
Hiding Behind A Masquerade

One day I had hit my head on the ground and remembered my past life in another world. In that world where glass buildings seemingly touched the sky and peculiar machines that helped us travel around the world. The world of science. Too bad I had remembered too late since it’s already my execution! Ah, oh well looks like I’ll have to try harder in the next life. God; if you’re hearing this please awaken my memories earlier! This is on the WPC #109 so I would appreciate if you voted for me thank you.

FourEternity · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Segue To The Inverted Nightmare World!

"My dear Sera. We are sorry we have not warned you of this before but you must understand that your fiancé is someone of great importance. If you were to marry him our standing would rise and our relationship with them would grow even closer"

My mother felt quite guilty for this matter but she was set on with the decision of me having him as a fiancé.

Not to mention someone with higher ranking than us. "Then pray tell who is this person you speak of?"

My mother glanced at my father unsure of what to say. He took a sip of his tea and finally spoke. "Your fiancé is the first prince Ronald Jeras Galdeon."

There it was! That stupid prince was my fiancé once more in this life! Despite my hatred towards him all I could do is try to actively be with him.

The reason why he sided with the Saintess was because I never really paid much attention to him and despite being his fiancée we never spent that much time together.

But that was only because I had no idea what to say to him or what to do with him. I didn't want him to be bored of me nor did I want to waste his time.

But in all honesty I felt that it was strange that the Saintess would rely on only the men.

Almost as if this were an otome game or novel. But then again this much is excusable since she does not know any of the laws here.

She had no choice but to rely on the men and the heroes for help. The heroes too, since the Saintess relied on the men they thought it was a good idea to rely on others 24/7.

That was a bad idea. In the end the heroes and Saintess helped in creating an inner war having started something they could not stop.

I never knew what happened in the end but the war should have ended. Ended with the ruin of the kingdom.

I clenched my fists and faced my father. Breathing out lightly I began to speak. "Wow! The first prince? That's so cool! But I have never met him before so what would happen in the case he wants to annul the engagement. Hm?"

My mother was taken aback and was unable to respond. I may have made a mistake in saying something an eight year old shouldn't have known about.

But I'm not sure what. Father coughed reeling in the conversation. "In that case shall we arrange a play date for you two? Since you do not know him that well how about taking this opportunity to judge him?"

'Judge' was a strong word. I had no idea what my father meant by that but it seems to imply that he wants to see if the first prince is even fit to be my husband.

And I can't blame him for that. The future prince is an absolute douchebag but from what I hear he wasn't always like that.

So since I am currently waiting for the day I become 15 I should take matters into my own hands and nudge the prince away from the playboy life.

I needed to be careful about this to make sure not to let them on that I've changed completely.

From how the events are unfolding there is a high chance that people would get suspicious later in about me.

My family are of course intelligent people so they should be able to discern any peculiarities in my personality.

So I need to keep up my act. What was I like back then? Oh yeah. "Meeting the first prince? Tomorrow? Yay! Looks like I'll have to prepare some snacks."

I stood up smiling humming sweetly as I skittered around. I walked happily all the way to the kitchen.

Keeping up with my facade. "Chef Longstrill. I want you to make some snacks for tomorrow. I would like these exact snacks okay?"

Devlin Longstrill was a loyal employee of ours and the head chef in the kitchen. He had a wide range of culinary expertise having learnt from many different chefs at the famed academy for culinary arts.

He knows how to handle over 27 types of meat and game, had a sensibility towards temperature, knew which spices and herb went well together.

And last but not least had a knack for making sweets. Desserts and sweets were invented by Chef Custard.

A sorceress that invented many things such as a portable gas stove, refrigerator and surprise, surprise sweets. I do suspect that she is like me after hearing what she made.

Devlin looked over the list frequently touching his van dyke beard while at it. "Egg tart, puddings, macarons, pan de coco..... Is that all miss?"

I nodded asking him to have them be of high quality as they were also for the prince. After hearing who would come he was deadset in making sure that it was imperial chef grade.

Satisfied with the results I went back to my room to prepare for tomorrow morning. After all as an actress one needed props and costumes.

I slapped my face to keep myself awake, a wide smile could be seen in my face as I strolled back. "Besides you're never fully dressed without a smile."

The clacking of my heels resounded in the empty halls, tomorrow I shall be reborn.


"Hey, hey. Did'ya know that she's returned?" In a dark and gloomy space a wisp of light swirled around speaking words or rumours from the material world.

"Whom doth you speak of, Anita?" Several wisps lit up straight after the archaic man spoke.

"She has awakened, her spirit has been roused through trauma!" A yellow light burst forth at the last word much to the dismay of the others.

Several groaned feeling bored of watching. "Patient my friends. We shall meet our idol once more but until then we shall watch over her."

The other wisps were captivated by something only they could see. They whispered rumours and gossip with each other and traded information on their specialties.

"Until then, meeting adjourned." In an instant all the wisps dispersed, completely darkening the entire space.

"May the Goddess Argiella smile upon you." The faint echoing of their synchronised voices resonated with the space closing its gate once more.


As today was special I had the maids dress me up and clean me. It was strange to me now that I had remembered my past life on Earth.

It was very unnerving to be dressed by others rather than doing it myself, but as I had experienced it more than once in my previous timeline it doesn't seem to affect me that much.

Living in a poor environment was a natural thing for me back on Earth. After all I was an orphan I was just lucky that I was adopted by good people.

I do wonder sometimes how my children are doing after my death. Are they eating well? Oh my look at me, an eight year old worrying about her past life's children.

Since I am granted this third chance at life I won't regret anything I do. "My fate is my own, my heart remains free. Not magic but wisdom reveals destiny."

I spoke aloud in English one of my favourite quotes from the book [Book of Lies] by James Moloney.

It was a rather inspiring choice of words as magic did exist in this world. Just not how I expected it to be.

I stared at my own reflection taking a glance at how I looked. I wore a simple turquoise dress with a rich dark green satin bow tied around my waist.

I wore deep blue short heels with gold freckles making it resemble a lapis lazuli.

Every step I made I repeatedly chanted the words aloud in English. A language unbeknownst to others in this world.

"Aah, aah. Aah, aahaa." I froze unable to believe what I was hearing right now. "Aah, aah." There it was again!

An ethereal voice that sounded so familiar to me. It was strange, I was unable to snap out of my trance.

Music echoed in my ears. Flutes, drums, violins, pianos and guitars. I heard them all playing euphoniously.

My vision blurred as words filled my mind. The song abruptly began and I sang along with it.

I fell to the floor unable to hear anything from the outside world as I was trapped within my own world.

The world of dreams and reclusion. A hellscape of wishes and hope. Enter the Inverted Nightmare World!