

~ Some hours before ~

In the basement of the Naberius family residence, beneath the glittering surface and beneath the massive castle, there is a vast special testing ground consisting of a huge underground space to support a facility designed to test living beings.

The experiments conducted by the Naberius family were not ordinary projects, but the infamous experiment to create a transcendental devil with power to rival current three devils that are at this level, apart for Rivezim Livan Lucifer the other two would be Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub.

Other families have accepted these three as exceptions or even monsters among the devil race, but the Naberius family has greater ambitions, they wish to develop a transcendental demon as a weapon belonging to their house.

Once they succeed, as long as there are three or more successful living experiments, Naberius house becomes the strongest power in the underworld. They will be able to overthrow both the old and new factions of the devil king to become the only family with enough power to retain the title of devil king. Because of such ambitions the devils of Naberius family became more crazy doing many tests with living subjects focusing only in the success regardless of the sacrifices, getting rid of any fails to do new test with another person. Because what greets them is the most exciting future, so they can only see the future and never stop even if the researchers get more crazy with each new experiment.

Inside the same underground test facility there are two nekoshou girls, the older one named Kuroka is holding her young sister Shirone in their room, that is located in the experimental area. Kuroka looked at her little sister who fell asleep leaning on her.

Even in this state she still hugged her little sister with a gentle smile and a worried expression. Kuroka is an experiment in the Naberius family to reach the perfect weapon, the transcendent devil, she is already used to the madness that devils impose on her through crazy tests and experiments, but she still tries to hold on and be strong to protect her sister from those devils.

"Devils are a bunch of lunatics... but if these demons only target me, even if I die, I won't regret being able to protect you Shirone" Kuroka whispered softly while she stroked her sister's head and ears with her hands. Seeing the little nekoshou sleeping very comfortably, her determination become stronger to try to run away from this place to to maintain her little sister's innocent appearance.

"I only have you Shirone, I can't lose you. So..." While she whispered she noticed the door of the room being opened by one of the scientist of Naberius family. At this moment her little sister Shirone woke up to the sound of the door being opened, rubbing her eyes and looking to the door.

One of the experiment's researchers entered Kuroka and Shirone's room as usual. They expected that it would be the same as every day as it was already their routine to wait for this researcher to call Kuroka to perform some kind of training on Shirone's vision. However, the researcher changed his usual action and went to talk to Shirone first.

"Hello, little Shirone. You are a very special girl, you know that?" The researcher speaks with a smile on his face.

"I am?" Shirone asks a little hesitantly.

"Yes, yes. And I want to take you to a really fun place. There you can get stronger and learn a lot of new things." The researcher speaks

"Stop it! You're not taking my sister anywhere!" Kuroka interrupts

"Shut up girl! We need a new test subject as the current one isn't showing positive results and if she doesn't cooperate I'll have to take more drastic measures." The researcher glares at Kuroka with disdain as he pushes her away.

"But, I don't want to go anywhere! I want to stay here with my sister." Shirone walks back a few steps to distance herself a little from the researcher, she was finding his actions strange and was starting to get scared.

"Sorry little nekoshou, but you have no choice. Now come with me." The researcher with a sly smile tries to grab Shirone.

Kuroka felt her anger rise as she saw the man grabbing her little sister and deciding it was time to end this whole project. She prepared to quickly attack the researcher using her claws wrapped in demonic energy and her senjutsu to stealthily conceal her presence, allowing her to land the blow without any difficulty.

"You will not touch my sister!" Kuroka screams as she launches her attack against the researcher's neck with his claws wrapped in demonic energy and black flames.

"Aaaah!" The Researcher was in agony of pain as he died choking on his own blood.

The researcher's death left Shirone in shock and locked in place, not understanding why her sister had killed one of the men who were taking care of them.

"What... what did you do, Kuroka?!" Shirone was shocked and scared by the situation

"Shirone, you're safe now and that's what matters." Kuroka tries to calm her sister down, but speaks in a serious tone right away "Shirone I don't have time right now, I need you to go hide in some local safe, we'll meet as soon as I'll finish solving my affairs, don't go near any member of the Naberius family and wait for me"

Kuroka knew that she didn't have time to explain everything and that she should finish killing the other investigators as soon as possible before they realized that something was wrong, so she tells Shirone to hide and sneak to a safe place or the exit, they will meet at the location later.

When Kuroka left the room to continue her personal mission, she didn't hear the state of confusion her little sister found herself in and because she was focused on killing the investigator, she didn't realize that Shirone was following her from afar.