
hidden like a blade

a retired assassin tries leading a regular life until one day he has a fated encounter with a younger girl at first he doesn't like her but will he warm up to her overtime?

funnyman2122 · Realistic
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7 Chs


i jump out of bed and look at my hands shaking and sweating

"i had that dream again huh"

i get out of my bed and go to my bathroom to look at my face leaning over the sink and splashing my face with water and then brushing my teeth

"guess i better get some shopping done"

i go to my wardrobe and grab the first shirt and pants i see then put on my socks and shoes

"hmm i didn't eat yesterday maybe i should have some breakfast"

i wasn't too hungry so i just made some toast it's simple and quick then i get out the door locking it behind me

"oh hey there zael"

my neighbour waves i just wave back quickly then walk away i don't need social interaction i just need to live i walk to my local store buy milk, bread and butter

"that will be 8 lats please"

"huh isn't it usually 5?"

"sorry man got to keep up with the cost of living these days"

"fine i understand"

i pay him the 8 lats

"thank you please come again"

"well it's not as if there's anywhere else i can go for this stuff so i will be"

i go back home and put the milk butter and bread where they belong

"now that, that's out of the way"

i go in my living room and get my jacket and badge then i head off to work which is a 20 minute bus ride away so it isn't all too bad i arrive in the office and as i expected no one greets me so i go to my office space and set up

"h-hey um zael"


i look to my right and see a girl looking over the stall that girl is my co-worker we're on the same team in our company

"oh hey um"

"it's Mishima"

"yea i knew that just needed a second"

i'm thinking to myself could she go away

"i'm just curious if you're free after work today and if you'd like to get a bite to eat?"

"sorry but"

(what's the nicest way to say this)

"i just don't know you well enough to want to go out with you"

She pouts clearly not pleased with the answer i gave

"but how am i meant to get to know you better if you never open up you've never once talked to me outside of business"

"that's because i prefer to keep business and my personal life separate is all"

"well you could atleast give me a try"

"i'll consider it"

"so that's a no then"

"maybe so"

"well i'm not going to stop bothering you until you give me a chance"

"why are you so desperate?"

"no particular reason outside of you interesting me"

"i see well time to get to work"

she pouts more but i couldn't care i just want to get this over and done with so i begin my work then lunch comes around i go to a vending machine and get out a sandwich and a water to my surprise that Mishima girl decided not to disturb me the rest of my work day was plain and boring as always i had to stay over time until it was dark and the buses had been called off something about them going on strike again well guess i've got to walk it's going nicely so far i don't look at the people and they don't look at me this is how i like it if i can be this hidden from society that's all that matters to me

"hey there baby you looking for a good time me and my boys here can show you one"

"no i'm fine thank you"

oh boy your average thugs trying to seduce a girl wonder how many times i've seen this one happen

"hey we wasn't asking come with us, now"

"hey no you can't do this"

it's not my problem don't get involved just walk past

"hey let go of me"

"if you just came along peacefully we wouldn't have to do this"

i was going to walk past but just as i do i hear these words in my head

"we're trained to be assassins but even if that's the case there's times we have to go against being an assassin"

remembering those words i couldn't walk past

"hey you bunch of brats didn't you hear her say no so let her go already"

they look over at me

"huh the fuck you say old man don't get involved"

"i'm pretty sure i'm already involved am i not?"

"oh got a smart ass on our hands have we?"

the tallest one walked up to me i'm guessing he's the leader of this bunch of delinquents

"well mister how about you go back home and waste your life away trying to be a hero elsewhere"

"listen kid i'm going to count to three before i take all 5 of you out"

"oooooo listen to mister hot shot over here come on asshole here i'll even let you get the first shot"

"well if you say so sure i'll take you up on that"

i got to hit him but see two police officers to my side

"sorry kid but i don't want a bunch of exposure so i'm taking my best alternative to knocking your teeth out"


"hey officers these kids are attacking me and this young lady over there could you deal with them please?"

the officers look over and come running over and as soon as they do the kids run off

"are you alright"

"i'm fine the young lady got it worse could you check on her"

they go over and check on her and i walk off

"hey mister"

i turn around and see the girl i just saved

"huh the hell are you still here for those idiots could come back anytime go home"

she pouts

"well if they do i know you'll protect me"

"not next time that was just in the heat of the moment alright"

"sure sure so why save me this time then"

"i don't know either now go home"

"well i can't do that"

"why not?"

"sorry i don't feel comfortable saying"

"well what are you doing then if not going home"

She looks at me

"yea not a chance in hell are you staying with me"

"why not?"

"i don't keep minors in my home sorry"

"hey i'm 16 not a kid"

"doesn't matter you may aswell be a kid"

"well how about this if you let me stay at your house for tonight i'll owe you one"

"kid one lesson you need to learn is to never owe someone anything you'll regret it down the line"

"fine then let me stay for free with nothing in return"

i think to myself for a minute

"ya know what fine"

"huh really?"

"yes really i can't leave you out on the streets especially because you're a kid and girl so only for tonight you can stay with me but on the couch"

"huh you don't have a spare bed or anything"

"hey you have no right to complain you're living in my home for a night"

"but us girls can't get beauty sleep on a couch"

"i don't care"

"fine you meanie"

i start to head home with her accompanying me the less we know about one another the better so i'm not going to make any conversation with her it's weird though i've never had conversation that lasted that long with anyone since cindy or the gang atleast and it's weird that it was my first time meeting her and having a conversation last that long

"hey mister what's your name"

"none of your business"

"what do you do for work"

"none of your business"

"you're impossible to get along with"

"well good i'm glad"

"you're definitely a strange one"

"you're one to talk

"shut up"

"no you started this after all"

we arrive out front of the house

"and this is where you'll be staying"

"wow that house is.... bland"

"it provides me with somewhere to live and sleep so it's good enough"

"i guess that's true"

we get inside my house

"i'd say make yourself at home but really don't"

"i don't intend to don't worry"


she gets on the couch

"well could we have something to eat"

yep i definitely made a mistake taking her in if even for just one night