
High academy:the truth untold

HIGH ACADEMY opening ceremony: Plastering a warm welcoming smile, Mr. Manves, Principal of HIGH Academy began the open ceremonial speech, "Welcome to HIGH Academy. It is my great pleasure to welcome the young and intelligent minds for this academic year." "I wish all of you good luck and hope you succeed in whatever field you choose." After a brief pause, he spoke, "Follow the rules closely, the academy is strict about them. Fail to follow the rules, be ready for a brief stay here. Here in HIGH Academy, there are three buildings and you will be separated........" ...... At the secret meeting: "So students, I especially called this meeting to meet you guys and to tell you all about the rules only you people should specifically follow and must abide to." Manves spoke with an expressionless face, frost and indifference coating in his voice. As he continued, his gaze turned little sharp, forcing everyone to listen to his each and every word.He surely withstands to his name as a strict Principal to HIGH Academy. With a cruel tone soaked in frost said, "First and foremost, no student who is not a part in this meeting, to be more precise, those who are not among you here, must not know about werewolves and vampires being part of this school. Disclosing about your identity and the daily activities is strictly prohibited and the person who disclosed will be punished SEVERELY." ............. "Sir, those kids are again trying to ruin our plans, " A man reported to his master. "They really don't know to mind their business, do they? Well, they are just measly wolves, nobody can come near my plan and empire, " while looking at the academy with a dangerous glint in his eyes, the mastermind who was planning to destruct HIGH Academy sneered. "Now, no one can stop me from destroying HIGH Academy anymore...Hahaaa, " the mastermind declared as he scooted in his car to make his move. ..................... "I'm sure, he is planning to get rid of our academy," Ethan spoke assertively, his tone deep hoarse. "I agree with him" Vivian nodded while eyeing everyone. "We can't let them go as they wish, " Lucas voiced out. "We have to fight" Roselia's voice came as echoes from every corner of the room with great intensity. Everyone who were present there widened their eyes in shock as they heard her. However, the surprise slowly dissolved into determination. Only one thing running in their minds. THEY HAVE TO FIGHT.

minho_Shiny · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 6.HIGH academy and The first lesson

Roselia took her first step towards the majestic and impressive building. The dirt road ahead shined with a golden glow as the pebbles were shined on by the sun, curving towards a big dark brown door, in the dark cream wall, giving a sophisticated and elegant vibe while making one's heart calm and relaxing. But, the intimidating feeling still lingered by the sight.

On either sides of the lane, grass was well trimmed and maintained neatly, which could be a better place to lay down during summer.

Roselia noticed only students trailed after her, leaving parents outside the HIGH academy gates.

It was one of the policy of HIGH academy. The first lesson of HIGH academy. This is where the real education begins from.

Once the students cross the gates, they start to live a new life at HIGH academy and they need to learn to do everything independently.

So, as a matter of fact, parents can't go after their kids into the building nor to their dorms, indirectly making students to find their own place to live in this big majestic building.

She was suddenly reminded of her guardians, who probably would have noticed her absence by now. Roselia shook her head violently, trying to shake off those ominous thoughts. "You are starting a new life, Rose. You should leave your past and go forward. Concentrate on your new beginning." She mentally encouraged herself.

Not wanting to delay anymore Roselia speed walked through the way. This is where her new life begins from now on. Now, she doesn't have to worry about anything and could lead a happy yet simple life making good friends and concentrating on her future. Just this thought made her lips curl up high into the sky.

The door seemed huge than she thought from far away and the whole building couldn't be seen completely from this near to the building. It's like a Royal Palace and nothing like a high school.

Studying in HIGH academy would be the dream of any aspiring student. They just don't train any subjects here. They train them to be warriors helping them how to survive in this world.

Roselia gasped silently at the vast entrance hall. The door was hugged by a lofty stone arch exposing the brick.

People were bustling from inside out the Hall way. Taking a deep breath, her eyes looking at the sky, Roselia tried to calm down and finally stepped into the entrance hall, into HIGH academy.

She couldn't help but imagine how big this academy might be just by looking at the hall. She can't contain her anxiousness to do a pocket tour immediately around the whole academy. She is so sure that her feet will be complaining later if she really toured around the whole academy.

It was like a labyrinth, free for the students in it to explore it to its far extremes. It was inviting, but at the same time challenging.

The hall was lit brightly with bright fluorescent lights. Windows were all open allowing the natural air to flow in, which sent chills down Roselia's spine.

The ceiling was atleast 25 feet high, held aloft. The stone floor was soft which was shinning brightly and felt so smooth under her feet.

'They might have got polished for years by thousands of feet over hundreds of years to be this smooth', Roselia muttered in her heart and continued to roam her eyes around the hall.

Yes, that's right, HIGH academy has over hundred years of history to begin with. This majestic building was built at that time and till now not much changes were made in this building and it didn't get any repairs showing how well our ancient crafters built this wonderful huge academy.

Though this room was vast, there were barely any people could be seen inside. It was just the start of the day, so more people would be joining along with her today.

She noticed people going in a queue, so she stood in the line for her turn. The first step was to get verified.

Roselia took her acceptance letter, which she received via post before and then her middle school ID card for identity verification.

She held them as if they were her life's last straw to survive and kept on double checking them as to make sure she wasn't doing anything wrong. She may agree or not ,but surely it is her last straw to survive.

Soon it will be her chance. There were only three more people ahead of her.


Finally, it was going to be her turn. As the last person before her completed the verification procedure, Roselia stepped up.

The young lady in front of her, who might be in her early Twenties greeted Roselia with a warm smile which made Roselia a bit comfortable.

She had a warm chestnut brown hair colour, making the gold in her oddly beautiful hazel eyes pop. She wore a tight hugging dress which enhanced her beauty. Well, she is indeed a real beauty.

With the same warm smile, the young lady spoke politely, "Good morning, can you pass me your rank card? "

Roselia still stood silent as she continued to observe the young lady.

Amelia, the lady before understood that Roselia was in trance not paying heed to her words.

Not replacing her smile, with a little raise in her voice, "Hello!! Can you please give me your acceptance letter? "

Roselia jerked as she got woken up from her reverie.

"Yeah... ", as she spoke she clumsily streteched both the residence proof and the card to Amelia. Her hand stood in mid way as she remembered something.

She was about to withdraw her hand to take the ID proof, which was held by Amelia.

Amelia chuckled lightly seeing how worked up Roselia got as she stretched her hand to give both the cards. However,Amelia gonna ask the residence proof later, so she decided to take both the copies to ease the tension out of Roselia's head lightly.

Roselia saw a slim, fair hand on hers. Not wasting anymore time, Amelia took both the cards and proceeded to verify.

Amelia's hands danced on the keyboard very swiftly, which made Roselia feel like, Amelia could type with same ease even if her eyes were closed. It's like all keys were perfectly inscribed in her brain.

Not even two minutes later, "You are verified, Miss Roselia Manhattan. You may go ahead" Amelia instructed Roselia to go to next counter to collect her ID card and room key and handed back her acceptance letter to her.

Roselia felt very excited to visit her room. She rushed to the next counter. She doesn't really have to wait for her turn as there is no one in front of her.

It was a man in his late twenties. He swiftly asked for her name and his hand rummaged through a bunch of cards as he searched for hers.

Later, he took a room key for her, gave those requirements to her and then instructed her to move to next counter.

As she went further, Roselia felt a chill gaze behind her back. She didn't know why, but she felt it was not correct.

It was another male teacher. He gave a not approachable look with a long face which could send shivers down ones spine.

Roselia couldn't find her voice out of her throat because of his odd behavior. He gave a serious glare to her, at least that's what Roselia felt at his intense gaze on her.

"Si... Sir", her voice stuttered in tremble and gulped downed the huge lump formed in her throat.

He simply shifted down his gaze and looked intensely at a sheet along with an envelope to her.

She instantly hid her hand away from his predatory gaze and was about to run away when she heard him speak.

" Go straight and turn left for dorms", his voice hoarse and deep, his hand showing a direction. His voice was enough for children to wail in fear. Roselia simply nodded and abruptly ran away from his sight.

She felt like her breathing was stopped under his cold gaze, expressionless face and frost voice.

"Oh God! He was scary", she uttered out remembering him.

She then immediately began to read what was written on the thin sheet. It was her list of courses for this semester and about clubs see can take part in.

She got engrossed in reading her courses. As she took the left turn...


She opened her mouth slightly in shock when she realized she actually landed on the ground colliding with something.

With her mouth still open, her eyes filled with surprise she looked at the towering figure. He is so handsome. He had srong built. He just stared blankly at her. Roselia felt like his burning gaze was penetrating inside her body. That was too intense, though.

He just stood there, neither leaving nor helping her out to get up. "What the he*k? Can't you see... ", her tongue was the immediate to react rather than her body.

She immediately looked down to gather the scattered objects.

Collecting her ID card, key and her course sheet, she instantly scrambled to her feet to give him a fine scolding.

" Are you a statue to stand like.... "

Roselia interrupted mid-sentence, unable to continue. The young lad grabbed her course sheet to take in the details. Nodding his head, seemingly he understood something, he spoke with a deep plain voice, "Are you sure? "

Roselia eyed him curiously, her pupils shrunk sharply, she didn't really understand what he meant by asking 'Are you sure. '

''why is he eyeing me that way, could it be that he know I'm not human? Nah!! nah! that couldn't be. I never saw him before. Probably some flirt trying to flirt with me. Yes, that is the only possible reason. He sure doesn't know I'm a wolf. Don't worry. You are safe Roselia", She assured herself.

Not wanting to be in his presence anymore, she grabbed her course sheet then quickly went her way feeling uncomfortable from his creepy gaze. Of course, that wasn't creepy. He just stared at her.

"Creepy pervert...", commenting on his back she fled away from him, not knowing he could obviously hear her with his sharp owl like ears.

As one could expect, it's not him who had a perverted gaze upon her, however his unusal gaze which felt a little off and creepy made her mark him as a pervert .

"Interested? ", another boy, similar to his build, dangled his hand lazily on his friend's shoulder as he whispered it in his friends ears, following it he gave a wink.

It was Lucas.

The boy who collided with Roselia earlier was Ethan.

"Why are you behaving like a hooligan? Creeping up on people " Ethan asked eyeing his best friend's behavior, yet he answered Lucas question. But instead of words exchange, he simply used his head to answer.

He simply turned his head to his best friend and gave a meaningful gaze which Lucas understood almost immediately. Ethan began to twirl the stone, which was hanging with the chain around his neck and looked at the direction where Roselia was headed.

It was the stone which helps one to conceal their real identity. It helps them to conceal the fact of being a werewolf who can easily mix among humans well and anyone doesn't know the person was a werewolf once he/she had the stone on them. Even vampires couldn't identify them.

"Better watch out, little lady. You are in for a ride."