11 Chapter 10

Anaar Kali's POV:

I was crying badly when Ammi jaan entered my small room. She stopped at the entrance, watching me with concern and worry. I rubbed my teary wet cheeks with the back of my hand and stood up.

"Why are you here? Do you need something?" I asked her. She just smiled sadly.

"Why are you crying, my child. You sent him away by yourself." And I smiled lazily.

"He is not the reason Ammi. Never will be!" She raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that?" And I chuckled.

"Nothing. Just saying! Anyway what is it?" She sighed.

"Your father wants to see you." And my eyes widen with joy.

"He's here..." I almost cried from joy. I love him very much. He's my hero, my ideal.

"Yes, in his room. Go!" She said, then she left. I grinned.

"Yup, I’m coming!" And walked out. It's almost a month since I last saw him, hugged him, called him "Abu".


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