
Hidden Plundering Village: Naruto Fanfic

A village founded by criminals and traitors joins Konoha as a way to finally establish peace after the third war. How good will this integration be? How will it affect the main story of Naruto? You will take this opportunity to plunder each useful girl and jutsu for you? Want to participate in this fanfic by voting on pools, reading ahead, or just giving feedback? Joins us here: https://fiction.live/stories/Hidden-Plundering-Village-Naruto-Quest/YdedHRXCMwJqXfJMF/home

Spiderling · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Lands of Waves Escort Mission part 19

It was the last day in this small town and late at night near the beach. The sky was completely dark, without a single star and a cold breeze struck the only girl on that sandy limbo. Misuchi had stayed until late at night training again, she could feel it in her guts . . . each swing the girl made, she got a tiny step closer to mastering this sword. It was no longer about utility or curiosity, it was pure pride on her part. She wanted to master this chunk of metal and she would do it.

Kazu approached the woman who was resting on top of her sword buried in the sand. "Hey, Misuchi," he said with a soft smile. The boy just wanted to make some talk with her favorite nudist before getting back to the village.

Misuchi let out a sarcastic laugh. "Haven't you zapped me enough?" She barked back. The girl didn't get used to feeling pain so each time he did it. . . it was a new experience. Not an extremely unpleasant one for her.

The boy nodded his head, there was no way in the world he would get tired of this kind of teasing. "I actually wanted to talk about something important with you," he said with a calm tone, sitting beside her. Kazu couldn't sleep and he was too tired to just train. Why couldn't he sleep? Well, it was that scroll that kept him anxious.

"Sakura's gash is too sore?" Misuchi asked with a joking tone, her gaze fixed on the void of dark water in front of them.

"What?! I am not such a manwhore. . ." Kazu faked shock at that accusation.

"And now you are lying to me . . . anything else?" The nudist said after letting out a chuckle.

"Well, I just wanted to talk. How do you handle killing someone for the first time?" He went straight to the point.

Misuchi made something strange for her, she drew a peaceful smile on her face."I love each second of it," she muttered with a voice drenched in satisfaction and pleasure as she remembered that moment.

"There is not a bigger expression of freedom than ending other people's lives," she purred, her tone becoming more and more agitated as if she was experiencing a drug-induced pleasure.

"Just thinking about it . . . is making me feel things. . ." Misuchi muttered, hugging herself.

Then, she looked at Kazu with a strange gaze. She was . . .like in a zen state, completely calm and different from her normal chaotic way to act. "What about you? Do you enjoy killing?" She asked.

"Nha. I hate killing," Kazu said with a small smile.

He let out a sigh and began to explain his way of thinking. "Because it takes out another strong opponent that I could fight in the future," he added, there was no bigger fear to him than living in a boring world.

"I don't get you . . ." Misuchi looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Hmmm . . . how to explain it . . ." Kazu placed a hand under his chin, taking a few seconds to think.

"I got it, when I fight someone and let him live the resentment will fester. He will become stronger and challenge me again someday," the boy said with a happy and cheerful tone.

Kazu let out a sigh, completely unaware that he sounded like a madman right now. "It's like . . . when you let booze age longer so it becomes tastier," he added, his voice saturated in hope and happiness.

Misuchi raised an eyebrow, still confused. "Hmmm, what if they disappoint you or they are shit?" She asked with a curious tone, getting near him as the girl jumped out of her seat.

The bloodthirsty redhead smiled. "Then I will finish my drink," he muttered. Of course that Kazu would not let live enemies that had already given him all their potential, they were a waste of air after all.

Misuchi immediately went for a kiss without asking. Kazu widened his eyes at the sudden attack. He felt the tongue of the woman flooding his mouth. It was completely different from any other girl, it was like a sentient mass of warm water was drawing his tongue. She was expanding, making sure that boy would not forget the exotic nature of that girl's love.

After a few seconds, Misuchi broke the kiss. "I like you, and I want you," she ordered, completely taken to her limit thanks to the constant musk and the battle-freak nature of the boy.

Misuchi made a small pause, looking at him directly in the eyes as she pressed her big breasts against his chest. Kazu could still taste the lingering flavor of the girl's saliva inside his mouth.

"We can do it the easy way or the hard way . . . your choice," the nudist whispered, her hands already having a firm grip on the redhead's posterior.

Another booty to add to his hoard. Kazu felt a tingle of excitement as his harem was becoming larger and larger with such beautiful girls. What did he like about Misuchi apart from her body? Her sense of freedom, of course. Also, the girl's bloodlust was extremely charming. He just wanted to be with a violent idiot sometimes.

Kazu groped Misuchi's ass, it was another level of softness. Her big and pale posterior was like a pair of balloons filled with hot water. "Hard," he whispered. Before the woman could react and have a proper fight, he made a few hand seals and shocked her interior with lighting release.

Misuchi let out a squeal of pain, a lighting-infused spank on the ass was her end. "Wait! That is unfair!" She protested, instantly losing to Kazu.

The boy let out a chuckle before tying the nudist body with chakra strings made out of lighting. They didn't hurt but they nullified the woman's liquefaction jutsus. "Yes . . .? We are ninjas!" Kazu muttered with a sadistic tone as his prize was before him.

He took a second to see the shame on Misuchi's face but also the sheer lust on it. Having such a powerful woman with her arms tied and her legs open was a beautiful view. She could kick him in the balls whenever she wanted but the nudist seemed fine with this. "You may be a proud lion in battle but you are my little sheep slut in bed!" Kazu berated her. He pulled down his pants and showed her his fully erect cock. The nudist made an expression of pure shock as the boy just removed the thin layer of protection that her bikini gave her.

Kazu had a devious idea to make Misuchi squirm and understand her place. Using his talent in ninjutsu, the redhead summoned one of his electric chakra wires and tied it around the length of his cock. It looked like a strange blue condom that left a small hole on the tip but it was not even close to that.

"Wait, wait!" Misuchi yelled before having her virginity taken by Kazu. With this method, he successfully broke her hymen, coating his cock with small drops of blood as the girl gritted her teeth and rolled her eyes.

For the boy, it felt strange but pleasurable. A small tingly sensation around his cock mixed with the semi-liquid nature of Misuchi's pussy. He needed to find a better jutsu for this girl since the strings took some of the sensitivity but the unreal grip of her pussy made up for it. It was like sticking his dick into sentient warm jello that could coil and milk his manhood as if it was a normal pussy.

For the girl, it was a completely different case. Misuchi felt a mixture of pain and pleasure as that sensitive place was struck over and over by a series of electric pulses. It felt like her whole body was being attacked with each thrust.

"Ah! It hurts!" Misuchi screamed back. The girl's body was pummeled between the sandy beach and the slab of meat that was Kazu's body. The boy didn't stop or slowed down at her request, he kept fucking her if as his life depended on it. He struck the deepest part of her body with his lighting-charged cock, making sure that girl would never forget this experience.

The nudist could feel the boy on top of her panting and moaning, then forcing a kiss on her while his cock punished her cunt. (Is this how it feels to be dominated?!) She could feel her whole body boiling in pleasure.

(Fuck, fuck, fuck, it feels soooo good) She remembered all the training that Kazu had done to her. How slowly he turned her into a pain lover and a musk addict whore. This fight started long before this night and Misuchi lost the second she didn't realize that.

Those massive tits swayed in the air with each thrust, mesmerizing Kazu for the few seconds he wasn't kissing Misuchi."Fine, fine! I will be your sheep!" Misuchi gave in with a howl of pleasure. She was his woman from now on.

As a reward, Kazu began to fuck her faster, making sure that that lewd pussy got what she deserved. "Then baa for me!" He ordered. Kazu had planned to do more stuff like this in the future, like making her shave her cunt for him but this was a good start.

Misuchi gave a small nod, humiliated by the petition. "Baa . . .baa . . ." she mumbled in between groans of pain and moans of pleasure. The wet slapping sound of Kazu hammering her cunt made the girl's words almost inaudible.

(She is so . . . cute) Kazu blushed as he felt his balls getting bloated again. Seeing Misuchi doing that kind of stuff struck a nerve.

"Louder!" The boy exclaimed, changing the rhythm from short strikes to long and deep swings to Misuchi's cervix.

The nudist nodded faintly, submitting at the pressure exercised on the gates of her womb. "Baa! Baa! Baa!" She squealed and as a reward, Kazu got back to the previous movements.

They kept going for minutes. Kazu wanted to make sure that the girl would climax at the same time as him but he was reaching his limit. It was the sheep sounds she was doing, they were so cute that the boy wanted to make Misuchi a mother as a reward. "Why did you even alert the enemies that thought you were dead?!" He muttered, remembering that scene, and letting himself go.

"Sorry, sorry!" Misuchi apologized but it was too late for both, at that second both reached the end of the line.

Kazu made sure to bury his manhood as deep as possible, his cock head peeking inside Misuchi's womb while he stopped moving. "Apologize with your body!" He yelled at her and then clenched his balls. The boy burst multiple times inside the woman's cunt, flooding that semi-liquid pussy with his thick semen.

Meanwhile, Misuchi squirted all over Kazu while she closed her legs around his waist. The boy felt as if he was hit by some kind of water jutsu as the woman screamed and moaned. Misuchi's whole body was shocked while the strength of the orgasm was enough to change her life forever. She had never imagined that sex could feel this good.

They stood together completely paralyzed for a few seconds, Kazu grunted as he took his sweet time to completely fill the woman's chalice. To his surprise, Misuchi's cunt managed to drink every single drop. She absorbed the semen with such efficiency that the boy felt as if he was cumming in a bottomless pit. For Misuchi the experience was completely different. She felt the hot and thick liquid spreading from her womb to each corner of her body as her mind was dizzy by the climax. It was like her whole existence was now marked with the seed she had assimilated.

After a minute, Misuchi was the first to talk. "That was amazing . . ." she purred with a honeyed tone. Kazu quickly removed her binds, just held her hands, and kissed her neck. Misuchi blushed and wanted to get her hands out the way but she couldn't resist the boy's attack.

Kazu chuckled at the girl's reaction, she seemed less reluctant to get her womb shocked by electricity than doing some gentle aftercare. "It's your fault for cockteasing me with that naked body all the time, take responsibility," the boy whispered with a gentle tone. Kazu pulled out and he got surprised to see his cock completely clean, like he had just taken a bath.

Misuchi slapped Kazu's ass in a playful manner. "Fuck, the shit that Kogu said about you was true. You better take responsibility, I am not taking a no for an answer," the nudist joked back with a firm tone.

Kazu just nodded, it was his duty as manwhore to keep each of his girls fully satisfied and he would do it.