
A good day

At the start of this day, it wasn't the chickens who woke up everyone in the village of Palma, like how normally it should be.

Today gunshots woke up the townspeople, exactly at the rise of the sun, even before the roosters are able to crow.

In a village full of deadly gunslinger this should be normal, but it isn't. The village being known for its gunslinger makes its very terrifying for vagabonds and outlaws as so, they always avoid this village but sometimes foolish slingers do come.

Today though is a different story. Because of the loud gunshots heard by the villagers they were all thrilled and excitedly woke up to see who's fighting who, and the other people who are already awake hurriedly go to where the gunshots came from.

As people begin to gather at the place where the gunshots came from, which is at the edge of the village. They were all meet with dissapointment.

It was just Clint practicing his shots, and for every shot Clint makes he would shout " One! " the shouts that he makes are confirmation of the number of targets that he was able to hit. Although Clint is always shouting one he wasn't actually able to hit or even graze his target, he just assumes that he will hit the target for every shot that he makes, making him keep on repeating shouting one.

Even from afar people could already see why Clint can't hit his target. Shaky hands, improper stance, not aiming and mostly because his target are so far away, that even a expert gunslinger would have trouble hitting.

As the crowds disappointment begins to grow, people are now starting to leave. When almost everyone is gone except for Watson.

The one who gave him the gun, gets close to Clint, and tapped his shoulder, which made Clint flinch, because his ears are ringing from the loud noises of the gun, he wasn't able to notice that someone was getting close.

Watson maniacally laughed with a voice like a a fat bearded pirate in a bar, and said "Kid, even with a target in front you, you would still miss shots, because of how you do it".

Putting his hand on top of Clint's gun, he lowered it and said " Lemme show you how it's done" he quickly draw his gun from holster, with a grin in his face and a proud look, he pointed his gun, aimed and shoot three bullets to the target in just a matter of second. And then he laughed again, looked at Clint and says " Now check it out and tell me if you could do it ".

Clint quickly rushed to his target, like someone who just seen his brother for a very long time, ignoring the heat and sweat Clint continuesly run excitedly to see the target, panting and almost falling to the ground, he reached the target, and didn't even catch his breath instead he quickly checked it, and what he saw was just pure amazement for him.

Watson was able to hit the head, chest and the groin. The last shot is what made Watson laugh after he shot the target. Amazed, clint grabs the target, which is made of wood that is outlined like a man.

Bringing the target first to that place was no easy task for Clint even making small breaks just to reach the place. But now filled with amazement he draged the target, slowly till he reach Watson.

Clint didn't even notice the heat this time nor the weight of the target that he was dragging. He was just full of motivation and inspiration to even notice his situation.

While Clint was walking to reach Watson, he was chuckling the whole time and thinking will I able to make those shots too? of course I will, and I will be even a greater than that. After 10 and few minutes of walking slowly, Clint was able to reach Watson.

He just sat in there for a while, grinning and even laughing, like a madman, that's what he looked like to Watson for minutes, but he still felt funny towards Clint for looking like that.

After a few more minutes, clint stood up and said to Watson " Hey pops, what do you think? I'll hit that target for you, the same that you did, if I miss I'll buy you a beer" with a rude tone and a prideful voice, Watson agreed, but wondered why Clint sounded so different, like someone flipped a switch on him, from a very respectful and kind young man, to a vulgar and arrogant man.

He ignored it and agreed, because he wouldn't be losing a thing, Watson added " Hey kid, if you actually did it, I'll be the one to talk to your father to let you be a gunslinger when he comes back " Clint replied " How nice of you old man" he said it with a disrespectful tone. Ignoring it Watson said " Now show me what you got".

Clint repositioned the target, from where he got it, which made Watson laugh a little bit, because he just wasted his strength on bringing it to their location earlier.

Clint comes back still not saying a thing and then proceeds to position his gun to where a holster should be. Baffling Watson. Clint finally spoke and said " Now watch this, old mannn" just after he finished his words he drawed his gun in his imaginary holster quicker than Watson but exactly like how he just did it, and shot three rounds.

Watson was a little bit shock because of how fast that was. "Now check it out" Clint said as he sat down in the sand using his hat as a cover to sit down. Watson sweated, but not from the heat of the desert, but from how terrifyingly fast Clint did those shots, even saying to himself that even if he wasn't able to hit those targets that is still terrifying skills.

Unlike Clint, Watson walked to reach the target and look at it relaxed, and quickly goes back the same way after he checked it. After getting back, before he was able to even say a thing, Clint quickly stand up and said " How what is it, Watson? " like how the normal Clint would speak.

Watson feeling somewhat relieved that Clint's behavior is back to normal, said " Kid, I don't even know what to say, except that your a monstrous prodigy ".

What Watson saw in the target was, the same shot he did expect a little higher just to show that he was able to hit it the same way that he did.

" Ahhh, what a good day this" watson spoke filled with high expectations to Clint, as they walk back to town.