
High School Diaries: A Wonderful Journey

Elsie has always dreamed of attending the famous Elite Academy ever since she was in primary school. Elsie's joy knew no bounds the day she found out she had passed the entrance examinations into the academy and was invited for an interview.                       ******************** "What's your name?" The principal asked me. "Elsie Williams," I replied in a shaky voice, feeling intimidated by the principal's looks. "Your age?" "I am eleven years old." "Any health problems?" "None, sir". "Are you allergic to any food?" "No sir. I  eat a variety of foods." Adjusting his spectacles, he looked through my file once again and stamped on it. "Congratulations, Miss Elsie. You have been admitted into Elite Academy. Welcome to the academy." The principal shook my hand and handed over my letter of admission. He had a grim expression on his face and at that instant, I felt sick to my stomach.                                    ************************** Getting to the school, she discovers that it is not as easy as it seems with all the rules, tedious schedules, cliques and everything that comes along with being a high schooler. Elsie adapts to the school environment and begins to learn a lot. How does she overcome her struggles with  homesickness, peer pressure, self-esteem, romance, first love, and every other thing teenagers go through? Join Elsie as she goes through high school with her friends; Jessica, Cynthia, Stacy and Evelyn. Every day is filled with adventures for these friends as they go through high school with their respective goals and help each other to become a better version of themselves.

ritzypearl · Teen
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48 Chs

Mom is the Best

The moment we were done with our rehearsals, I quickly rushed home. I needed to go home and recharge after a draining day.


Kate and I chatted on our way back home and I found out that two of my classmates also got the form for Elite Academy which meant that I was going to have company and need to double my efforts to get into the school.

I know you would want to know those of my classmates who got the form. I also don't know them. I only know the names sounded familiar and I barely know my classmates which is not my fault anyways.


By the time I got home, Fred was already there,but I spent a long time outside knocking before he finally opened the door for me.

He was watching another of our favourite TV shows and didn't hear me knocking. He was lucky our dad wasn't the one at the door. Otherwise, he would get a query and possibly not get to watch the television for that day again.

"Welcome sis" Fred greeted as he opened the door with a huge smile on his face.

"I am sorry I kept you waiting for so long."

His apology came at the right time because I was ready to spank him.

I entered my room and found it looking spotlessly clean I'd left my room in a mess while preparing for school in the morning which meant my mom had cleaned up before leaving for work.

"Haa, mom is so hardworking. She's the best." I thought to myself as I slumped into my bed.

I was so tired that I slept off even without taking off my uniform.

I  only slept for thirty minutes before waking up. I was so hungry that I couldn't sleep again. I got up and changed out of my uniform and quickly ran downstairs to the kitchen.

I planned to make noodles for myself and Fred. After eating, I would make proper meals for our dinner.

"Sis, check the refrigerator!" Fred shouted out to me.

"Ok!" I replied.

I opened the refrigerator and smiled. My mom had prepared meals enough to last us for the weekend.  We only had to reheat it in the microwave whenever we wanted to eat.

"Mom, you are the best!" I squealed in delight, then shut the door of the refrigerator and put the food in the microwave to heat up.

"Did you see mom here when you arrived?" I asked Fred as I sat beside him on the sofa.

Fred was absent-minded and didn't answer my question, so I nudged him with my elbow to draw his attention.

"Aah, what did you say?"

"I asked if mom was here when you got home."

" Ooh, I didn't see her. I only saw the note she stuck onto the refrigerator." Fred replied.

" I know you must be happy that you don't have to cook anything again....."

"Of course I am happy, who wouldn't be happy when a burden is lifted off their shoulder." I smiled at Fred.

Fred looked intently at me and called me a lazy girl.

"Eehn, who did you just call a lazy girl?" I asked Fred as I picked up a pillow from the sofa and started beating him with it.

He ran away and I chased after him, but he was too fast and ran upstairs, making funny faces at me.

I had to leave him and go to the kitchen to check on the food.


After we finished having lunch, I settled down to read my books. I had to read for both my exams and the entrance examinations coming up in a week.

Fred wasn't reading as he only had one more exam to take on Monday and then he'd be done. Instead, he was watching our favourite TV show and I envied him.

"Elsie, get your acts together! You have to win this scholarship." I said to myself.

I gathered my books from the sitting room and went upstairs to the study to continue reading.

As I started reading, my mind drifted over all that happened recently in school, and not long after, I fell asleep at the table.

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