

Have you ever wanted to see JIANG MUYE, LU JINGLI, MO LINGTIAN to find someone to settle down? what about SATAN a.k.a. YUN SHEN ? DOESN'T HE DESERVES A HAPPY ENDING TOO? I am a big fan of this novel and want to just write their stories according to my imagination. I am not a writer but want to do this so that when i read this one again for the 11th time, i can read the side stories too. Feel free to point out my errors.

rj_jin · Book&Literature
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17 Chs


Almost 8 years and each moment is still so clear in his memories. Those laughs they shared, those exciting moments. She was the only person who met him with such a genuine aura, Without being humble towards his background or having any greed to be close to him.

On the contrary, it was him who after 19 years of living as a prince, found the happiness in small moments and simple things. That time was so precious that even though he ended up getting hurt he never blamed her as if not for her, he would have never understood the emotions like happiness, excitement, surprise, nervousness and LOVE.

So he has no reason to blame anyone as he gained so much. But it would be a lie if he said he wasn't sad or more accurately DISAPPOINTED. Sometimes this disappointed feeling makes it hard to breathe. The only question he wanted to ask was WHY? But he is scared of the answer.

Her behaviour today told him that there was some miscommunication or misunderstanding in between them, and maybe she too is scared to face it. But they need to cross this hurdle.

If Nian Xi's accident taught him something then it is that life is too short for all this. So tomorrow he will clear everything between them. They still have feeling then why live separately. They should be together.

With this thought in mind Muye slept very comfortably but what he doesn't know is that the person who was drunk, opened her eyes as soon as he slept.

She just muttered - 'I wish I didn't meet you...then it might not hurt so much... Sorry', and then she left the room after changing clothes but there was something different about her. More like a resolve she made.

After coming out of the hotel, she went directly to the hospital.