

'Neha can't you wake up little early to catch up bus why do I have to drop you ..because of your laziness I have to sacrifice my sleep '..Tina said in irritating tone .

Ignoring the complains from Tina. Neha started to eat Breakfast as fast she can because she knew it was the last date of submission of assignment today if she got late submission mark it will affect her acadamics score.

'She never does the work before time always at last minutes..I don't know how did I raised such lazy thing ' Neha mother Ridhima scremed at her .

In order to avoid further scolding Neha grabed her bag and left the house signalling Tina to follow her . Tina followed her and started the scooty .

As they wear running last Tina was little faster then usual ..but after running a few kilometre they saw there was a crowd of people on the side of road..Tina slowed down the scooty near the crowd to see what happened there

To there uttermost shock they both saw really frighting seen....crushed car was there and with it a teenage girl of about 17 was unconcious with lot of blood from her head and knees.

People wear watching the seen nobody was trying to help her ..most of them wear ignoring n walked past it and few of them wear crowding there .

Tina mind went blank for a minutes she didn't know what to do...she looked with question mark on her face toward Neha ....Neha called Ambulance immidately without wasting time .

' Ambulance would be hear any time we should hurry to collage now ' said Neha with very gulity expression.

Without any word Tina started the scooty and they went half a kilometre without a word 'She will be fine I hope so 'said Tina with very sad tone

'we should have accomapanied her to hospital' She said further.

Neha still feeling guilty inside could'nt stop imaging that girls condition inside her head.

She made Tina to make U turn towards that place of accident.

Until they reached the location Ambulance was also there..the nurse asked is there anybody who could accompy the patient or any family member hear ..without second thought Neha and Tina entered the Ambulance.