
Chapter 34

"How do you do this Whitney?" Clinton asked, staring at her mesmerized face.

"Do what?" She asked looking confused.

"How do you manage to charm me with your beauty, your alluring eyes, your sweet voice and words?" Clinton asked her.

Whitney smiled at him, "I do not have any idea of what you are saying." She reached for her glass.

Clinton sat down. "What do you plan on doing next?"

"What do you plan on doing next?" Whitney repeated.

"What do you mean?" She asked, her eyes searching his face for an answer. "What do you mean Clinton?"

"I am talking about the Smith's company. We are currently the owners of a quarter of their shares. What are we to do next?" He asked her fervently. "What is your next plan?"

"That is a good question. I have plans but I do not think it is time to plan his downfall. I am not fully stable and you are also a bit drunk. Not to worry, by morning I will explain everything to you," she assured him.

"I hope you do not forget," he said to her, with a calm tone. "Sometimes it is not easy to act out a plan."

Whitney looked for a moment as though she was planning to do something mischievous.

She finally spoke up. "I know it is hard but we have both got to think of it as an easy task. He was your best friend and he was my husband but all this now contains an (ex). He was, he's our past. He is no more, we have got to put up with this until we both get the revenge we deserve, all right?"

"That's right," Clinton said encouragingly. "Come on, let us continue with the drink. We can not spoil the night because of business."

They both drank and for a while, the only sounds were those of the cracking of their glass cups.

"Let us make a toast," Whitney volunteered.

"We are half way through the drink already," he opinionated.

"It makes no sense Clint. Let's have a toast," she said, raising her glass. "To our marriage."

"To our business," Clinton said, raising his own glass.

"And to her...." She said slowly. "And to our revenge and a toast to my supportive husband."

They continued to drink as silence rocked the dining.

"Let is not sleep in separate rooms today," she said, breaking the silence. I want to have you by my side. Come and sleep in my room and by my side."

Her innocent eyes and beautiful face, did the begging.

"Whitney, sorry darling," he called out in a low voice. "Are you sure about this?

"If I wasn't sure of this, would I have asked you?" She smoothly asked.

He dropped his glass and stood, then he strode to Whitney and held her hand. Whitney stood up as well. Then he carried her in a bridal style. She could perceive the nice fragrance of his body from within. She sighed her hand into his hair.

"Clinton," she called out, her eyes were passionately enchanting. 

Clinton looked at her, as he made his way up the stairs.

"You are really a nice man," she said, trying to hide the obsession, which seemed to entangle her mind.

"My dear Whitney. I am nice to the ones who mean a lot to me and you are one of them," he said.

"I feel like I am the reason behind the enmity between you and your best friend. It is him that I have a problem with and not you. I should not be dragging you into all this mess," she said with innocence.

"Trust me wife. You haven't made me fight with my best friend. He was the person that made himself my enemy, by planning my accident. Imagine if I did not survive it. Do not blame yourself for whatever is happening between me and Daniel," he assured her.

Finally he reached the top of the stairs.

He turned to the corridor, leading to his wife's room, then he strode towards it. He reached her room door and kicked it open.

"Things won't always be this way, so better make use of this opportunity," she muttered, not to Clinton's hearing.

Halfway through the room, he brought her down and bent to her. Then he placed a soft but longing kiss on her lips. The kiss lasted for a while and was brought to a stop.

"My dearest wife," he said breathlessly. "You are so perfect and beautiful. My friend was a fool to have let you go, but I'm glad he did it anyways."

He held her hand and led her to the bed.

"Why are you being so over romantic? I guess this is as a result of the alcohol," she said as her tender finger traced his eye brow.

Clinton knelt down beside her, as he placed his hand on her laps, he moved his hand up and down her laps. They both caressed each other.

He carefully slid a pillow behind her head, raising her head high and making her more comfortable. His hand dug deeper under her dress.

"Wow, a really nice shape you have got in here, underneath this gown," he commended, as he reached for her boobs.

Whitney moaned and that made him very delighted. He wasn't really familiar with intimacy.

In between all this, like lightening, different thoughts flashed into his mind. Wasn't he taking advantage of her? Was he doing the right thing? 

Whitney noticed something had changed. The brightness in his eyes had gone and his hand no more touched her with pleasure.

"What was he thinking of? Why did he stop?" She wondered, as she stared at him with demanding eyes.

"Clint," she called his name seductively. "What is wrong?"

"This temptation in front of me is too hard to resist but you know Whitney that I'm taking advantage of your innocence. You and I both know that what is happening now, should not be happening...."

"Shhh," Whitney said, placing a finger on his lips. "Do not spoil the night my dear Clinton. Please do not let this night become so boring and unpleasing for me. I am enjoying it and so you should enjoy it as well."

Clinton held her face. "You are so delicate and naive. I do not think you know what this means. Truth be told, it is not called upon a man to leave the bed of an elegant and charming goddess like you but my dearest Whitney, I can not bring myself to take advantage of you and your support."

"But this is not the first time," she said to him. "You and I have been intimate before."

"I know but that was different. I was unconscious and you know that," he said, justifying himself.

"Whether you were conscious or not, it makes no difference. You and I have slept with each other. Accept the fact that I am yours and you have rights over my body."

Clinton walked a little distance, "but the fact still remains that we both do not love each other yet. I know that we are both married but it's not based on love. It's painful but I will have to say goodnight from here."

"Wait Clinton. I have a favor to ask," she said looking a bit terrific.

"Name it and it's yours, your wish is always my command," he said.

"I need you to kiss me before you go back to your room. After that I won't stop you from leaving," she assured.

Clinton drew her close to him and held her close to his chest. He held her so close to him. Whitney stood on her toes and at once she placed her lips on his and they both sucked on each other's lips. They both tasted nectars on their lips. It seemed as though they were entangled, it could be depicted that nothing could separate them from each other at this moment. The kiss continued to become deeper and they both felt like continuing the kiss, never breaking it.

The passion and the desire began to fill their mind.

Why should it end with just a kiss? They could continue, besides they were married after all.

Suddenly Whitney found herself tearing away from her husband's grip and kiss. It felt devastating but she knew she had to break the kiss.

Clinton took a step back, he stared at his wife's face for a long time, contemplating on what to say to her. As for Whitney, she walked back to her bed and sat down.

Clinton finally found his tongue. "I guess I will have to say goodnight from here..." He paused and stared at her for a short while before he began to speak again. "I am sorry wifey, if I didn't meet up to your expectation this night. Goodnight and have a lovely dream," he said, then turned and slowly walked to the door of the room.

Whitney sat uprightly. "Goodnight husby," she said while clinging to her pillow. "Have a nice sleep," she said and yawned so loud. "I am feeling very sleepy," she added.

Clinton let out a laugh. Same here, I guess I have to go and freshen up. This alcohol is really damn effective," he said to her.

"You better get going. Goodnight and sweet dreams," she said and slumped on the bed. "Till tomorrow."

"Yeah tomorrow," he said and left at once.

Whitney lay on her bed, smiling so sheepishly, she had even forgotten that she still had her pair of slippers on. She fixed off. She slept like a toddler, with an elegant smile on her face, a smile of fulfilment and achievement.

x x x x x x x x

"Good morning dear," Whitney greeted him as she walked down the stairs. "I do not want to believe that you are the one that prepared breakfast. I am very sure that you do not even know how to cook."

"Perhaps you must be forgetting that I was once a bachelor and I alone, lived in this massive house, cooking for my own sef, doing my laundry and every other house chores. Just so you know, whatever a woman can do, a bachelor can do that too," he praised.

"Ohh I see. So definitely bachelors can conceive too, right?" She asked playfully.

Clinton's eyes nearly popped out. He looked as though he wanted to gauge out his very own eyes. "Except for that," he answered her question.

Whitney laughed at his reply. "Believe me, what a woman can do, a man can not even try to do same, not to talk of doing it."

"I rest my case then oo," he said frankly.

"Come, have a seat dear," he said, pulling out a chair for her.

Whitney sat down. "Do you also plan to serve me, my breakfast? If you do, at least tell me what meal you have," prepared she said, not giving him the room to answer her question.

Clint served her. "I prepared chicken sauce with toast bread and coffee," he said, smiling so widely. He was so proud of himself for his little achievement.

"Just a little achievement and you are smiling like you have won a lottery before," she said with what looked like a hidden smile.

Clinton dished out his own food and sat down. "You might see it as a poor achievement but to me, it is indeed one of my biggest achievements."

Whitney rolled her eyes. "You are so smart and I really love that fact," she commended him, after eating a mouthful of bread. "Why does this bread tastes so awful?"

Clinton frowned his face, "do not tell me that all of my effort has gone to the drain.

"Do not mind me, I was merely pulling your legs," she said, smiling and looking as innocent as a baby.

(Halfway through their breakfast)

"Let us talk about business," he said, breaking the silence. "So tell me what you plan on doing with a quarter of the shares of the Smith's company?"

"It is easy. All we have to do is take way every thing from the Smith's family and the only way we can do that is bigger of their shares."

"What do you intend to do next?" Clint asked with a serious expression.

"What do we intend to do next?" Whitney corrected. "You have a bigger and more stressful role to play. I have played one part of my role, now it is your turn. There is a project which Daniel is working on but he needs a partner that will help with this project of his and that partner is going to be you."

"I can not partner with someone who is after my life and besides, what makes you think he will want to partner with me, after all that has happened between us."

"I have taken care of that. Both of you working of the same project does not mean that you two will become close. Pay attention to me closely. In the process of partnering with him, there will be files that will be delivered to you. You are to give those files to Daniel to sign but the files will be exchanged with the company's document, which will determine who the remaining shares of the company belong to. Once we get Daniel's signature on those documents, believe me the shares of their company will be transferred to your company's name. One more thing, you are aware that a company cannot move without their shares, so this means that the Smith's will only have two options. The first option would be to sell their company to us and the other option is for them to buy the shares back, where would they get the money from?" She paused and left a smirk on her face.

Without them realizing it, they are going to lose everything that they have ever worked for but if on the other hand, they decide to sell their company, then we will find ways to buy it from them, after that I will tell you the other plan. Whatever they result to do, will end up still favouring us. Then that's when we begin to play with Daniel, just like he did to us. We will give a condition," she said.

"What condition is that?" Clint asked, feeling confused.

Whitney smiled, "a condition to work for us, in order to get back his company and every other thing that we have taken from them. Then we will forge a document, where our signatures for the deal will be signed. While he lives in our custody, we will cunningly make him sign other documents, which contains the Smith's company. Once we have successfully done all this, we will become the new owners of all that they ever had."

Clinton listened to everything and quickly understood the logic in all my plans. He nodded to her and said, "eat up."

Author's note: Dear readers, please drop your reviews, I need to be motivated by your words. For some of my readers that are interested in joining my group, add me on Whatsapp, 07048493327 and follow me on Instagram too, @Lommie_c002. Thanks, love y'all...