
What am I...?

"Nia..." Nick said as his eyes were glowing with a golden hue. "That power." the god killer said. "I will enjoy sucking you up." it continued. "Don't get all happy Greg, where do you think he's from ? the other said. "Wait a minute Frank, he is not stopping. " Greg said. "Don't worry, the stronger gods are now rare to find on earth, and to find them singing." Fank said.

Nick was still floating in air, although he barely knew Nia, deep down, he knew this girl was somehow related with his parents so he had already felt protective over her. "Aaah, those eyes, the golden eyes, they only belong to one god..." Frank said as Nick quickly grabbed him by the throat as he kept gripping harder. He was taken completely by suprise as Nick lifted him higher so that their eyes were directly meeting.

Nick had changed completely, his eyes looked very menacing, the other god killer was down for words. This was totally unexpected. "Who are you?" Frank said with gritted teeth. Nick kept griping harder as he was not letting out anyother word.

Nia was still down and a bit injured. "Fuck, why am I so weak right now, maybe it's the effect of the god killers. " she cursed between her teeth as she looked up. What she saw got her tingling. Nick was in mid air holding the god killer 's throat. His shirt had been ripped on the first struggle, so he was only in a jean trouser.

The god killer started making out a weapon out of his hands as he wanted to direct it at Nick, "Nick....." Nia said as Frank tried piercing Nick. It deteriorated the moment it touched Nick's skin. Frank was now breaking down in fear. Nick's eyes were now filled with rage. Nia was a bit scared, she could feel it too, the power radiating from Nic was immense. Before letting out a warning Nick shoved his fist into Frank's chest.

In most cases, even the lowest ranking gods or god killers were not easy to kill, even for a competent warrior like Nia but for Nick, it didn't seem hard which displayed that wherever he came from , he was not an easy guy.

Frank fell down as his body was loosing life, Greg was in great distress right now, "How ...? is this possible? " Greg said. Frank was caught off guard and Greg was not ready to become another victim. Greg started powering up ready for an attack, he launched towards Nick. Nick sensed the attack easily as he dodged Greg's attack but Greg was not giving up easily, ha was fighting with his all because he knew Nick was not a joke. Just as they were fighting , Frank stood up once more but Nia tried to stop him.

Nia was still injured but when she tried attacking, Frank formed a sword like looking weapon as he shot it towards Nia. Nia flipped as she tried dodging the weapon but it was only a distraction, Frank released another silk and Nia tried dodging it but it hit her by the shoulder and Frank moved forward again as he flung towards Nia. This never passed Nick's eyesight. "Nia...., move away." Nick said but the simple distraction gave Greg the upper hand, he knocked Nick and Nick fell down on the floor.

When Nick was down, he saw Frank on top of Nia as Frank was punching her in the face but Nia was trying to guard herself. Greg went on top of Nick and started punching directly at Nick, Nick kept looking at Nia before he released a golden light and this time a part of his hair on the right became golden and his entire hair grew and it reached just below his shoulders.

He pushed Greg away as his reflexes guided him to Frank who was in top of Nia, he punched Frank rapidly as he reached directly into his chest rip out his heart, Nick moved his fist and made a grip again as Frank was burning up in golden flames until he was no more.

Greg knew that he is next , he dissapeared but he never came back. Nick rushed towards Nia as he tried raising her up. Everything in the hall was ruined, Nick moved his hand and everything went back to the way it was before the fight. Whe Nick checked the clock, it was still eighty thirty, the exact time the god killers had come into the hall.

Surprisingly, Nia was not bleeding at all, but even when Nick calmed down, part of his hair on the right side was golden. The truth was that in every power outburst Nick had, he became more beautiful.

Nia's POV

Noah just killed a god killer and in his current form, he was looking like the person they had told me about. Nick touched me with great concern, part of his hair was golden, his eyes were now golden, he was taller, he not putting on a shirt, I was literally oozing at his great physique.

He was really hot. "Noah." I said. "Don't worry, am here , nothing will happen to you." he replied. The power caliber I was in was relatively high but for this mission, I was limited to use only a small amount of my power but the display Noah showed was really high.

"If I may ask, what were you doing in the hall at this time?" Noah said. "I could ask you the same thing, what were you doing here." I replied. "Okay, I don't mean to be rude, but I saw the way the thing was on top of you, but now, you don't even have a scratch, what are you and what am I....?" he asked....

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