
Mistakes on being in Love?

Dear Diary,

Everyone decided to get back inside to rest up... while i decided to stay up for a while more just to enjoy here while i can... But i can't totally enjoy everything because of this headache that has been bothering me for a while now. Neither way no one has to know about it right? I mean this is just a headache and everyone feels this for a while in a week, I'm still alive after all so maybe I'm just tired and haven't got enough sleep right. Anyway! Enough with the pain on head, I had the most fun birthday ever i mean who can Imagine that my friends will do such things for me (Setting their gifts into a mission i need to finish to get) that was so lit and guess what who i meet for today? I meet Billie Eilish in flesh that was so shocking and fluttering for me. I can't believe i meet her in this place it was so shocking and i fall in love with her more. But Of course there's nothing more special on what Sophie did for me. Those lovely pictures...

"Hey, I didn't know you bring that out here" A voice suddenly heard from my back

"Justin if you here to disturb my silence with this gorgeous view I swear there's no word from me on the trip back" I said not looking at the back

"Ah, so i guess that answer the reason why they always asked him about you in the morning..." Michael suddenly said standing beside me "I just want to talk and explain what i did earlier" He stated looking straight at the beach

"Sorry i thought you are-" I tried explaining

"Justin? No doubt hahaha Understandable Diana "He smirked while still not looking at me "Can i take a sit? I mean would i be safe if i do?" finally looking at me

"Yea i think we really should talk about it anyway" I said sitting properly and facing him

"Look. I know i shouldn't do what i did... and I really have no excuse on what i did Diana. Maybe i just really want you to know that..." He started explaining "I like you Diana. More than friends" He finished explaining by looking at me like waiting for me to say that i like him too


"But you don't like me more than friends because you like someone else..." He cuts what I'm about to say claiming I'm in love with someone else "It's fine actually... I mean that's why I'm sorry because i kissed you when i can just simply say it without making you startled and really awkward" He simple smirks while trying to focus on the sand that he has been playing with

"Well on my offense not every day a worse frenemies starts to kiss me after giving me a gorgeous bracelet F.Y.I" I said giving him a bright smile "And I'm sorry Michael... but thanks for giving me the pleasure of turning down the one of the most hunky on school after he kiss me" I said cheering up the vibe that we have

Hearing what i said makes him laugh that no girl on school ever make him do that makes me think that Michael smile's only meant for me.

Getting lost on that smile gives him advantage of him throwing little sand into me that got into my thigh that gives me chills

"Hey!" I shouted

"Oops I thought I'm sitting with a wind because i got strong wind coming from that direction!!!" He said throwing more sand at me

"Michael stops!!!" I laughed at his joke and throw him some sands to get back at him

We both laugh playing with the sand throwing to each other until we fall into our butt landing into the sand and we decided to just lay down to enjoy our time together as friends acting like that kiss never happened.

*Michael's P.O.V*

"Hey!" Diana shouted as I throw her some sand that I'm holding on I simply smirk and grab more cold sand into my hands "Oops I thought I'm sitting with a wind because i got strong wind coming from that direction!!!" I laughed throwing more into her

"Michael Stop!" She said finally throwing some sands at me

This is the Diana I fall in love with... I mean look how beautiful she is when she laughs like nothing bothers her. I know that I have to let her go because that is what she deserves, after what i did to her... I 'm pretty sure I'm not the one who deserves this smile and beauty of hers but as long as she's my friend I'll do everything to protect her and makes her happy even I'm not gonna be the one who's beside her as a man of her dreams anymore

"Alright, So... We cool right?" I asked her as I sat down clearing some sands from my head and shirt

"Yes Michael we are so cool" She answered smiling brightly with the lights of the moon "Alright I'm going in, what about you? “I asked gentle

"Yea I'll be in just give me few more minutes to enjoy this" She said looking deeper into the beach

"Alright but remember you need to get up early so we can go around town for a while before we go home later" I said standing up clearing more sands from my body

"Yes yes i know... Now go in so that i can continue my writing already and sleep" she commanded waiving her hands snapping me from her view

"Goodnight D See you later" I said giving her a kiss on forehead

"Lucky me you didn't try to kiss me on my lips again" She said smirking

"You wish little girl" I said turning my back at her

Knowing I is actually the one wishing that i can just have you on my side tonight and every other nights Diana.

*Diana's P.O.V*

Minutes after Michael leave I spent my time looking at the water while playing some sands in my hand letting it flow back to the ground like some hour glass.

*Buzzing high pitch sound* Started to ring on my ears like there's something that comes in and trying to make my eardrums explode leaving me with no choice but to cover up my ears and bending my knees closer to my body.

"Diana?? Hey! You okay?" Justin rushed towards me

I couldn't respond to him directly but thinking that he would make a big deal out of this I decided to ease up my action and hide what I feel inside.

Soon enough before Justin caught up on my spot I manage to seat up properly and make an excuse for what i just did "Oh hey just. What's up?" i said to him looking up straightly see his face

"I'm asking you if you're okay." Justin repeated himself

"Oh yea yeah I'm fine... Do you need something?" I asked trying to clear up the topic

"Not really I can't sleep so I go to your room but I saw you seating here so now here I am" He explained smiling "What are you still doing here?" he asked

"Oh I'm on my room earlier but I feel that I want to enjoy the sand on my skin for a while at night since I always sleep at the morning" I answered him not looking

"Aren't you cold?" He asked "Here" suddenly he puts a blanket on my back up to my shoulder "I bring this from your room since I can literally feel the wind up there so I figure you might be freezing here"

"Oh thanks" I said realizing I am literally freezing already "Did i miss anything earlier while I’m gone? Michael seems to put all his attention to me as I get back?" I asked

"Not in my knowledge actually *He smirk* don't think about much you might lose whatever you have save on your brain" Justin said joking

*i smiled* "Fck off" i laughed as i tried throwing some sand at him

"Watch it" he laughs back

"I knew it was two of you that i hear miles away" Sophie said as she approach our spot "What are you guys still doing here??" She asked

"I want to play with the sands..." I answer

"I... Can't sleep How about you? Where did you come from?" Justin asked

"Me? Glad you ask. Come with me both of you" Sophie demanded

After few walks from where the rest house is we reached a big cliff that has a cave inside

"Now this is actually for Diana and I to see and enjoy but since you are here too Justin well I’ll let you share it with us too if she let you..." Sophie explained

"Of course Sophie the more the better" I laughed getting excited on what to see

"Okay okay easy tiger. But since this is for you you come in first...we're going to follow you in a minute" she commanded

*I enter first*

"What is this..." i asked as i stepped inside the cave

When suddenly a drop of water splashed into the water and it started to light up like glowing water with a beautiful blue green color shinning so bright.

"Do you like it?" Sophie suddenly entered followed by Justin seeing me being stunned on what I'm seeing

"What's....? Woaaahhh" Justin suddenly got shocked after seeing the colors on the water

"I know right... “I said not removing my eyes on the water

"How did you see this?" Justin asked

"I was trying to figure how to reach the cliff but instead when i got into this end i see the glowing from the inside and when i go in all i see is this... i figure Dian would love this so... here we are now" Sophie explained

"Thank you... You never failed to amaze me at any way" i said giving her a puppy eyes

"I love you sis. You know I'll do anything to make u happy" Sophie said giving me a hug

"Do you know what will happen if someone jumps on the water? Like will it be gone if that happens?" Justin suddenly asked

"I didn't really try actually; I mean I was waiting for Diana to see it before I try it. Why don't you try it Justin?" Sophie explained teasing Justin to see if he is willing to sacrifice his body to the cold water

"Well if Diana wishes to for me to cry why not..." Justin suddenly look at me and smile like waiting for my decision

"Go for it... hahaha just make sure that if the water turns into the dark you'll find the way to bring back the light" I said raising my one eyebrow challenging Justin

With no hesitation Justin remove his shirt and shorts leaving his inside short and jumped into the water

"Whooooooo Go Justin!!!" We both cheered

After minutes of silence the water started to calm down like no one jumped in already and then "BOO!" Justin came out of the water trying to scare us

"Ah!" I screamed "Justin the water splashed on me and its cold!" I hit his head putting him back into the water

*Laughed* Sophie just laughing at my reaction as she buzzed off what I said about Michael and the kissed

"Hahaha Justin you stupid guy Do you really think you would scare us with that?" She said

"Hey at least the water didn't turn dark even though I'm here" he excused

"Do you find out why is it turning like that?" I asked

"Oh yeah planktons... I can take some but I don't it really works if I tried separating them from the others"

"Oh no let them are Hahaha I don't really want to Imagine them like saying 'Help human is trying to get us'" I joked

"Yea I think I wouldn't like that either" Justin laughed at me

"You okay?" I asked Sophie after seeing her looking into the water with her deepest thoughts

"Huh? Oh yea. I'm good" She smiled looking at me shaking her head "I just remember I needed to do my routine already, you know this face is a fortune of my everything needs to take good care... Do you guys mind if I'll go back already? Will you guys be alright here?" She explained

"Oh yea I'm pretty good here but at least let Justin walk you back?" I said

"Yea give me a sec. I'll just dress up and I'll walk you back, Diana are you gonna be alright alone here?" Justin asked rushing for his clothes

"Okay take your time" Sophie agreed giving me a smile "Don't do anything stupid aight? And get back before anyone tries to murder me for getting you into this place leaving them with no clue" she continue giving me a kiss on my head

"I'll try to keep you safe ha-ha" I said looking at them as they leave me alone waving my hand

Not long enough I started holding my ears again pressing it up inside to my head unfortunately the pain in my head never leaved me that time even though I'm with Sophie and Justin. It goes more and more and more painful than I expect until I lost consciousness...

"DIANA!!!" Justin shouted as he get back seeing me leaning on the rock with no conscious

"Don't shout will ya?" I exclaimed "I can hear your steps miles away and now you shouting in a CAVEEEEE JUSTIN" I excused myself

I know that the pain in my head is not normal because of the feeling along with it is unbearable but because of them I will bare it more than I needed it...

"Well don't scare me like that Diana, Who knows what happen to you while I'm on my way here. So you can't really blame me about that!" He explained

"Oh I see some Whale swimming on the water earlier..." I said to him pointing into the water

He eventually try to search and look for the whale that I mentioned to him *Smack* I surprise him smacking his head that give me such a good laugh "Do you really think a whale could be fit into the cave? Hahaha" I teased him

"You know someday... I'll be the one to tease you good that you would cry for me to stop" He said scratching his head

"I'll help you wish for that no worries" I cheered winking at him

"Don't you wanna come back already? It seems the sun while be rising soon..." He asked

"Huh... I guess you're right. Aww Just when I'm really enjoying every little thing but the time is really hates me." I asked making my way out to the cave

"Did you even dare to ask if the time have a choice about what you trying to pry on it?"

"Do you really want to debate about something like that?" I asked curiously

"Hahaha you idiot didn't even get my sarcasm" he said shaking his head while smirking

We leave the cave teasing each other about how stupid we are on things

"Are you sure you okay?" He ask looking at me with such a care

"I am sure Justin and as if I could hide something from you guys" I smiled

It's about 4 am in the morning when we get back to the house and as we enter into the back door I hear someone on the kitchen

"Martin?" Justin called out

"Oh hey! I was just searching for some food he he" He explained

"Do you ever stop eating?" I asked laughing

"Uhh don’t judged me okay this body needs It’s power" He excused "Wait are you guys just getting back? Where did you guys go?"

"Oh nothing we just walk around... Justin saw me outside so he joined me" I explained hiding the fact that we go to that amazing cave Sophie make us see

"Oh alrighty then..." Martin answered going back to seek for some foods

"Good luck seeking for your great foods Mart" Justin said leaving the kitchen

"Good Mor-night Martin..." I said following Justin's on his way "Oh and don't forget to clean up after you eat cause you know Jasmine and Luke will be mad if we add up on the cleaning" I said

"Yes no worries" He answered while his head is on the fridge

I and Justin climbed up to "I'll see you later Diana. I bet I need to sleep to Drive us home" He smiled at me as he enters into his room

"See yah" I said waving a hand to him

I continue my way on my room and go directly to the bed where I switched my ceiling to see the sky and stars...

Hey Mom... I don't know much I know but why do I feel that there's really something on them than I know... I mean they say I was just gone for a year and nothing changes much ever since but why do I feel that there are a lot of things I really don't know... I feel like I'm with peoples I don't know.'

I was talking to the sky Imagining that my mom can really hear me or something... not realizing Madison is already on my door step

"Don't you ever sleep when everyone is?" She finally speak

"Madison! Don't you know how to knock?" I seated up seeing her standing on my door cross arms

"Uh... Knock Knock to Diana's world" She said smirking

"You know that smirk works like a charm to the boys and all but not to me okay?" I said teasing her about her smirk which is undeniable is the sexiest smirk I can say

"Oh we both know you're the first one who loved this smirk ever since I got it" She said seating close to me on my bed "So... Did she ever replied to your thoughts?" she asked laying down her head into the bed looking at the sky like I used to do

"No. Not really" I answered

"Look... ever since you wake up we don't really have a much us time like this like we used to I know, but I want to assure you that nothing changed Diana. I and everyone in this house love you so much before and after what happened. It might feel weird like everyone seems to be new to you but it's not..." Madison started explaining like she heard everything I said to my thoughts "Don't be afraid to show and express what you feel towards us or to others because we're here for you just like always." She held my hand not removing her sight into the sky

"I don't maybe I just really missed them so much Madison. I mean I love you guys so much and you guys are everything to me now but sometimes I just wished I can see or feel them just by one more time" I started crying not letting go of Madison's hand

"I know... I know" Madison subtly agreed

We lay on the half of the bed for the rest of the night letting me cry in silence while she enjoys the sky. Until I fall asleep on her side crying my heart while holding her hand.