
Hiding Behind My Mask

A famous star. That was Sabrina Sanders. One of the most sought out female actresses in the film industry. She had everything a woman would want, with her beauty, elegance, fame, money, and success. Her life to her fans and the outside world would seem almost perfect. Well, there was one thing she felt was missing, someone to love her. Although she had a long line of suitors, she found it hard to commit with any of them, who just wanted to tag along with her success, used her for their agendas. Finally, she did fall for one, but it only ended up badly. Mayor Bradley De Luca was everything she wanted in a man. Besides, he truly loved her, but he had one flaw. Despite that, she dived into the relationship with her eyes open, only to end up regretting it and losing in the end. Now, she was hiding from the scandal that she had created. Afraid that this would be the end of her career and ruined her life. Seeking out some solitude and peace, she flew to a secluded place, away from the prying eyes of her fans and the press. Here, she met the man who would change her life. Rafael Walker, a very attractive, serious, and enigmatic man, swept her off her feet. He was different from the other men she knew, even from Brad. She knew she was falling hard for him, and he was too. However, there was a hitch in their relationship. It was full of secrets. Would love be enough to make it work between Rafael and her? What about De Luca? Was it truly over between them? In the end, what was she hiding behind her mask? *** WPC #157 SILVER TIER WINNER – Female Lead – Let Me Entertain You! *** It was a great experience to join a contest and to obtain a small recognition for my hard work. I hope that I could keep up with the expectation of my readers. Let me know your thoughts, so it might inspire me to create more stories. I would also like to appeal for your support by voting, commenting, gifts, giving reviews and among other things. Every notification of support from my readers makes my heart beat faster and put a wide smile on my lips. It adds to the pleasure of writing and creating a masterpiece with my imagination. See you in my world. Cover photo belongs to the rightful owner.

bishop1275 · Urban
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234 Chs

A new sequel - The End

"Gabriel, my sweetheart, can you get your sister? Dinner is about to be served." Sabrina called out to his young boy, who was busy playing with Baxter on the floor.

"Yes, Mommy," Gabriel merrily shouted as he stood up and started hopping towards the other room.

"What do you think your little princess is doing right now?" She asked Raf, who was still busy finishing up their meals as she arranged the table.

She would not be surprised if she had something up in her sleeve. Between the twins, she was the handful, while Gabriel was the mature one. 

She was expecting a different scenario, but they could only accept the beautiful blessings given to them. They were still thankful for having two healthy babies.

"I would not be surprised anymore. Olivia is exactly just like you and a touch of his uncle." Raf moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist as he grazed his lips behind her ears.