
The Trail

As I walk along the dark corridor full of piping and wiring that I don't even understand what It does or where it goes the feeling of loneliness overcomes me as I stare at space

"stare into the abyss the abyss stares back"

"what a weird saying"

as I ponder this philosophical saying I spot a figure walking away then it suddenly turned it head towards me with a inhuman speeds, they quickly started running away startled by my presence this person


I shouted at the figure dashing away

"no running in this hall" I said with a tone anger

"honestly do they even know how dangerous it is ignoring the safety protocols" with a disappointed face

I approach the room as I inspect the room that figure ran away from I see bloody footprints left by the figure I crouch down touching the red liquid in the ground

"weird" I say with confusion

what is this chemical "surely it's not... no it can't be..., yeah,"

as I enter the room I see the sign Med bay this room had 6 beds separated by 1 feet each with curtains acting as partition for every bed as I follow the red marks left by the footprints It leads to one of the beds the very end of the room blocked by one of the curtains as I slowly approach it I get a sense that this might not be some light hearted joke or a prank that someone's pulling off

as I approach closer my throat closes up a sense that I know too well the feeling of the unknown as is grab the curtain to lift it up with a quickly beating hearth sweaty face and a heavy breath, suddenly

a voice whispers to my ear


I screamed suddenly


the voice laughed hysterically at my reaction

"seriously you fell for that one " she said with smug grin

"I did not" is said with a flustered voice.

Her name was... umm, uh Marie?

Ughh I honestly forgot we use our code names a lot each code name uses color to match the space suits we wear everyday

each space suit is tailored to our own height and body size so we can't spare any suits

each suit is also equipped with equipment specialized on the specialty of each crewmate

as she takes of her helmet I see a velvety smooth crimson red hair overflow from the suit she wears as she takes the helmet of her face I can see the red lipstick sticks gloss from the lights above with as she opens her eyes after taking the helmet off I can see her eyes shaped like diamond in the color of emerald green

as she smile and says "awestruck by my beauty eyy" with a tone of teasing in her voice

"n- no" I stammered with great difficulty

"I'm awed at how expensive these space suits are" I said trying to change the topic

"yup your paycheck cant even cover one of these"

"so are you done with your task then" she asked

"I have 3 more ma'am" I said in a nervous tone

"your too formal today a bit too formal" she said questioningly

"your too sus"

"did you screw up don't lie I can sense it like a wolf" she said with a grin

"more like a hyaena" I whispered

"anyway what are you doing In the med bay are you sick or are you here slack off unnoticed" she stared at my face looking for hints and ques

"of course not" while nervously looking at her

"I feel like your hiding something"

"that curtain maybe a secret~~" she glanced at the curtain I'm grabbing

"why don't you open it" she says while curiously glancing at the curtain trying to see what behind it

as I slowly slide the curtain the light seeps into the once dark partition we see in the middle of the bed a pool of red liquid not quite like blood its too thick and gooey slowly falling to the floor I saw the liquid slowly eating at the floor almost like an acid there is silence in the room I quickly close the curtains

the once fun and carefree atmosphere turned into a deafening silence

I slowly turned my head

I can see that Red was shook and disgusted by the scene of blood

"someone probably made a mistake here" I said trying reason why the pool of blood was there

"this is the med bay right so only natural to have blood all over the bed"

"anyway I'm off to the cafeteria to eat something want to come" I invited her to eat with me

"what's this inviting me to date how bold of you" she suddenly pauses for a moment with the hint of anxiousness in her eyes

"no never mind if you don't want to then there's nothing I can do I guess I have to has to eat all alone" I said teasingly with a nervous face trying to lighten the mood

"someone's going to have to clean this blood bath later and its not me" she said with a slight smile

"my job description doesn't include murder clean-up" I said in a joking tone

"so want to have dinner"