

Have you ever wanted to see JIANG MUYE, LU JINGLI, MO LINGTIAN to find someone to settle down? what about SATAN a.k.a. YUN SHEN ? DOESN'T HE DESERVES A HAPPY ENDING TOO? I am a big fan of this novel and want to just write their stories according to my imagination. I am not a writer but want to do this so that when i read this one again for the 11th time, i can read the side stories too. Feel free to point out my errors.

rj_jin ¡ Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Sorting the emotions

"Do you still want her?"


"Don't you hate her for leaving you?"



"Because I trust her character. This time I am sure I analysed our relationship correctly. I have already tried moving on once before. So this time I wanted to wait for her".

"But she left you twice and last time...", before Mother Jiang can complete, Muye interjected," it was a misunderstanding. Though I don't know the reason but the way she talked it was clear that she thought I cheated in the relationship, and she left and this time she cleared it and is embarrassed", he tried to explain confusingly.

"Mom, she is a very nice girl. I swear. She is perfect for me".

"OK! I understand, but she didn't trust you before that means she didn't believe your character", Mother Jiang continued to poke him.

"Mom she was only 18 that time. I was her first and last boyfriend. She comes from a very simple family and trusted me a lot. For her to be like that, something big might happen. I don't want to guess. I will wait for her explanation", he said resolutely.

Mother Jiang smiled satisfactorily, "I am proud of your son. This is the way you should think. If you love her and trust her character, your dad and I will always support your relationship".

She continued, "like you said that she misunderstood you before. Then that would have been a driving force for her to leave. She might have been disappointed in herself and overthinking about your reaction. Give her some time and if she didn't approach you then you will approach her directly. Don't let the misunderstanding to keep you two apart".

"Yes mom. I am giving her 1 year. If she didn't approach me then I will reach out to her. She is already mine. I won't let her run for long", he declared.

"That's like my son. Now have the soup and sleep. You are looking horrible", she teased.

"Mom don't say this. If my fans hear you they will scold you", he joked.

Then the two laughed and Mother Jiang left the room. As soon as she left, she met Father Jiang who was looking indifferent but interested to know everything.

Mother Jiang smiled,"I will tell you everything at night. Everything is fine".

Father Jiang was definitely relieved, but the words were contrary,"Who wants to know about him?" and left to the study.

Mother Jiang couldn't hold it and laughed out loud.
