
High school dxd: The new Master

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Cosmic_World · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Kendo girls

/Flash back/

When I arrived at class, I introduced myself and practicing kendo as my hobby, which caught Murayama and Katase's eyes. And after that I sat on my bench which was near Issei.

"Issei , it's too bad that I don't like you at all, so you'll be in a very bad shape from now on." i thought in my mind

When it was lunch break, Murayama and Katase came up to me and started asking me about Kendo and in the last they challenged me which was their biggest mistake.

"Issei Hyoudou, it's too bad that I don't like you at all, so you'll be in a very bad shape from now on." I thought in my mind

When it was lunch break, Murayama and Katase came up to me and started asking me about Kenge and in the last they challenged me which was their biggest mistake.

With school over, Ron makes his way over to the Kendo Club. It's a bit of a bother, perhaps… but it's also worth it, in his eyes. After all, the deal that he has with Murayama and Katase is one that benefits him most of all. Not that the two girls don't get something out of it. They definitely do, or they wouldn't keep coming back to him for this. Still… they're a bit weird, aren't they? What a strange fetish…

"A-Ah, there you are! Come stand at the front please, Ron"

"If I won you have to fullfill any one wish of mine and if I loose then same goes for me, ok."

He doesn't know how but they accepted the condition maybe they are sure to their victory.

Ron just nods his head and walks in, moving past the rows of girls who sit seiza position. Every last one of them blushes in his presence, though he also notes the way their knuckles go white as they clutch at the practice swords that they hold across their laps. He doesn't pay them any mind. If they want to attack him, he'll defend himself. It's why he's here, after all.

"Right. As before, we've asked Ron here for a demonstration. T-This time, we will be showing you the value of always pairing up. If there are two of you, no man can harm you. Katase and I will be going at Ron with everything we've got, and you'll see that he will crumble before our combined might. Understood?"

"Yes, Captain!"

The entire room cries out as one, even as Ron raises an eyebrow at Murayama and Katase. The two girls blush a bit when they see him doing so, but they also tighten their jaws, showing their determination. The LAST two times that they'd asked him here, they'd come at him one at a time, attempting to show that a master of kendo was a match for any untrained boy. Of course, Ron was far from untrained, he just wasn't any good with a sword.

Needless to say, he'd defeated both girls each time, and extracted the price they'd offered him for attending the class as well for good measure. Of course, neither of the two Kendo Captains had complained as he deflowered them. In fact, they'd seemed to enjoy it, as embarrassed as they both were to be beaten by him. The first go around, he'd fucked them separately. The second go around, he'd taken them together, and Issei had to admit, having the two girls able to hold hands and stare at one another for support had certainly enhanced the process.

This time…

"Prepare yourself, ron! Here we come!"

And like that, Murayama and Katase were upon him, their bamboo swords striking from opposite sides in eerie synchronicity. They were good. He could give them that. But they were also only human. Ron casually lifts an arm to block the blow from Katase, even as his hand latches out and catches the Murayama's bamboo sword right at the hilt. His hand actually closes around Murayama's as he squeezes slightly, causing her to cry out and let go of her sword with that particular hand. During the fight Ron notice the perverted duo peeping from that hole but he didn't said anything.

Ron tears it free of her weakened grasp at that point and turns the bamboo sword on Katase without a second thought. There's no technique to it. He is NOT a swordsman. He simply begins to rain down blows on Katase as she yelps and tries to block, only to find him faster and stronger than her, if not nearly as skilled in his technique.

To her credit, Murayama is not so weak willed as to give up just because she's been disarmed. Seeing her friend under assault by her own weapon, the long-haired brunette lets out a roar and leaps at Ron's back, clinging to him from behind as she tries to… distract him, perhaps? It's clear she hasn't thought it through, even as Ron pauses for a moment to reach back, grab her by the scruff of her Gi, and throw her over him.

Murayama hits the mat hard, but then, that's kind of why it's there, to soften falls. Ron though, is not done. He steps up as she's recovering and places the tip of her own bamboo sword against her throat, pressing down until she starts to choke a little. Her hands come up to grab the 'blade' to try and get it off, but Ron is unrelenting, and Murayama isn't willing to outright break her own practice sword. As it is, he's not truly hurting her, merely applying some pressure.

Katase, meanwhile, has taken all of this time to recover from the onslaught he'd had her under. When she finally catches her breath, it's to find her fellow Kendo Captain in such a situation, and Ron's gaze upon her. That gaze pins her in place, and Issei cocks his head to the side as he regards Katase for a second. Then, he speaks a single word.



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