
Old Memories

A few hours later of singing we arrived at the beach house. It's white and blue that placed right beside the coast walking distance from the beach and a bit further from the city.

"We've known you for a long time but this is the first time you brought us here? What's the matter with you, Diana Clarkson?" Martin asked shockingly getting out from the van

"I actually have no idea that we own this gorgeous house Martin" I answered him shocked voice

"Can we look inside now?? I'm really excited about what's inside of this gorgeous" Madison suggested

"Alright! Let's go!" I cheered

We all get inside of the house everyone goes around it every part and room they entered like they're trying to find something.

I joined them but when I'm about to follow them a strange room catches my attention a room right below the big stairs say that has a sign saying

*Photography Room*

Without hesitation, I opened the room and I saw a lot of cameras and photos of Me, Sophie, Me with Sophie and my family are there even when the times that we're celebrating things with Luke.

"Diana? Babe? Where are you?" Sophie's voice enters the room that I'm checking

"I'm here Soph," I answer

"Hey what are you doing here? And what are those? Is that me?" Sophie said as she approaches me

"I have no idea Soph. I just saw the sign and got curious so I get in here and I saw everything...This is US" I said as my tears start to falls down

"Do you at leasknowws who takes these pictures?" She asked

"No...But wait... I saw something here earlier" I said clearing my face from tears

I saw a lace of camera with the name Nicholas Clarkson on it. "I guess this whole room belongs to my dad" ,I said holding the camera

Not long enough we both hear the othersteppingng down from upstairs so Sophie and I decided to go out and talk to them what we just found out and talk asked them what they found out.

"Diana you can't believe what we just saw upstairs!" Madison cheered talking up

"What is it? That makes you so cheery right now?" I asked

"A especially room for you... It has this kind of ceiling that you can actually see what's on the top and you can close it when you don't want to see what's on your top and your got the best view of the beach and everything" Kylie answered

"But wait what happen to you two? You looked like you see a ghost here?" Michael

"We enter this room?" I said pointing out the Photography room

"Can we?" Jackson simply asked giving me the sign if they can check what we saw

They all enter as Sophie and I followed on the back. As what I expect they got shocked the way I do when we saw it the first time.

*Phone Buzzed* (Text Message)

Luke: Hey... Are you there yet? I forgot to tell you something call me as soon as you guys get there. Be care full alright? I Love You

As long as I received Luke's message I called him.

Me: Luke? I found a room that has a sign Photography Room and I entered it with them and I saw a lot of pictures of US. What are those pictures Luke?

Luke: Okay let me explain but first. Calm down Li'l Sis... That room belongs to our father I always go there when I got the time. I enjoy going in there to look at those picture all over again. Everything you see there is our father's stuffs. I wanted to fix it and move to other room or put in a frame and put it out on the living room so everyone can see it but our father leave a message on one of those cameras you'll see inside but don't sweat finding that video because I deleted it as long as I watched it. Our father clearly states that I'm the only one who should watch that video it's between me and father.

In your room you will see a box on your bed that's my other gift for you. And I know you can find your room fast especially you're with them. That house is our first house Diana but ever since our mother needs to work in the city they found the house where you live in now to rise you. Now do you still have some more questions?

Me: That's explain this... What should I do to these stuffs?

Luke: You guys can look at it as long as you want it but no taking of pictures inside of it and no taking of photo that you wouldn't need other than that room you can enjoy the rest of the house... and other than that Diana the mini bar close to beach is ours so you might tell your name to them so you guys can party the way you wanted.

Me: Ow yey!! Well that's it. Hahaha thanks for everything Big Bro. I love you! See you in two days!

Luke: Haha! Alright have a lot of fun I Love You Most Li'l Sis.

*End Call*

"it turns out that this room belongs to my father and everything on it... and Luke said that this is really our first house that I guess explains the room that belongs to me" I said "that I'm going to check now! Sophie want to come?"

"I wouldn't say no to that baby!" Sophie said as she grabs my arms and joined me

"Wait! How about our f-... Never mind. Be down by 20 min. for dinner ladies" Michael as he looks for some food he can cook

Apparently Luke really prepares for our visit to this house I guess. Sophie and I goes up to my room that really look like a mini planetarium but in so much better style.

"This is pretty amazing Diana! Your father is such a genius setting this up" Sophie said

"Look at this Soph." I opened mini doors that leads me to a balcony that has the greatest view on the beach and mountains

"This must be the part that Kylie talks about earlier..." Sophie answered

We stayed on the balcony for a while checking the view that we see but then I realized what Luke said to me earlier about a box that I can found right on my bed which I saw when I turned my back to look at my bed, I opened it and I saw a camera inside with a lace that has

"Diana Clarkson" just like what I saw on my fathers'. I pulled the camera out and a gift card falls out from the box.

Dear Diana

HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO YOU MY PRINCESS DIANA. This is not much but I know this is one of your best hobbies you can't hide to me because every time I saw you holding your phone you making a story out of the event that happens around you with the pictures you always take. You're just like your mother, Diana. Use this to capture the best moments of your life as you go to you enter into another chapter of your life.


Nicholas Clarkson

"Hey I have no idea how loud we get calling you guys but the dinner is ready..." Madison enters into the silence

"Finally I'm starving! We'll be down Madddiiii!" Sophie said happily following Madison "Diana?"

"Oh. Yea I'll follow in a minute." I said with a bright smile in my face

But I stayed for a while and looked for the view in the balcony. I have no idea what will happen to the next chapter of my life as for this age but having those people downstairs and Luke I know I'm going to be okay in the end of the day.

Minutes later I followed Sophie and got down to eat with them. Suddenly my face smiled with full of joy. Seeing those people eating like a kid gives me a lot of joy that I take advantage of before anyone could see me I grab my new camera and take a lot of picture on what I see on them

"Why you guys always look like kids when eating?" I asked as I enter into the kitchen after taking pics

Jackson tries to answer but all I heard from his mouth is "bafucs ie jike phofw niaclae caoksep" when it supposedly "Because we like how Michael cooks"

Everyone is so busy eating so they don't have a time to laugh on how Jackson talks so I take the chance taking picture of everyone who's busy eating so much.

"You know if you still don't seat and eat Diana there will be no more food to eat" Michael said as he finish eating "And can you please stop taking picture of us eating? You have a nice camera there by the way." He added

"Alright alright I'm going to eat now and thanks Luke gave it to me, but originally it was my fathers I think" I said as I had out to him my camera for me to eat "but are you done eating already?" I asked

"Yea... plus I'm tired so I'll go to my room and rest. Martin said he can talk the chores for tonight dishes so you could rest up to as long as you get full eating what I cooked." Michael explained giving me a wink as he lives the dining room

It pretty seems that everyone enjoys the foods that Michael prepared for us but it also seems that everyone is so tired caused by traveling on our way to this beach house.

That's why not so long after Michael leave to rest half hour after all the foods are gone.

"Diana? Are you okay?" Martin asked

"Huh? Oh. Yeah why?" I answered

"Well you got lost for a while... You didn't even notice that you're the only one who's still here" Martin breaks the news

"Ow yeah maybe I'm just tired...Sorry to leave you here martin but can I go to my room now? I really just to be alone right now I asked

"Oh sure no prob. I'll just clean this up and I'll go my room after anyway. Take a good rest okay?"

I'm not really on the mood to talk to anyone right now so I just kiss him on the cheeks making my way to thank him and giving the sign of agreeing on what he says.

I have get no chance of asking who is on which rooms so I just estimated the person on which rooms when I passed by. I didn't hear anything but the sound of bed that really giving me the creeps of knowing that Jackson and Kylie is busy having their love be on fire this night. So I just go straightly to my room and grab my notebook and write.

August 7

It's only 8 pm on this place and in a day and few hours my 18th birthday will come. We're here in my first house according to Luke but his not with us tonight or even on the next day's we're going to stay here. Because I come here with my friends Martin, Jackson, Sophie, Madison, Kylie, Michael and Justin...

"Hey why should I be the last?" Justin suddenly talks behind me

"Justin! What the hell?!" I shouted

"Hey watch it! I knocked on your door to checked if you're sleeping or if you're escaping from us or anything..." He explained "But since I'm here and you're up can we talked? I can't sleep because of the couples beside my room is still busy doing their love" He added

"Talk about what Justin?" I asked "but wait before you give out your topic may I asked you why you always shows up every time I'm writing on my journal or at night?"

"it's simply because I can't talk to you like this every morning and this is the only times I wanna be alone too or at least have my me time but every time I try to do it I always saw you so I just take that advantage to talk to you, why am I making you uncomfortable?" He simply asked

"Fair enough and no not really stay as long as you want." I said

"So... you still writing everything on that notebook of yours huh? Is that the same reason why you taking pictures of us while eating earlier?" He teased

"You know I'll never stop writing unless my bones in hand won't work anymore right? And no I just want those pictures to be my best remembrance of moments like that." I said

"Diana? Can you remember what happen to you last year?" He asked me like he already knows that I'm going to answer with a yes but I can't

"No unless there is something that I need to know?" I asked

"No I just thought that you know something... Do you want to ask me something Diana?" This time he turned his back on me while he's asking

"How many times have you seen this notebook Jackson? And are we always been this close ever since?" I asked

"I've seen it since you wake up because I gave it to you and no we're not, we're on this same squad but I always don't have the chance to talk with you privately so I get closed to you by reading that notebook..." He answered

"I'm just thinking when I really starts writing on this kind of notebooks but I think I have no exact answer for that how many times I asked you guys." I said

"You're the only one who always get and read this every time you can and I still have no idea why you need to have something like that even though you can just ask me some question."

"I just told you the reason hahaha what you expecting me to say?" Justin answered me like his hiding something

"I don't actually. There's some question that I wanna know but how can I get the answer when the question is not in my mind?" I explained

"Maybe I should just go and leave you alone tonight Diana, I don't think I can help you with anything anyway" He said living my room

"Try to get some rest Diana, I'll see you tomorrow" Justin added

I continued writing me on my journal as the night deepens its glaze on the water.

It's 1 am and I have no idea that it's already my birthday ever since that I wake up from the accident that happen to me, I forgot how to really celebrate my own birthday that should be more happy and jolly than what I'm doing now. I know I should have done something more than what I am doing now. Tonight is the night where i should grow like a flower blooming into the night as the moon shines into its brightest light into the sky. I wish you were here mom and dad in this house where you really want to spent our whole life together as a happy family. I miss you both so much, and i love you more than everything.

After few minutes staring at the sea letting the shine of moon comes into my eyes. I suddenly felt the wind touches my skin that makes me fall asleep not knowing I haven't gone back to my bed.

*5 a.m in the morning*

Justin's P.O.V

(Group Chat)

Justin: I think she doesn't have any idea what are we guys up too...

Madison: Is she asleep already?

Justin: I leave her writing on her journal but I think she is already asleep.

Sophie: or crying...

Kylie: Sophie has a point. She might be crying again.

Sophie: okay I think I'll just go and check on her, I'll let you know if she's still awake.

Martin: Do I need to prepare the car already? Or should I just have a rest right now?

Madison: How about we meet up downstairs in living room and prepare everything so that we can leave as soon as Sophie check's her

Michael: I just done talking to Luke and he said he left us something on his room to help us out to our plan. I'll go get it.

Sophie P.O.V

After we talk in our group chat I walked into Diana's room to check her. When I walk slowly going inside I saw her lights off but I don't see her lying on her bed so I checked her balcony and saw her fast asleep on her sitting chair. I don't want to leave her alone so I texted every one that I'll be staying on her side while their talking about the plan for tomorrow.

I know Diana for how many years now and it was so hard for me to hide everything from her. Especially that she's my best friend. I look up the sky watching the clouds to pass by into the moon and I whisper into the air

"I'm so sorry for not being the best friend of Diana. But we'll make sure to take care of her every day that she's with us. I miss you both." ever since me and Diana became friends her parents became my parents too since my parents are too busy on their business.

"Sophie?" Diana suddenly whisper as I fall deep on my thoughts as I stared at the sky

"Hey? Sorry did I wake you up?" I said looking straightly at her slowly texting everyone on the group chat

Sophie: Diana is up guys.

"What are you doing here Sophie? And how long have you've been here?"

"I want to check you up ... but I saw you sleeping here so I just stay and sit here beside you since I liked the view too." I explained

"So... I see you still writing when you fall asleep no worries I didn't look at it."

"I don't mind actually but thanks for not reading... and yea I mean where else I can say things on my mind Sophie I know you guys will be always there but my mind keep saying that I shouldn't... it's so crazy." she explained

I don't know what should I do or what should i say but I sit beside her and close her up so that I can hug her as she let her tears flow "It's alright babe you can cry on me." I said as I hug her tighter

"Girls... you okay there?" Madison's voice suddenly pops out from nowhere

Were here Madi. And yea were okay but I think someone needs our hug I whisper as I answer to Madison.

Uhm. I dont think she does? Haha a short laugh came out from Madison as she closed by to our position.

Suddenly Diana already falls asleep besides me laying her head into my shoulder So what should we do? I look up and asked Madison carefully not waking her up.

But as soon as I finished my question she rushed signaling me to shut my mouth because Diana might get idea of us having a surprise for her.

I grabbed my phone beside me and texted Madison saying fetch Jackson to lift up Diana so that I can get out of here. minutes after she left the room silently as I stay in Dianas side to let her sleep on my shoulder.

Hey Madison told me you need a help here luckily shes a heavy sleeper every time she started to fall asleep Jackson suddenly appears from my back

Jackson lift Diana to her bed and I fix her before I leave for us to prepare our surprise for her Goodnight Diana. I kissed her on the forehead and closed the door to let her sleep.

All of them are waiting for us to come down since they are all just waiting for me to comeback so that we can go to prepare whatever we need for tomorrow.

So we only have what 3 or 5 hours before she wakes up again?... Kylie said as she saw me

But dont you think someone needs to stay here for at least safety purposes, Im sure Luke will kill us this time if something bad happens to Diana and living her alone here in unknown place might something bad happen Justin said to all of even though he already holding up the keys to Jacksons car

Justin? Do you want to stay here and look out for Diana while she is sleeping? Alone on her bedroom? I asked smiling brightly

That is sweet of you to ask Sophie but who will be your driver if Im not coming? He suddenly asked

Well then give me the keys kiddo. I can drive even my eyes closed, so you better stay away from Diana while she sleeping and take care of her while we are going to prepare our surprise for her Jackson appears from my back asking for the keys and its my car anyway so give it to me

Justin simply gives a smile and throws the keys to Jacksons hand and suddenly whispered to me Thank you I owe you one and leave with a smile and wink

Well be back after a few hours to do our job before we can go to this surprise that we planning. Michael said before entering into the van

Well just update you with a message alright Madison said.

And we leave as soon as Madison closed the door of the car beside her, she seated beside me while kylie is on the front sitting beside her boyfriend Jackson whos driving the car while Michael and Martin are on the black checking their phone on what we can actually do on this place while me. I grabbed my phone from my purse and buzzed Justin up.

*I texted Justin*

Me: You wouldnt have to owe me one you just have to explain to me why you really wanted to stay there?

Minutes after Justin replied to me

Justin: nothing really maybe I just saw some pics from the photography room that caught my attention and I wanted to take a closer look to it without answering more questions about it cause even me cant really answer anything.

Me: Well then you can just share to me what you saw and why do you want to take a close look on it?

Justin: its Diana or at least I think it is her but thats the reason why I want to see it closer to confirm that it was her what I saw. Cause on that picture she is smiling while holding a bow with her dad

Me: And? What about it?

Justin: That is the smile we never seen after a long time The pure smile that weve been trying to put on her face ever since she wakes up

That time, I just stared at my phone like Ive seen a ghost out of it. I realized I did forget how she really smiles.

The pure angelic smile that her dad used to give her every time we go out, a smile that we all fall in love too.

Suddenly Madisons hand touches my arm. Hey Soph, are you okay? Ive been talking into the air for a minute now? Did something happen to the house or to Diana? she asked.

Oh yea, yea am okay I simply answer madison as I close my phone for her not to notice that Justin and I have been talking.

Say madi? Do you remember how Diana used to smile when we go out for a trip with her parents and we even try doing a mini Olympic on our sports against them... I whisper asking madi.

You have no idea how much I think about that every time I saw her laughing or smiling because of us but after now that you open it up What do you think we should do about it? Madi asked

Im about to answer Madison but suddenly Jackson starts to update us Hey Guys? Sorry to bother you but were here in our stop for the rest of the morning before we pick up Diana from the house again, we better get things going.

I guys we need to talk about this some other time Sophie Im thinking what to get for Diana anyway, do you have already what to give? Madison asked

To be honest to her I still have no idea what to give to Diana, I mean I know Im her best friend but shes a kind of girl who have it all and No actually I still dont have any idea what to give her too. I answered Madison

As we all get out of the car every one of us separated in two Jackson and Kylie are together and Michael and Martin go together as well and of course myself and Madison are together.

We all separated our groups to search for what we need and for the plan to work on, Madison decided to make fun of Dianas boredom when it comes to shopping and since we always there for Diana when it comes to shopping we already know her size and style which we would change to into a new one that will make sure everyone will think twice of her look, Which would be the cover up gift for the real gift which would be her special debut party with his brother and us besides the beach in night that actually her one of the dream.

First stop for our gift

Madison grab a nice blue cocktail dress with a little design of being shaded blue on the bottom since madison knows how exactly Dianas size she works it out alone as I go to shoe place to pair it up along with the dress.

Hey have you found anything that can fit the dress up? Madison asked me out from my back

Ow yeah, what do you think about this? I asked showing her a flat slippers with a leather strings.

Thats perfect! Soph. I knew you could get such a thing Now should we work on our own dress? Then we go for your surprise gift next? She said