronger."

"It's just as I thought you are interesting well do your best and I will do the same. Oh one more thing partner, that symbol on the parchment you got given, was given to you by the demon lord Sirzechs Lucifer. Not only that, that paper you hold in your hands, will allow you to open up a communication link and speak with him for one time only. So if you have any questions you want to ask him just make it obvious through your will. Well we have a long life ahead of us, get some sleep you'll need it after today." Draig said to me as I travelled to my brand new looking bedroom. I closed my mind and drifted off to sleep.

That was six years ago when I was only 11 years old. And I am now a second year student at Kuoh academy. But despite all of my efforts, I was unable to find the harlot who butchered my mother and father. But there is one thing for sure, when she does resurface, I will be ready to deliver my own justice upon her.

There is chapter 1 I hope you enjoyed it. I love this anime and I aim to make it a success. The second chapter will be from Rias Gremories point of view and will be another introduction to the story.