
High School DxD: Alternate

Vincenzo 'Vin' Corsetti should never have volunteered at the Vatican. Now, he's been drafted into an elite order of Exorcists in-training, facing insane beasts and monsters and he's got a 'Sacred Gear to figure out too. Hey, at least the girls are cute, right? --------- want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 10 chapters patr-eon.com/Rias_gremory174

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36 Chs

Chapter 7 : His father finally chimed in,

"Guys…" Vin croaked, before his voice caught.

Squeeze. Vin took a breath.

"Guys, I'm sorry… I… I have to leave, for a long time… And, and when I-"

Squeeze. Breath.

"When I walk out that door, n-none of you guys are going to be able to remember me anymore. I- I just-"

Squeeze. Breath.

His family looked at him with various expressions: confusion, sympathy, worry.

His father finally chimed in, "Kiddo, what's the problem? You… you look like you're going to cry."

And cry he did, raising his head to the ceiling, Vin sniffled as a few stray tears made their way out.

"F-fuck, I can't take this…" Vin rasped, as he wiped and pinched his eyes with his free hand.

Squeeze. Breath.

Vin returned his gaze to his family, "I love you guys. I-I'm going to come back one day. One day, I'm going to be strong; strong enough to share a life with you guys again. And when that happens, then we can truly become a family again, ok?"

"B-Big Bro…" Lisa looked up at him, eyes scared, small, terrified… "What's happening?"

It nearly broke him to see those eyes.

"Goodbye guys," Vin shakily smiled through pouring tears, before he looked down to the ground, shaking.

"Do it."

And in a bright flash of light, the Corsetti family fell unconscious.

Griselda gave Vin's hand another squeeze, and finally spoke up.

"They won't wake up for another twelve hours," Griselda explained, "Sister Dorothy has already loaded all the things from your room into the van. Is there anything else here that you want to bring?"

Vin nodded, as Griselda finally let go of his hand, and walked out of the room. Coming back not ten seconds later with a large cardboard moving box in her hands.

"Let's get packing, then. I'll help you."

Vin couldn't bring himself to smile, so he simply nodded his head.

In the end, the two managed to gather up a variety of things; from the few game systems in the house, to movies, records, and books purchased by and for Vin. And at the very end, the most agonizing process: taking every photo that contained Vin from the various walls in the house, each and every frame going neatly into the same box, stacked in rows like books on a shelf.

In the end, it took them around three hours to fully pack everything that had anything to do with Vin that was worth keeping. Soon enough, the three piled back into the now-full van, and headed back towards the Vatican.

It was about three-quarters of the way back when Griselda finally addressed the elephant in the room.

"Dare I say, you've taken this… much better than I thought you would have."

Vin stared out the window at the passing houses through the van's tinted windows

"I'm not taking this well, Ms. Quarta," A single tear twinkled down Vin's cheek.

Griselda returned to looking ahead, "I see…"

Once they reached the Vatican, Griselda directed Vin out of the van, before it drove off.

"They're going to unpack your stuff into your room. You'll have to unbox everything else yourself, but they can at least make you a bed for later. In the meantime, I'm going to show you how to get around here, and get to your new quarters."

Silently, Vin followed Griselda around the Vatican. Memorizing the way around the halls, until they reached an elevator.

"Come, step inside Vin," Griselda instructed.

Once the two were in the elevator, Griselda pressed the 'close doors' button, and instead of going to press a floor button, Griselda instead reached into her robes, and produced a set of keys, handing them over to Vin.

"Alright, these are vital for getting around here. You see this panel here?" Griselda gestured towards a locked plate under the elevator's buttons, "You use your key labelled as 'E' on this panel right here, come, you try."

Vin walked up, and after finding the key marked as 'E', inserted it into the lock, twisting it to reveal a keypad and screen.

"Depending on where you want to go, you type in the code for that floor. The main one you'll have to remember is '4826', which is the floor code for the dorms and living quarters. We shall head there now."

So, Vin punched in the code, locked the cabinet door, and sure enough, the elevator began to descend past what was labelled as the ground floor. Eventually the door to the elevator opened, and revealed a hallway with a door on each wall. One labelled as 'Training', One labeled as 'Pool', and the final on the far wall labelled as 'Dormitories'.

Griselda led Vin along to the far door, before turning to face Vin.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, Vin. Everyone here is around your age; and while some can certainly be called… eccentric, rest assured they're all good people."

"Now, welcome to your new home Vin," Griselda smiled, before she pushed open the door.


To be honest, when Griselda was hyping up a dorm of in-training pro exorcists for a crazy secret society of magic people under the fucking Vatican, this was not what Vin was expecting.

[SLASH!] A TV hummed aloud.


"Dude, you've lost the last eighteen rounds, give it a break."


Yeah, wow. Just… wow.

The door led Vin and Griselda right into the common room, where multiple black leather couches faced a large flat screen television mounted to the wall. Atop one couch sat a large dark-skinned man casually lounging back wearing a bright pink fluffy hoodie and a pair of grey sweatpants. His expression the definition of serenity, as he held a controller in his hands.

Meanwhile his companion was the exact opposite. Erratic, and particularly incensed; an angry, short red-haired boy wearing a Pokémon shirt and a pair of black shorts. He sat on the floor at the foot of the couch, an arcade stick in his lap that looked ready to break from abuse.

The taller of the two looked over towards the door, his eyes widening, as he gave a soft nudge to the redhead with his foot.

The redhead looked up in response, and went equally wide-eyed, but actually managed to vocalize himself, and as he eloquently put it.

"Oh shit, new guy."

And then he scurried off further into the complex. Well… That was… interesting.