
High School Diaries: A Wonderful Journey

Elsie has always dreamed of attending the famous Elite Academy ever since she was in primary school. Elsie's joy knew no bounds the day she found out she had passed the entrance examinations into the academy and was invited for an interview.                       ******************** "What's your name?" The principal asked me. "Elsie Williams," I replied in a shaky voice, feeling intimidated by the principal's looks. "Your age?" "I am eleven years old." "Any health problems?" "None, sir". "Are you allergic to any food?" "No sir. I  eat a variety of foods." Adjusting his spectacles, he looked through my file once again and stamped on it. "Congratulations, Miss Elsie. You have been admitted into Elite Academy. Welcome to the academy." The principal shook my hand and handed over my letter of admission. He had a grim expression on his face and at that instant, I felt sick to my stomach.                                    ************************** Getting to the school, she discovers that it is not as easy as it seems with all the rules, tedious schedules, cliques and everything that comes along with being a high schooler. Elsie adapts to the school environment and begins to learn a lot. How does she overcome her struggles with  homesickness, peer pressure, self-esteem, romance, first love, and every other thing teenagers go through? Join Elsie as she goes through high school with her friends; Jessica, Cynthia, Stacy and Evelyn. Every day is filled with adventures for these friends as they go through high school with their respective goals and help each other to become a better version of themselves.

ritzypearl · Teen
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48 Chs

A Pre-graduation Gift

I became more anxious after reading the message. My initial joy on seeing the message disappeared. I was worried that I wouldn't get the scholarship and without it, I wouldn't be able to school there.

I braced myself for the worst and planned to accept admission into Pristine Girls High School if I eventually don't get the scholarship.


Our graduation ceremony was in three days and I was happy but nervous at the same time. The window for the acceptance of admission to Pristine Girls High School was about to close and I hadn't received any email. I got fed up with checking Dad's email, slept throughout the day and barely ate anything.

My parents were becoming worried about me, Fred couldn't cheer me up no matter what he did.

My parents had to assure me that I'll still go to the school even though I don't get the scholarship.


"Elsie! Elsie!" Fred shouted as he entered my room.

"Why is this boy shouting now?" I said to myself.

I was lying down on my bed and reading a novel after I had woken up from my nap.

"Hey Fred, why are you calling me?" I asked him visibly annoyed as he finally came face to face with me.

"Mom said you should come downstairs for dinner and Dad wants to see you," Fred said.

"I don't want to eat. I'll talk to Dad later." I replied as I covered myself with the blanket.

Fred was very angry. He yanked off the blanket from my body and before I knew it, he had already pulled me out of the bed.

I was now sitting on the floor and we were both staring daggers at each other. I didn't want to leave my room and he also didn't want to leave my room.

It was at times like this that I wondered who was the older one between Fred and me.

"Fred, get out of my room!" I yelled at him but he didn't budge and just stood there staring at me.

"If you don't come with me, I'm going to drag you all the way downstairs," Fred stated with a note of finality.

I looked at him and sighed." I'm coming".

Only then did Fred agree to leave my room. After wasting some time sitting on the floor. I decided to go downstairs.

"Heei!"I shouted as I opened my door and saw Fred standing outside my room like a soldier.

"You scared me," I said to him as I placed my hand on my chest.

"What are you still doing here?" I snapped at him.

"Mom and Dad specifically instructed me to make sure you come with me,"

I followed my brother downstairs and I was surprised to see my parents wearing a serious look.

"Mom, Dad, you sent for me?" I calmly asked them.

"Sit down and eat your food, we will talk after that," Dad said to me.

I sat down and began to eat while stealing occasional glances at my mom. She too was wearing a serious look.

I finished my meal even though I had no appetite.

"Dad, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked him.

"We have a pre-graduation gift for you," Mom responded.

"What's the gift?" I asked in excitement.

My dad brought out his phone and gave it to me.

"Read the first message in the email."

I clicked on the first message and read it mindlessly.

"Dear Elsie Williams,

Congratulations on passing the entrance examination into our prestigious academy.

With respect to our admission policy of offering a scholarship to candidates who made a seventy- five percent pass in the exam which was increased to ninety percent.

You have been offered a three-year scholarship in our academy for your outstanding performance in the entrance examination.

You have been invited to an interview at the academy on the 6th of August at 9 am. You are expected to come to the interview with the following;

. A copy of this exam result(is attached to this mail)

. 3 copies of your birth certificate.

. A copy of your First School Leaving Certificate

. A medical report( from any of the three hospitals listed below)

You are also required to fill out the three forms attached to this mail and return them on the day of the interview.

Once more congratulations!



I was too stunned to speak after reading the message.

"Congratulations, my princess. We are so proud of you." My mom said as she hugged me.

"Here's your package," My dad gave me an envelope.

I opened it and found the same letter that I had just read, the exam result and the three forms we are to fill out.

"When did you receive this mail?" I asked my dad with excitement.

"I received it yesterday but we waited till I got the result from the town hall today before we could tell you about it."

"Take it as a pre-graduation gift." My mom smiled.

"Yes, yes! This is the best gift ever!" I screamed in excitement and hugged my parents.