
Hidden Scars by Blue Diary Author

Wedding Night December 2014, India She was removing her big nose rings from her delicate hand with beautiful henna on it while looking on the man in the bedside who was unbuttoning his sherwani. Her long red silk lehenga was swaying on the floor with all its majesty. She went to washroom and looked at her bridal get up for one last time while her tear and water droplets rolled down her cheeks together. "Are we ready?" She asked in a low and gentle voice after changing into her casual outfit with tears hidden. "Almost" He said swapping his hands after closing the chain of his black suitcase. Hayati and Shayleen left the hotel room together. "Good Bye... Take care" She said desperately hugging him tightly for the last time with all her spirit. A tear rolled down her eye and fall on Shayleen's shoulder making him hug her even tighter. He pulled her head away pressed his lips against with dominating force. She tip toed and and kissed him back almost bitten his lips. Her waist long hair was kept loose dancing in the sky. Under the dazzling moonlight he could see the long eyelashes up close where her tears were sparkling like pearls. "Go before I change my mind" He gently removed his lips away and took his hands back from her waist. She let her arm loose which was hugging him tightly as it was leaving the most precious thing. She turned back immediately and left running and wiping hard tears away. Shayleen stood there without moving an inch, watching her silhouette disappear. She boarded her cab and left without turning back. May be she was afraid if she stood a second more she would start regretting her decision. ... But it was decided. She had prepared herself for this day a long ago. Her ambition was in front of her. The man stood there still opposing the wind, he was wearing golden-framed glasses and his slim-fitting black tuxedo emphasised his broad shoulders and slender waist. His muscles were well built emitting an aura like of king of frost. Before getting into his car the black haired man looked down at his ring and slowly said. "We will meet again."

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The next evening

The purr of an engine brought Hayati back to senses making her eyes blink open. But she couldn't make out to see anything as the cramped place was utterly dark but there was something which gave her a hint. The place smelled of petrol. It didn't take her long to realise that she was tied down in the back of a car.

All the events of the night came rushing back to her suddenly making her cramp more in the measly damn place.

The Car...

Mei Lin...


Mom and Aaron...

Aaron! Is he alright? Oh God! They can't kidnap a 1 year old child, they definitely can't. No human can do that!

Really? Can't they?

They are bloody kidnappers or may be even murderers. They don't seem to very much fascinate the very ideology of humanity.

The thought alone sent chilling shivers down her spine. Hayati couldn't even think of the possibilities which might happen if she didn't take necessary action now.

She closed her eyes again, desperately trying to hold back the nausea. Images of the men hitting her and tying her up, all the while their hands roaming disgustingly all over her body as they said vile things to each about her, about how their boss was going to make her pay, came back to her mind increasing the disgust in the bile.

She took deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves and shook her head to get rid of the thoughts that were driving her insane.

Its going to be okay.

No time to cry.

Time for action.

Hayati chided to herself in a miserable attempt to calm her erratic nerves and think of a better way to get out and rescue her son. Suddenly a thought sparked in her mind. She bent her knees closer to her chest.

Hayati almost laughed out loud when she felt the metal blasted thing inside. She was so thankful that she kept that little thing inside her chest instead of her purse. Ever since being in a group of mercenaries she had learned to always take necessary steps to keep herself safe, the basics of survival.

Who knows from where doom can approach you?!

Now the only thing left was to untie her knots and get hold of the damn thing and situation. It was almost impossible to move her hands and feet as the rope around them were so tight that it was digging through the skin into the flesh. Still somehow after coughing and sputtering she managed to throw the dirty piece out of her mouth. The car hit bumps on the road, making her stomach stagger with kinetosis. But she hold the nausea back.

Searching busily around the trunk, she looked for something that could help her cut the ropes. Finally after desperately searching when nothing utile could be found. She for plan B. Almost twisting her wrist in the process she managed to let the ropes at the back loose a little. Thanks to her martial arts skills which she learned a little to survive back in China. After several torturous twisting and winding she managed to slid out her hand then quickly reached her legs to wriggle her feet out of it. Hayati then reached inside her sweater and her bra where she kept her secret weapon and took it out hiding inside her fist.

She had no idea how long can it take to reach the wherever the damn destination was. So she laid there unmoving in the same position thinking about the possibilities of the outcome.

Are they going to take me to the same place as Aaron's? What if they hurt him? I can't trust Mei Lin, she can go to any extent. She had got no bottom line.

In amidst of all the thoughts, the car jerked to a stop suddenly. The engine died down and she could hear the car doors opening and slamming shut.

Her mind started rattling million thoughts as she heard footsteps coming around and stopping in front of the trunk.

"You go ahead. I will bring this whore." She heard, as someone clicked open the lock of the trunk.

Okay, Now its time to action!

As soon as the person opened the back, she shot her leg out and kicked him straight in the crotch. He yelled in pain and fell to his knees, clutching the front of his pants as a string of colourful curses left his mouth. She did not wait to see who he was and what he could do. She then swung her left hand forward and pressed the stunner¹ straight into his neck. The man slowly lost consciousness in a minute and fell on the floor with a thud.

Hayati quickly jumped out of the car, looking around frantically to see any thing she could recognise. The only thing she could figure out in her haste was that they were in the back alley of some building. Voices came from behind her shouting and cursing angrily, she stimulantly turned around only to see those two men, from earlier when they attacked, running down the steps of the building, shouting to stop each with a shiny metal thing on their hand, guns!

Without wasting another second, Hayati turned back again and broke into a run at an even faster pace. She ran through the cold, dark alley, past trashcans and other useless stuff with every moment trying to look here and there to find any clue of Aaron, but to no avail.

"Come back here, you bitch!" someone yelled behind, but her steps did not falter for even a second. She kept on running. Once again she looked back to see if anyone was still following her.

Unfortunately, they still were.

And this time, one more massively huge and bulky bald guy had joined them. In her haste of turning around, she did not realise where she was going and she crashed straight into a wall.

Only, it wasn't a wall.

It was a little too soft to be a wall.

Cautiously she looked up and straight as a gasp left her lips. She stared into the most mesmerising pair of dark acherontic eyes ever, behind those golden frames. The running footsteps halted a few feet behind them as she kept on staring at the man in front of her.

Shayleen King!

The King!

¹Stunner or stun gun : a weapon designed to disable a victim temporarily by delivering a nonlethal high-voltage electric shock

Now the question is- Is our MC the mastermind behind all this? Or is our MC actually the big villain? Or shall I put it like, the villain is actually our MC! Let me be honest with you guys I have a serious obsession with these "good kind of bad boys" and trust me they're damn really cool.

With Love


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