
SERIES ONE:CARL AND LIVY Chapter One: Drowning Chapter One: Drowning

Livy's pov

Hi my name is Livy Berry, and I'm 16 years old.

Woke in the morning feeling depressed, why? well it's because today is the first day in my new school called Bruno High, and I don't know how it's going to be, whether I'm gonna meet the

#No 1 baddest b***h


#No 1 school belle or any of those crazy bitches. F**CK, I'm gonna miss all my classmates from my former school,we had a lot of fun, I'm just lucky and happy that my best friend by name Stephanie is going with me to the new school. And just to let you know Steph is one of the craziest baddest and no nonsense bitch in the universe and....

"Livy how long will it take you to prepare!" my mom shouted from downstairs

"I'm coming!!" I shouted back as I packed my hair into a ponytail and checked out my uniform before grabbing my school bag and headed down stairs.


"what took you so long" my mom asked me as soon as she saw me.

"probably the fact that I'm gonna miss my former school " I responded as I sat down on the chair and started eating my food. "by the way mum where's Sabina " I asked as I didn't see any signs of my little sister in the dining area

"oh she still in the room talking with her friends "mum replied and then I made an 'ok' gesture as I continued eating my food. it didn't take long before I finished and Sabina came rushing downstairs. we grabbed our lunch and kissed our mum good bye, before heading out of the house.


On reaching school, I saw Stephanie waiting outside the door waving at me and I ran to catch up with her.

"I thought you'd forget" I said as we walked in

"Not in this lifetime sweetheart" Stephanie said to which I giggled. I was about to say something when the school bell rang.

"I guess we'll catch up at lunchtime"

"yeah see you at lunch" Steph said as I turned around and walked towards the locker assigned to me to drop the books I won't be needing, before heading to class.

*** inside the classroom***

Although I was inside the classroom I wasn't focused on any thing the teacher is saying, and that's because........ well it's because there's this guy and I don't know why but I just keep staring at him. And before I realized it,he turned towards my way and our gaze locked