
Chapter 11

He brought out a diamond ring. "Whitney it is you or no one else," he declared to her.

Whitney was short of words, she stared at him with her mouth agape.

"Please just say the word yes and you will make me the happiest man ever," he pleaded.

"Daniel, no Daniel, this is so wrong." She said, taking two steps backwards. "I am so sorry but I do not deserve you, I am nothing compared to your status. You deserve a much better woman," she lectured him in tears.

"Whitney you are well aware that I am not concerned about your status. I need you in my life, I want my status to be your own status, your soul be joined together to mine as one, believe me Whitney I would stoop to any level to have you as mine," Daniel let all this words flow out of his mouth.

"Whitney please marry me," he asked her again.

Whitney looked at him for some seconds, then she wiped her and walked back to him and said, "I love you so much and so I agree to marry."

Daniel slid the ring to her finger, then he quickly stood up and gave her a tight hug. There was a thunderous clap for them as press photographers filmed them.

"Wow, hope you can all see that it is a double celebration?" The host announced.

"We are celebrating miss Whitney's party and the union of two people, Miss Whitney and her boyfriend," he added.

Everyone clapped at the end of his speech.

"Everyone enjoy the party. Dj gives us hot music."

Atbonce a music started to play..


Daniel drove Whitney back home in the moonlighting with the car radio playing something soulful from Randolph. Daniel was very careful to treat her as if she was everything to him. There was not a sound to disturb them. Whitney was gay, excited and adoring. She did not want Daniel's to go home.

Daniel slid his arms around her and when she looked up, he took her lips at once.  After some minutes the kiss was broken.

She held up his hand in her warm little hand while she looked at him like he was a Greekgod.

"Thanks for everything," Whitney said to him, eagerly hoping he wasn't going to go.

"You do not need to thank me, besides you are my fiancee. I did not even do anything for you and I did not do any thing special.

Daniel please tell me the truth, do you love me or do you just feel pity for me?" She asked feverishly.

"Do you think my feelings for you is a lie. Whitney trust me, I am so crazy about you, that I just can't thinking of letting you go," Daniel said looking into her pair of beautiful brown eyes."*I can not think of any other girl other than you. You are in my blood and I am so crazy about you," Daniel stopped. It seemed like there was something in him that seized him from speaking any further. His mind boggled at the drivel he was vomiting from his mouth but for Whitney all he said made her happy.

"Daniel, when I first saw you at the bar, you were so rude to me, mannerless and characterless. I thought you were just like other men, who because of their wealth they treat the females so bad. But my thoughts were all wrong, you proved to me just how good of a man you are," Whitney eyes were shining. She looked more beautiful in the soft light of the moon.

Daniel howled with laughter, "I remember that night, I remember how stupid I behaved to you and I am so sorry for that."

"You do not need to apologise to me over such a little thing."

"Money does not make a person better, it's love that has that right.. It was your love that changed me. I am just so glad to have found a woman like you," he added. He quickly hit on the brake and the car came to a stop. He opened his door and came down. He also opened her door for him.

He led her to the door of her house.

"Thanks for dropping me at home," she said. Daniel held her hand and squeezed it lovingly.

"I am so sure that you enjoyed yourself right?"

"Of course I did."

"It seems like my dad has seen the video. My dad is waiting for me . I guess it is time for me to leave. He deserves to know about our you and I."

"Goodnight Dan," Whitney said flashing her teeth.

"Goodnight my love.." 

Whitney wasn't in a hurry to get married. She tried so well to turn herself into the classy type, her  soon to be husband) was. She wanted a quiet wedding but Daniel would not even think of that. As months passed, the decorations and the invitation cards ran into thousands of dollars. Daniel was working towards his grand wedding, with which Clinton was helping out too. There were to be a fancy dress ball, for bands, a ballet on the lawn and so many fire works. Luckily for Whitney, Daniel was so busy arranging the wedding, that he seldomly called her, visited her or took her out. Whitney did not hear much from him during the first two months. When she finally heard from him, it was about the invitation card. If he had a lot to do, so did she. Whitney had gone to the orphanage and invited all the familiar workers she knew to her wedding. She also invited everyone in a shop. 

As the CEO, they are all entitled to come for her wedding. Whitney was not getting as big a bang out of the wedding as Daniel did.

It was a stepping stone for Daniel, it was his key to success, it was his opportunity to making sure his uncle did not reap what he did not die. Having control of his father's estate, houses, income and business was never his motive or aim but as far as it concerned his deceitful uncle, he did not mind making it his motive.

"Daniel mehn, in a month time you will be a married man and you will leave your single best friend alone in this bachelor thing . After the marriage comes the mutual night and then the result of your efforts.

You are such a lucky man, bro. I have not found anyone to call my own. It seems as if almost all the girls I have ever seen or come in contact with, are the same..

Money wanting and classy bitches, who cannot offer anything.

"Clinton stopped and pouted himself a glass of Brandy. "Mehn girls are all the same. I am so certain that immediately after I get married to that thrash of a girl, she will demand money from me every single minute of the day, as though I am her bank but I will make sure to put her in her place and turn her into a house slave, for the remaining days of our stay together, that is the set up. My future looks pretty good. Once a bachelor, always a bachelor. I am going to be known as the bachelor who divorced a tramp because she was not worthy of me. From a married man back to a bachelor's hood",  Daniel said, lifting his glass for a toast.

Clinton's glass hit his glass. "To our bachelor hood and too our ten days of singleness and friendship."

Daniel lifted his glass. "To the set up and to the fact that Whitney fell deep into my trap and also cheers to the fact that I am already on the verge of completing the challenge you gave me."

Clinton laughed as he sipped his drink. "The challenge was supposed to happen within six months,Dan but you didn't complete it with the six months given. Even though you managed to get her, you still did not keep to time."

Daniel smiled. "The main point is that I got her, I finally got my pawn. I got to kill three birds with just one stone, my dad, my uncle and that slot. I want my uncle to feel the pains of taking what belongs to other people. The same he took from my father, is this same way I am going to snatch things always from you."

"Danny let us not ruin in the moment because of that old fool. It is not good to monkey with drugs neither is it good to talk about monkeys like your uncle," Clinton said.

Daniel laughed and drank his alcohol. Clinton dropped his glass on the table. " Daniel have you told your dad about your engagement?"

"No. Not yet," he answered to his question.

"Why? What is holding me back,"

"When do you intend on telling him?"

"I am waiting for the day of his birthday. I want the good news to hatch properly before I deliver it," Daniel explained to him, plaintively.

"What about your uncle, does he know you plan on getting married?"

"He will be the last person to know about my marriage," Daniel swore it..

 "Yeah. If I were in your shoes, I would have also done the same. Of he has the slightest idea that you are about to get married, in order to will your dad's properties, he may come up with little tricks to get your dad to will him all his inheritance instead. So I advise you rush things up as fast as you can, cause any delay could make you and your uncle have to share the inheritance and I am very sure that you wouldn't like that," Clinton suggested, warned and advised at the same time.

Daniel clearly understood what Clinton was trying to say. He also saw meaning in his friend's words. The point was crystal clear, he needed to make his moves fast before all his efforts was going to drain away.

Dave nodded his head in an agreeing manner. "I guess you are right. That evil uncle of mine is so dubious and sly, who would go through any lengths to get whatever he wanted, not caring about his loved ones. If he should have the slightest idea that I got a woman engagement, he would try to find out the reason to this sudden movement of mine. Once he manages to find out it is because of the will, I guarantee you that he will not rest until my father splits his inheritance or until my father gives him everything instead."

x x x x x x x

"Dad I just watched a video," Dave's cousin said to his father.


"It's about Dave, dad."

"What about him?"

"He engaged a woman," he revealed.

"What? How possible is that?"

"He detest women, so why did he propose then?"

"Son, I think something fishy is going on here and I must find out about it."

"Daniel has always been brilliant and smart, I get this feeling that the proposal of thing is fake, he must have done all that to achieve something. So we have to find out why he did it," Dave's uncle added.

"But dad how are we going to find out, Dave doesn't share his plans with people."

"We do not need to go through any much before we can figure it all out."

"How do?"

"We are going to get his friend to tell us."

"Not bad, but Clinton is not someone who can ever think of betraying his friend."

"He won't have a choice, once I black mail," the crooked, elderly man, after which he let out a loud laugh..  Obviously this man was out to destroy his brother's family and too together with his son.

Somewhere in the market...

Someone mistakenly bumped into Whitney.

"I am so sorry," he apologized, as he bent down to help her pick her stuffs, which littered on the floor.

"Ok.." Whitney replied, also bending down to pick her things.

After the guy was done speaking, he stood up and gave everything to her.

"Ohh, it's you sister in law," he called out, immediately he saw her face.

Whitney looked at him.and remembered who he was. "Daniel's cousin?" She whispered.

"Yes it's me," he answered.

Whitney quickly remembered that Daniel hated this his cousin so much, so it was better for her not to have anything to do with him.

"Thanks a lot, bye," she quickly said and walked passed him.

Daniel's cousin quickly ran after her, "hey sister in law wait up, why are you in so much hurry, you man isn't around, so do not be scared." He smiled to her. The way he comport himself in front of her made her think he was a nice person but she had no idea just how bad he was and how badly he wanted to take her to bed. "Why does he hate you so much?" She mistakenly voiced out her opinion.

"None of my business because I hate him so much too" he didn't dare to say his thoughts out to her though.

"Because of what happened way back in college," he replied to her question with a lie.

"What did you just say?"

"Daniel hates me this much became of something that happened between us, way back in college," he repeated but in more details. 

"Tell me what transpired between you two," she inquired.

"It's nothing too important, I advise that you get going," he said, trying to avoid answers questions that he did not have answers too.

"No I don't plan on going, until I hear the full story," she replied adamantly.

"Alright then, I will tell what happened," he said and paused for a moment, thinking of a good lie to tell.

"Go on and stop delaying," Whitney spoke up.

"Back then in our college days, your boyfriend like a certain girl, whom I liked too. So one day, he decided to try asking the girl out but she refused. On revealing that the girl had rejected, I decided I was going to try my luck on her too. So one day while she was on her way home, I rushed to her and told her I liked but she rejected me too. I do not need to go into more details, soon afterwards it became a news in school that two cousins proposed to the same particular girl and got rejected by her. Daniel also had if it and found out that I had also asked the girl out. One day while I was in the house, he suddenly barged in and started attacking me blows, calling me all sorts of name like, hypocrite..." He narrated.

"That's all," he added.

"Was Daniel really that hot tempered?" She asked.

He smiled, then he answered her question, "yes and he is still hot tempered, just that he is learning to tame himself, I guess."

"Ohh I see but what about your father, what did he do to Daniel?" She inquired.

"Wait a second, did Daniel also say he hates my father," he asked, despite the fact that he knew Daniel hated him..

"Yes, he said he hates you both.

"The only reason he hates my dad so much is because that day he came to beat me up, my dad tried to stop him but he refused, so in anger my dad asked the security men to throw him," he added another lie.

"Daniel," Whitney whispered in shock.